Sunday, July 23, 2023

Comer Believes Joe Biden Sold 'Access to Our Enemies for Decades'


Comer Believes Joe Biden Sold 'Access to Our Enemies for Decades'

Article by Sarah Arnold in Townhall

Republicans are viciously going after President Joe Biden for selling out the country and instead bowing down to foreign countries that boost his bank account. 

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said he suspects foul play among the Biden family, adding that he believes the president has been selling "access to our enemies for decades."

During an appearance on Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) podcast, Verdict, the Republican said that he is not shocked by anything after answering questions surrounding his investigation into the Biden family's business deals abroad, including in China, Russia, and Ukraine.

Comer claimed Biden has always been "cash strapped" and jumped at the idea of making tens of millions of dollars by conducting shady overseas business dealings. 

He also said that the 80-year-old president has never had a successful career in investing, adding that his big-ticket spending items align differently from how much he has made during his time as a senator. 

"Then you look at the assets he's accumulated on a senate salary; it's pretty, pretty impressive." Before Cruz joked, Comer added, "So you're saying a classic Corvette doesn't buy itself?"

Comer also revealed that Devon Archer, a former Burisma board member and business partner of Hunter Biden, has canceled scheduled depositions three times before the House Oversight Committee.

Comer issued a subpoena for Archer in June, leaving the Committee to determine how to compel him to testify before Republicans since they had already issued a subpoena.

"Mr. Archer's testimony is critical to the Committee's investigation. Mr. Archer was Hunter Biden's business partner in a number of transactions involving foreign nationals and foreign companies," Comer told Archer's lawyer in a letter. "Mr. Archer is associated with corporate entities that the Committee has identified and the Biden family's role in each of them. Furthermore, he has significant information regarding the purpose of these companies and knowledge of relevant documents related to the Committee's investigation."

Hunter Biden worked alongside Archer for the Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm before them becoming board members of Burisma in 2014— the Ukrainian energy company.

Comer believes Archer can add significant information to the GOP's investigation into the Biden family's corrupt business affairs. 

Comer Believes Joe Biden Sold 'Access to Our Enemies for Decades' (

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