Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Wagging The Dog, Part Two: Will The Biden's Escape Prosecution?

 Sunlit7 op

I mean really you can't make this shit up if you tried. What goof stands up and announces to the world that in that redacted letter from the informant involved with the Ukraine oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky that Zlochevsky told the informant he had seventeen recordings between Hunter and Joe Biden that could implicate them in bribery, fifteen recordings with Hunter and two with Joe Biden. Zlochevsky told the informant he kept the recordings as an insurance policy in case he got into a tight spot. How much you want to make a bet those recordings made it into a fire pit the minute the news broke globally. Now all the information that the FBI needed to charge the Biden's is a heaping pile of ashes. Seriously, you simply can't justify compromising an investigation so you can warrant charges of a political prosecution against your opponent. This is why no one in the MAGA leadership should have been let anywhere near information so pertinent to an investigation that it has to be held in a SCIF, sensitive compartmental information facility. Until Marjorie Taylor Greene came along the worse they had to worry about was someone making the information disappear, there was no chance of that being held in the tightest of controlled security.

Here's the real burn when it comes to that, that information has been held there since 2017. That's the Trump administration not the Biden. They want to now say it was being hidden for the benefit of the Biden's when all along it was there also during the Trump tenure. It was acknowledged by Bill Barr he knew it was there. Not only did Bill Barr acknowledge he had intimate knowledge of the document but the document came from the FBI. You know those pesky FBI that the Trump leadership says you shouldn't trust, the corrupt deep state....but if it concerns the Biden's than it's perfectly okay to trust the information. The case was never dropped it was turned over to investigators in PA whom Barr said did a lot of vetting of the information to make sure it wasn't misinformation. The case, to his knowledge, still is being worked on. Well you can throw that case in the trash thanks to big mouth Marjorie and she should be charged with obstructing an investigation. Investigators, if Mr Grassley needs to be told, don't have to compromise an investigation by announcing to America what they are working on. Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

If that isn't or wasn't absurd enough for you Mr Grassley goes on to state that special counsel Jack Smith has used a recording of Trump against him. Well now, let's see, Jack Smith actually has the recording. Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

This is so far out of you can't make this shit up you can visually see it driving out of the driveway making it's own escape. Investigators owe, though Bill Barr gave one, anybody public details of how far into an investigation they've gotten. They aren't under obligation to compromise an investigation and if they'd had we'd never heard the end of it from the Trump camp. Now the Trump camp should be charged with compromising an highly sensitive investigation for their own political gain. This is so far out into left field it's wholly possible the paid FBI informant was paid to make the shit up by a man so desperate to get his own self out of trouble, Donald Trump.

Senator Grassley: The 1023 produced to that House Committee redacted reference that the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them. Seventeen total recordings.

According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden. According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden. These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot. The 1023 also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden.

So, as I’ve repeatedly asked since going public with the existence of the 1023, what, if anything, has the Justice Department and FBI done to investigate?

The Justice Department and FBI must show their work. They no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt. It’s clear that the Justice Department and FBI will use every resource to investigate candidate Trump, President Trump and former President Trump.

Based on the facts known to Congress and the public, it’s clear that the Justice Department and FBI will use every resource to investigate candidate Trump, President Trump and former President Trump. Based on the facts known to Congress and the public, it’s clear that the Justice Department and FBI haven’t nearly had the same laser focus on the Biden family.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has used a recording against former President Trump. Well, what’s U.S. Attorney Weiss doing with respect to these alleged Joe and Hunter Biden recordings that are apparently relevant to a high-stakes bribery scheme? 

Bill Barr: Trump Attorney General William Barr revealed in an interview with Fox News Sunday host Shannon Bream on Sunday that he was intimately involved in the Biden Ukraine bribe FD-1023 investigation in the summer of 2020.

Barr, without naming Joe Biden, revealed the information alleging Biden was bribed was so credible that after a vetting process by the Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney’s office it was farmed out to several offices in addition to the Delaware U.S. Attorney.

Barr repeated his statement made last week that the Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney’s office did not shut down the Biden bribery investigation. Barr also said it was the Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney’s office that “developed” the FD-1023 form that FBI Director Christopher Wray has fought to keep out of the hands of House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY)

Barr’s statements detail a real-time intimate knowledge of the allegations and handling of the FD-1023 in the summer of 2020:

“…the Pittsburgh office vetted it. They did some great work. They actually went back and developed more, more information that apparently had been overlooked by the FBI and they developed this 1023 that, that has a lot of detail. And then they, they took it to the, uh, Delaware and to other offices and briefed them on it for, for their use and for follow-up.”

“…this did not come from Rudy Giuliani, it actually came from the FBI.” 

William Barr: “The, the investigation of the allegations made in that document was not closed down. As I’ve repeatedly said, I set up a process at the beginning of 2020 to vet evidence before it went to the open pending investigations. Further example, there was one in Delaware–apparently there still is one in Delaware.”

Bream: “With Hunter Biden.”

Barr: “Yes, and, and the financial transactions and so forth. And we were worried because a lot of stuff was coming in, that we wanted to make sure what the source was, whether there was obvious disinformation, before it was disseminated to investigations, ’cause we wanted to protect the Integrity of those investigations. So the Pittsburgh office vetted it. They did some great work. They actually went back and developed more, more information that apparently had been overlooked by the FBI and they developed this 1023 that, that has a lot of detail. And then they, they took it to the, uh, Delaware and to other offices and briefed them on it for, for their use and for follow-up. The reason the Pittsburgh people didn’t escalate it is because they weren’t authorized to start a new investigation. They were simply performing a unique and limited task of vetting information that would then go to pending, already open investigations.”

Bream: “Um, and again this is about allegations that a source came to the FBI saying they had information about payments to the Biden family from foreign executives. Um, but quickly on the Rudy Giuliani point, true or false? I mean…”

Barr: “My recollection is false. I don’t think this came, this did not come from Rudy Giuliani, it actually came from the FBI.”

Those PA investigators had better done some miraculous work tracing those bribes through dozens of shell corporation to save this case, otherwise the Biden's, thanks to Madge will get their walking papers. Zlochevsky is probably warming his mitts burning those tapes as I speak. None the less Marjorie needs to be thrown off the house oversight committee if not impeached for this offense.

Links to the information provide within the post can be seen at the original posting here:
