Sunday, June 11, 2023

Rebuffed by GOP Voters, GA Secretary of State Raffensperger Says His Goal is a “Broad Based Coalition”, ie Win Democrats

When the Republican Party of Georgia tells the current Republican state politicians, they are not representing the interests of the constituents, a normal person of servant-minded disposition would look internally at what they might be doing wrong.  Alas, in the state of Georgia, the state Republican office holders blame-cast against their constituents and say their goal is to work with Democrats.  This is the inherent nature of the UniParty at work.

Appearing with Neal Cavuto, a man of notoriously intemperate disposition, when asked why he would not be invited to the GOP convention, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger deploys that infamous GOPe catch-phrase, a “broad-based coalition“, code speak for “reach across the aisle” or the non-pretending description, acquiescence to Democrats. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

The good news is that the purging of GOP establishment types is continuing at a state level.