Friday, July 21, 2023

Do we have an independent Justice Department which treats all people equally?


Do we have an independent Justice Department which treats all people equally?

Article by Jack Hellner in The American Thinker

We are constantly told by the media and other Democrats that we are now back to the rule of law where everyone is treated equally and no one is above the law.
So here are some examples of questions for the media, Merrick Garland, and other Democrats to see if these talking points are true or if they are just another blatant lie:
On Hunter Biden:
Did Hunter commit serious felonies when he filed false tax returns for the years starting in 2014?
Did he intentionally underreport his income?
Did he intentionally write off things like a stripper club and tuition for an adult daughter as business expenses?
Did he reclassify income as loans so he didn't have to pay taxes?
Didn't these false classifications result in fraud and the significant underpayment of self-employment and income taxes?
What was the business purpose of all of the Bidens' LLCs? Doesn't it appear that the purpose of these LLCs was solely to collect money from foreign sources and distribute it to Biden family members?
Shouldn't all the LLCs be audited to make sure all the income was reported and that proper taxes were paid by all family members and others in the LLCs?
Did Joe Biden intentionally lie to the public when he said no Biden ever made money from foreign countries?
Isn't it an obvious lie when Joe said he never talked to Hunter or any other family member about their business dealings?
So why wasn't Hunter charged for multiple serious felonies, and sentenced to jail, instead of letting him off with a couple minor misdemeanors? Shouldn't he also have to serve time for falsifying his gun application? 
On classified documents for Joe Biden:
Did Joe illegally take classified documents when he was a senator and a vice president?
Did he mishandle them and move them around during the decades he had them?
Did he store them in unsecure locations?
So why hasn't he been charged with crimes? Is he above the law?
On classified documents for Hillary Clinton:
Did Hillary illegally take classified documents when she was secretary of state?
Did she mishandle them, including keeping them on an unsecured computer?
Did she destroy documents and equipment?
So why wasn't she charged? Was she above the law?
On perjury by James Clapper, John Brennan, and Eric Holder:
Did they lie to Congress?
Why weren't they charged?
On the Justice Department and its lies to the FISA court:
Did many people in the Justice Department lie to the FISA court in order to spy on people surrounding Trump and on ordinary Americans?
Isn't it a serious crime to lie to any court?
So why weren't these people fired and charged and why aren't they in jail?
Are they special and above the law?
Everyone who is charged in the future with a tax or gun crime should ask for the same deal Hunter got since Garland and the Biden Justice Department treat people equally.
Everyone who commits perjury should not get charged just like the bureaucrats in the Obama/Biden administration. 
Everyone who illegally takes and mishandles classified documents should get let off like Joe and Hillary.
Everyone who lies to any court or judge should get off just like all the Justice officials who lied to the FISA court. 
It is no wonder there is so much corruption throughout the U.S and so much distrust of the media and Justice Department when CNN is more interested in Jack Smith's sandwich at a Subway fast-food outlet than they are about the corruption of the Bidens, the IRS, and the Justice Department. 
Why do they so blatantly lie by repeating that the Justice Department is independent and that there is no bias when the facts are so obvious? Because they haven't cared about the truth for a long time.
Why would we hire 87,000 new IRS agents to collect more taxes when they let a family of scoundrels like the Bidens roam free?
On a side note: Why would anyone believe that politicians and bureaucrats who can't locate the person who left a bag of cocaine at the White House can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever with all their natural variables?

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