Sunday, June 11, 2023

If They Can Do It to Trump, They Will Do It to You


If They Can Do It to Trump, They Will Do It to You

Article by John Lewis in Townhall

For years, we have all known, at least existentially, that Joe Biden used his influence as Vice-President to get his son Hunter a job at Burisma in Ukraine, a huge paying position for which Hunter had absolutely no qualifications.  This kind of influence-peddling is illegal and, in a just, moral society, would put both Bidens in jail.  If a prominent Republican politician had been accused, he obviously would have been buried in an avalanche of media, FBI, DOJ, and Democratic Party legal attacks, along with a special prosecutor, to dig up as much dirt as possible—in other words, exactly what Donald Trump has had to endure.  But Biden has escaped all of that for the simple reason he is a Democrat and must be protected at all costs.  Leftism is nothing if not corrupt, and thus their corruption is no big deal because Leftists have absolutely no personal morality.  Only the other guy’s corruption must be exposed.  

I say we only “existentially” knew Biden had been bribed because there previously was no hard, paper evidence publicly available to prove his guilt.  Now, it appears there might be.  After many, many days of avoiding the dentist’s office and protecting their teeth from being pulled, the Democratic Party FBI has finally been forced to give Congress documents which allegedly demonstrate Biden’s bribery guilt.  The Democratic/media wagons will be circled (or silent) to protect Biden, of course.  The question is, what will the American people say?  Shrug it off or demand justice?  That remains to be seen, but I’m not holding my breath to wait for justice.  That word has seemingly been dropped from the American vocabulary.

        Donald Trump is facing another indictment, this one for some kind of classified document malfeasance.  I thought Biden, and even Mike Pence, had done the same thing (not to mention Hillary Clinton), but so far, no action has been initiated against them.  I’m not familiar with all the ins and outs of why Trump is being indicted and Biden, Pence, and Clinton aren’t, but then, I already know.  This is another political attempt to destroy Trump and that is all it is.  I also know that I do not trust our “judicial system” to do justice—not any more.  As noted, that word has vanished from English dictionaries, to be replaced by “Leftist weaponization.”  It is presently impossible, in America, for Trump, innocent or guilty, to get any kind of fair, impartial hearing.  “Trump is guilty” and “Biden is innocent” is all the current political climate will allow, regardless of what the truth actually is.

This is the 2nd of—how many?—indictments the Democratic Party’s “justice system” will launch against Mr. Trump before the 2024 election.  They need to be a bit cautious, however, for two reasons.  One, the American people might sense some unfairness here, and the backlash could return Trump to the White House.  I highly doubt that, however.  Another possible scenario is, the members of the Republican Party, not wanting to watch their candidate fight a series of legal battles during next year’s election campaign, will simply reject Mr. Trump and nominate DeSantis or someone else.  But that may not happen, either.

Given the current mentality of the American people, this could end up being a brilliant ploy by the Democrats, who are certainly masters at nefarious conspiracies.  Republican faithful will be angered and, maybe out of spite, give Trump the nomination.  This is the Democrats’ supreme wish—a Trump candidacy—because they believe Americans will never re-elect him to the Presidency anyway, but certainly not if various criminal charges are hanging over his head.  Who would want to elect a President who might end up in jail?  So, the Democrats’ strategy is to anger Republican voters enough to nominate Trump, but disarm the rest of America with his legal entanglements, thus ensuring that THEIR crook—Joe Biden—will be re-elected.  It’s a plot straight out of, well, straight out of what 21st century America has become.

    But there is much more at stake here than just one election, and it is serious.  If the Left can do this to Trump, they can do it to any American.  If they get away with this, what will stop them from using these tactics against anyone they despise, which is anyone who opposes their sick, evil, anti-American agenda?  Regardless of what we think of Trump, this issue is much higher than him.  If the principle of weaponizing the government against political opponents is established, then anyone in power—left or right—can use it.  There no longer remains any rule of law, there only remains power and what those wielding it can get away with.  That is the issue here.  And it is troublesome, indeed.

How did America get into this condition?  

The stench in America is becoming overpowering and nauseous.  We are overloaded with degenerate corporations that support the blatant, reprehensible lie of transgenderism and the criminal mutilation of her most innocent citizens in the name of that same lie.  Washington, D.C., has become nothing but a cesspool of rot, deceit, utter selfishness, and immoral debauchery. 

And now we are watching the rule of law, the very foundation of protection in a free society, being annihilated for no other reason than to destroy a political opponent.  It is, as many have pointed out, nothing but Third World, banana-republic tactics.  I personally suffered through no rule of law in China.  And I see it happening in America.  This whole scenario is totally reprehensible to any true, patriotic American.  Are the people of the United States going to let this happen?  Trump but not Biden?

God, please bless America.  But He did say, “if you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.”  He might just let us suffer the consequences of our own vileness and decadence.  It would serve the country right.

If They Can Do It to Trump, They Will Do It to You (

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