Monday, June 19, 2023

Mike Pence Stumped by Question, “Who Supports You?”

Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson are being funded by the billionaire class in the 2024 race for the same reason, camp out in Iowa and try to suck up the votes from the Iowa evangelical community.  Make MAGA seem extreme through advanced milquetoast operations.  That’s it. That’s the goal.

Wear pastels and sweater vests; be the acceptable Republican and make triangle, crustless cucumber and mayonnaise sandwiches great again.  That’s the entire modus operandi.

To promote this effort, Mike Pence appears with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press to talk about the crass/horrible orange man.  Pence was scheduled for the entire show.  However, Chuck Todd threw a curveball when he asked Mr. Pence the trick question, who is a Pence supporter?   The former vice-president was flummoxed, stuck, stammering, frozen…  WATCH: 

The billionaire donor class do not appreciate these trick questions.  The gotcha questions like, asking Ron DeSantis how to pronounce his last name, and asking Pence to explain his supporters, are unfair and not permitted amid polite company.

President Donald Trump is not the cause of the Republican failure, President Trump is our response to Republican failure.