Sunday, June 11, 2023

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- June 11


I doubt if this bit of advice will be taken seriously given the amount of fights that occur here every day, but I'll say it anyway given what I've witnessed in the past week with a few of my friends:

If you're feuding with someone over something stupid or petty, and you happen to both be conservatives, please find a way to peacefully and maturely work out your issues that doesn't end with words being said that can't be taken back, or friendships ending because either of you were too childish or stubborn to try to act like an adult to listen.

Believe me, neither of you want to be in a situation where you have to play peacemaker in a fight where all of the fighters are people you consider to be your friends, and you try your hardest to give out good advice to try to see if you can get the harassers to listen to reason, and the end result is you get harped on because well, they want to act like petty children instead of adults!! And then you end up losing good friendships because the harassers refuse to listen to reason and would be bitter and petty than try to be reasonable.

It's extremely disheartening, and makes you wonder what would cause good people to ever want to start such a ridiculous fight between other good conservatives. Do good people really just wake up one day and suddenly decide to start fights between other good people who are supposed to be on the right side of history?

Try to actually keep good friendships instead of letting them be tossed away so easily by a petty argument. There's enough shit happening right now as it is, and we're supposed to get through it together instead of breaking apart. (and also pray that neither of your friends just 1 day, snap)