Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Rebellion Is Alive and Thriving

We live with a new type of tyranny, where we find ourselves dissidents.  It is not like any previous tyranny. It is not revolutionary in nature. Instead, it operates very scientifically and technocratically by convincing those it tyrannizes to demand their own enslavement, under the guise of comfort.

Prior dissidents were at least dissidents of a tangible, kinetic revolution. We are dissidents of what the willfully tyrannized perceive as their secure position within the rightful order of things. This needs to be factored into how we think about “converting” and “awakening” others amid the ongoing insurgency.

(Via Daily Mail) – A Fox News producer who resigned over a chyron that described Joe Biden as a ‘wannabe dictator’, has broken his silence.

Alexander McCaskill posted a photo of himself on Instagram holding a cardboard box outside the corporation’s New York offices.

He told his followers ‘Today was my last day at Fox’ and described his time there as a ‘wild 10 years’.

McCaskill is thought to have been responsible for the chyron which claimed President Biden was intent on locking up his 2024 rival, Donald Trump on Tuesday.

Fox had it on screen for less than 30 seconds, and then apologized. has approached Fox News and McCaskill for comment.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson claimed the producer had resigned during his new show, now being broadcast on Twitter, on Thursday.

He did not name the producer but The Daily Beast reported that it was McCaskill, who worked with Carlson on Tucker Carlson Tonight for many years.

McCaskill seemed to confirm news of his resignation on his private Instagram account in a lengthy post.

‘Today was my last day at FOX. It was a wild 10 years and it was the best place I’ve ever worked because of the great people I met,’ he wrote.

‘But the time has come. I asked them to let me go, and they finally did. To all my friends there: I will miss you forever.’ (read more)

Well done Mr. McCaskill, well done!

The rebellion is alive and well!