Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Tucker Carlson Discusses the U.S. Dual Justice System and the Biden Family

For episode 5, Tucker Carlson rapidly posts a monologue outlining the dual justice dynamic for the Biden Crime Family. {Direct Rumble Link}.  WATCH:

Question:  How can the DOJ possibly prosecute Joe & Hunter Biden for foreign bribes and money laundering, when the entire purpose of the Foreign Relations Committees in DC is to facilitate foreign bribes and money laundering for congress?

As a career DC person once mentioned to me:  Why does the Legislative branch, both the House and Senate, have a foreign relations committee, when all foreign policy is created by the executive branch?  Contemplating the question, I responded by referencing the constitutional role of the House in spending money and various nations requesting financial support from the USA.  The response I received was a simple one word, “exactly.”

If a foreign government wants money from congress, they play the game of hiring a family member, or giving a paid contract to the business of a family member, of a politician on either committee.  That is the primary function of the committee in both chambers; to ensure the equitable distribution of funds to the families of congress. That’s also the reason why Mitt Romney spent $10 million running for an elected office that pays $300k per year, and why Mitch McConnell assigned Mitt Romney to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

When he was a senator, Joe Biden was Chairman of what Senate committee?

Yup, you guessed it, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.