Thursday, July 6, 2023

Biden Email Has Smoking Gun Evidence When It Comes to Joe, Hunter, and Call to Poroshenko

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The White House counsel has been doing all it can to try to distance Joe Biden from the Biden foreign business dealings scandal. But as we reported, they started having to move the goalposts and backpedal from what Biden has been saying for the past three years: that he’s never talked to his son about his business dealings. That has been busted in multiple ways, including showing that Biden met with many of Hunter’s business associates, among them, Burisma associate Vadym Pozharskyi. The meeting with Pozharskyi was one of the big revelations in the New York Post story that got suppressed on social media right before the 2020 election. Now, with the bribery allegations according to the Grassley witness that are reflected in the FBI FD-1023 form, that raises even more questions about what was going on.

The White House counsel has changed the story to assert that Joe Biden was “not in business” with his son. They might want to check with Tony Bobulinski before they go too far down the road with that claim and have to revise things again, however. I suspect he has a few things to say about that. But even the Biden team can no longer hide that Biden’s line for the past three years — that he never discussed his son’s business with him — isn’t the case.

A new email has surfaced that raises even more questions in the context of Ukraine and what the Bidens were doing. It was obtained from the National Archives via FOIA and then given to the Washington Times. But you can also find the email on the Hunter Biden laptop archive as well, and it was reported back in 2021, though it didn’t get the attention it should have at that time.

The scheduling email was sent on May 26, 2016, from Joe Biden’s assistant/special advisor at the time, John S. Flynn. You can see the EOP/OVP in his email — that’s the Executive Office of the President and Office of the Vice President — and it starts: “Boss.”

Boss–8:45am prep for 9am phone call with Pres Poroshenko. Then we’re off to Rhode Island for infrastructure event and then Wilmington for UDel commencement. Nate will have your draft remarks delivered later tonight or with your press clips in the morning. Respectfully, John.

It talks about the call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko about reforming the Ukraine prosecutor general’s office.

Mr. Biden’s call to Mr. Poroshenko took place on May 27, 2016.

According to a readout of the call provided by the White House, the two leaders “discussed the importance of continuing to institute reforms in the Office of the Prosecutor General, and the significance of Ukraine’s progress toward implementing judicial reforms and meeting IMF conditions,” among other matters.

The prosecutor who Joe Biden had infamously threatened had been fired at the end of March 2016.

The email also copies Hunter Biden on his Rosemont Seneca email about that call. This was during the time that he was on the board of Burisma, and Burisma was trying to get out from under investigation.

Why is Hunter Biden being copied on a message about a call between Joe Biden and Poroshenko about dealing with the prosecutor? If Joe was not interceding on Burisma’s behalf, why was he copying Hunter? This looks pretty bad for Joe Biden’s effort to distance himself from the scandal.

You may also notice something else that’s odd. It’s not addressed to Joe Biden, but to “Robert L. Peters,” yet the note written “Boss,” then followed by a list of things, including the phone call that pertains to Joe Biden, make it clear who “Robert L. Peters” is. In 2021, it was reported that Biden was using private emails that included that name as well as other names, like “67Stingray,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB ware.” At the time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) tried to get answers on that, and he later followed up with more questions in Jan. 2023 when the Biden classified documents were discovered, but it doesn’t look like they got any real answers.

So this is a big piece of evidence that shows that Joe Biden was informing Hunter about his actions against the prosecutor general’s office in Ukraine. It also shows that Biden was allegedly using a private email, much like Hillary Clinton did. Was that to escape review of the email? Why has he never been held to account for this? How much was done through these private emails, and what else has escaped scrutiny?