Friday, June 23, 2023

James O'Keefe Latest Breaking Black Rock Video In Seven Easy Gifs

Sunlit7 op

 Black Rock Break Room:


Which one of you are Hineyman, I mean front man, for Black Rock>

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I am, no I am, she said front man not a Hineyman!

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Tell me all you know

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Tell me more

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I am Black Rocks Assassin Creed

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Thanks, you really should have brushed your teeth

You'd really think people would tire of O'Keefe running around labeling people within a company as someone with stature. He grabs ahold of these low level peons and sets out to destroy their lives while he ranks in millions of dollars off donors. They fall under the impression he's accomplished breaking news alerts. In the end he comes out of nowhere to ambush the poor soul who thought they were out on hot dates embellishing themselves in order to get lucky. The poor sap he trapped this time works in the human resource department, he's not an executive like O'Keefe misleads you to believe. Larry Fink hasn't the slightest idea who this guy is but he will by the end of the week thanks to O'Keefe.

The most the over indulgent and puffy faced O'Keefe accomplishes here besides filling his bank account is sending someone to the unemployment line. As any average working stiff wouldn't want is a James O'Keefe stalking them out as the possibilist weakest link and setting them up for the fall to advise us of stuff we already could assume ourselves. We probably couldn't prove it but neither does James O'Keefe. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can tell this guy was bragging himself up in hopes of getting lucky, at least he wasn't looking totally love struck like the last guy who fell victim to O'Keefe. This guy was so bad at it he couldn't get a job emptying the trash at a movie studio. Really, it was that bad.

Black Rock's Nick Fink doesn't try to hide his agenda. Every year he writes a letter to shareholders that all the public can read. He's spoken about how they proxy vote people/companies out who don't follow his dictates. The real problem here isn't even Black Rock, it's the companies, shareholders and other people who invest with Black Rock that gives them their power. If you don't like what Black Rock, Vanguard and Fidelity are doing remove your investments and invest elsewhere. There's been several states who have removed all their investments from Black Rock.

James O'Keefe would fair a lot better by going after companies/states who keep their investments in Black Rock, Vanguard and Fidelity. Black Rock was build from the bottom up and the only way to take them down is the same way. Getting a peon fired is just going to open up a position for someone else to fill, just like trying to remove someone from the top. That would be a near improbability for an enormous company. Someone else will just step in to fill those shoes and think they own the whole world. O'Keefe knows this, he has no sway, he can't dance, and he surely isn't good at hiding subliminal messaging. The war is seen in the colors chosen for the background ending, O'Keefe, and I'd bet money on this, is more than likely gay himself. After all it was a man he took with him when he told Project Veritas he was off to get married...but you probably missed that too. The war he is promoting is between you and them.

First video release:

Links to the videos can be seen in the original posting here: