Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What Joe Biden Said But What You Didn't Hear

Sunlit7 op

 Everyone got all excited when Biden misspoke the other day and said they were going to build a bridge across the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. We all know Biden isn't running the show but that doesn't mean he isn't around the people that are. We also know he doesn't have the mental capacity to understand everything either being told to him or he hears. It might even be they deliberately let him in on stuff because once he tries to translate it it won't make a lick of sense, maybe enough of a lick that nobody even wants to try and comprehend if there's any viable truth to what he just said and they've come to depend on that to keep things hidden from the public eye. That may have just been what happened here since no one is coming forth saying this is what he meant by that.

The Chinese have their belt and road initiative(s) which depending upon whether you consider those initiatives a threat to the global balance of power or the new agenda of global partnerships that have sprung forth, Biden, or those working the scenes behind them are either constructing their own belt and road plans by calling them bridges or they are building a bridge that connects to the belt and roads of China.

I say that because it's a bit confusing to try and decipher how selling our gasoline to Sri Lanka can somehow counter what China has thus accomplished in Sri Lanka. There was something set up in Sri Lanka at one time where they were going to try and be a hub for global trade but it somehow fell apart. That's when China came in and offered them billions for twenty five miles of land that China was going to build into an Asian type Dubai. This is strategically located land that could see China gain a lot of ground in the Indian Ocean when it comes to trade and their military even. Something that India would prefer they weren't allowed to do. I am assuming because India now plays an enormous role importing and exporting oil for Europe now when it comes to their transition. Why it's so confusing to many is because they talk one thing but they do a whole different thing...like working in unison to get Europe's transition off to a smooth start. Both countries played a huge role in that. Now that it went off without any hitches attached it's hard to imagine they'd start shooting bullets at each other over it.

None the less, so forth we stride to try and make sense of it all. Okay. So now the US is going to sell gasoline to Sri Lanka who is in dire need of gasoline. This is suppose to help them get their economy going again. This will be done by those who are participating by paying for the goods to be delivered in their own country of origin currency. Evidently Sri Lanka's currency is in shatters. But, and I know this is also confusing, it's worth noting what Black Rock said a few weeks ago that moving forth the global transition countries may have to get creative in currency exchange to get it done. Technically, not that I want to confuse anybody so I'll just say this, this helps hide some of the activities they are doing, in other words any which way you can get it done. If it's not paid in petro dollars it's less likely to be noticed, like the diesel fuel transition part of Europe's transition that happened in February of this year. The less likely you were to notice that Russia had been sending Europe diesel fuel this whole time the war has been going on the better for example. Every country likes to help out their enemy to get weapons to the front line, right?

Basically though I still don't see how this is going to offset what China has already accomplish in Sri Lanka. This sounds more like embellishing what China has already done. What further elaborates that is the infusions of monies that are now going to go to Sri Lanka which isn't just US funded development monies, this is a host of countries including European and Asian international banking systems.  So this seems like a consortium of the global partnerships working in conjunction with not against each other. But maybe that's what they are trying to distract from, any one person trying to fit the pieces together. The part about the Pacific to the Indian Ocean is because it's a California based company that got the contract to do it. RM Parks Petroleum Inc, based in California.  They brag how this is going to let them open up fifty new pipes lines to drain gasoline out of this country for profit in Sri Lanka. If this is really going to be a Dubai type hub I wouldn't be surprised in the future to see a whole lot more sucking of gasoline flowing from the US Pacific to the Asian markets. The misspoken words of Biden were telling you that this is another step in the globalization of our domestic oil for profit.

What the domestic gasoline exporter doesn't realize though is that this is just a temporary run in the game. There is a railroad that is suppose to be built but it's being built in Africa. It's suppose to stretch from one side of Africa to the other and end at the Indian Ocean. In a white house communication  Biden mentions the already thirty billion dollar investment in Africa. That's the thirty billion Trump gave them to built oil refineries there. It's likely one of two things are going to transpire here. They are either going to take domestic oil for refining into gasoline or natural gas for foreign markets to Africa to refine in a less regulatory environment with a hoard of cheap labor in the name of equity, equality and inclusion, or oil will be bought from the Saudi's and taken there for processing. I believe the latter will play a huge role in that given the Saudi's huge infusion into Jarod's private confidential investment firm because these projects are all guaranteed no loss to investors backed by development bank monies paid for by the US taxpayer. That's a pretty good reason to override your own financial advisors advice not to give someone with no experience in investing two billion dollars. These deals are secured by what they call the US Import/Export Bank, they front the money to investors and if any thing goes wrong they are paid back by development bank money guarantees.  So in essence, in the long run, that California company will be considered to costly to do business with and eventually will get cut out of the picture. There's no way once everything is in place they will be able to compete against a country with less regulatory regulations and hoards of cheap labor.

What a lot of people missed was that Germany was way out ahead of us in this game of using development bank monies to back investors in the "supposed" green energy transition. Once Trump came aboard a light bulb more than likely went off in his head that said "why didn't I think of that" no loss guarantees, and why he said Obama didn't get us a good enough deal in the Paris Accord. So far that's how they've kept what's been transpiring behind the scenes hidden because they are scrambling to catch up in the game. Just look what happened to the Europeans once they realized that Europe had sprung the same thing on them. Once they got their bills with cost included to pay back the investors they took to the streets in protest, that's why they blew up the pipeline from Russia. To late now, we already built everything when you weren't paying attention, to late to turn back now. That's what's going to happen here, like a tech employee replaced by a foreign counterpart one day the gas and oil industry employees will find themselves in the unemployment line and Americans will be driving electric vehicles, if you can't afford one you can take one of the bike lanes or opt to live in a fifteen minute city.

We should never underestimate the mentally ill. Confusion can be implemented by their oppressors or their oppressors underestimate their ability to try to comprehend what they hear, or part of their own self reflections intact inside them. He may have actually meant we are all immigrants but on the other hand he can still comprehend who illegally shouldn't be here. God only knows what he heard about the Queen, speculation ran a muck on that one but Biden won't be the first mentally ill person held captive to their illness and dismissed.

Links to information in op can be seen at the original posting here:
