Friday, July 28, 2023

Attorneys For President Trump Meet with Special Counsel Inquisitors

Boiling down the core of what media were focused on today, essentially it looks like this:

(VIA ABC) Trump attorneys John Lauro and Todd Blanche met with Smith’s team following the receipt of a target letter alerting Trump he is a target of the special counsel’s investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump’s lawyers were there to make the case for why they believed Trump shouldn’t be indicted. Smith was present for the meeting, sources said. The meeting ended after an hour; sources told ABC News.

President Trump via Truth Social:

The pattern of what appears to be distraction from the DOJ, organized by DAG Lisa Monaco, continues.

Any time there is very bad information in the media cycle, related to the ongoing sunlight upon Joe Biden and his crime family syndicate, the Joe Biden DOJ rolls out an indictment against Donald Trump.

At this point the transparency is so obvious, even Democrats admit it.