Friday, June 9, 2023

Who is Really Conducting the Jack Smith Prosecution of Trump? Lawfare’s Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen?

On June 2nd former Mueller special counsel and impeachment operative, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen respectively, published their current Trump prosecution memo [Read Here] using a novel and arcane interpretation of US Code 793. Four days later media began reporting from leaks within the Jack Smith special counsel of the main legal approach they were going to use against President Trump [citation].  What approach is Jack Smith taking, US Code 793!   This is not coincidental. 

[Weissmann to DOJ Prosecution Memo, page 36 – pdf]

Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen wrote this memo last week.  Special Counsel Jack Smith is using it now.

At the time the 186-page Weissmann & Eisen guidance was completed, CTH drew attention to it [HERE] because we track the way the Lawfare operatives work.

In addition to protecting the interests of corrupt former Obama officials, organizing, supporting and coordinating with the Lawfare network is the purpose for Deputy AG Lisa Monaco to exist in current Main Justice operations.

Special Counsel Jack Smith is a tool, vessel and willing participant in one long Lawfare continuum that originates back in the Obama administration when they weaponized the DOJ to target their political opposition.  Andrew Weissmann writing the guidelines for Jack Smith to deploy is simply a visible example of how this operation is being conducted.

Weissmann even sells Trump Prosecution swag on his podcast.  They are not trying to hide their influence and control over the Main Justice operations, they are quite open about it because they sense they have nothing to fear.

However, the intent of the Weissmann and Eisen approach is based on a need to protect the illegal Lawfare activity from sunlight.  The Lawfare continuum is based on a need to protect the weaponized use of government that took place during the Obama administration.

The Obama administration and all of the participants in the agencies involved, use their institutional power to target their political opponents.  The DOJ and FBI targeted Donald Trump in 2016 with these weaponized systems.  The ODNI and CIA also supported.   President Obama, and all the affiliates, aligned ideologues and conscripts used the U.S. government to target their political opposition.  In the aftermath of the 2016 election, all of the foot soldiers took up position to protect the administration from public discovery of what took place.

Inside DC, Democrats and many Republicans are aligned in common self-interested defense against Trump specifically because of the weaponization that took place.  The Jack Smith special counsel is just another system in a long train of government abuse.  That’s why Weissmann, Eisen and the Lawfare group are still operating – still assisting, still helping and still coordinating.

♦ Weissmann-Mueller: Everything that happened inside Main Justice from May ’17 to April ’19, activity that was grabbing every scintilla of media attention, was being done by the Mueller/Weissmann team.  Key word ‘everything.’

There was not a single action from Main Justice that was not controlled by Andrew Weissman and company.  This action includes the revelations of staff and congressional members from the House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) having subpoenas for their private emails, phone records, text message and communication.

Andrew Weissmann sent over 2,800 subpoenas for records [See 156-Pages of Examples Here].  Some of those subpoenas were sent to various telecommunications and social media platforms so they could monitor what congress was doing.

In essence, and this is a very important part of the record that is being missed, Weissmann and his team, having been given the primary responsibility of covering up the corrupt DOJ and FBI activity from the 2016 election, needed to know what Devin Nunes and Kash Patel knew.  As a result, Andrew Weissmann and team, using the figurehead of Robert Mueller as a pretext and patina, put members of congress under watch.

DAG Rod Rosenstein was presumably unaware of what Weissmann and team were doing. In the world of the bureaucratic state, willful blindness has benefits and avoids a person taking a position on whether they are directly part of the corrupt activity.  As a man comfortable with the Machiavellian ways of the deep swamp, Rod Rosenstein was the perfect and useful weasel on a leash for this specific role as DOJ liaison.

Again, why does this matter?

This context matters because it is much more of an explosive revelation to realize there were two sets of investigators, each investigating each other.  Devin Nunes was investigating a corrupt DOJ and FBI.  Weissmann and team trying to cover for corruption within the DOJ and FBI.

Chairman Devin Nunes trying to find out what was going on and put the pieces of an opaque puzzle together.  Meanwhile Andrew Weissmann was in the role of blocker to the interest of Nunes, and was a stakeholder is knowing what Nunes was piecing together.

Mueller/Weissmann were on offense against President Trump, and Weissmann/Mueller were simultaneously on defense against the House Intel Committee.

Andrew Weissmann was charged with protecting the prior corrupt activity and shielding it from sunlight.  In order to accomplish this goal, he had to know what Devin Nunes and Kash Patel were doing.  Thus, amid the 2,800 subpoenas and search warrants, Weissmann was investigating the House investigators.

That’s the background for this story:  “DOJ snooped on House Intelligence Committee investigators during Russia probe, subpoenas show

It wasn’t the generic “DOJ” doing the snooping….

… It was the Mueller team!
