Friday, June 16, 2023

How to Spot a Fake Protest

Last year in July, I confronted “neo-Nazis” outside of a TPUSA event in Florida. I use quotation marks around “neo-Nazis” because many things never sat right with me about their presence there.

For one, it felt way too convenient. This is supposedly Florida’s local Nazi group that show up randomly from time to time but only in ways that foster leftist narratives about conservatives being attached to Nazis.

Even the things they showed up with didn’t line up. They were waving a DeSantis flag, but it was still creased, meaning they’d just bought it and unfurled it there. The poster boards they had looked like memes they had ripped straight from 4-Chan, which seemed like something they saw popularly tied to Nazis on the internet and chose to display to make them seem more legitimate.

But the thing that really made me sure that they were nothing but leftist plants was the fact the only attention they got from corporate media was pretty light. It’s as if they wanted to highlight the fact that Nazis and Republicans were tied at the hip, but they didn’t want to get into too much detail.

This should trigger your disbelief.

Let’s take another look at “Nazis” showing up in Florida to make statements. Very recently, a group of neo-Nazis showed up in front of Disney World flying flags and standing proudly in front of Mickey. Sure enough, the mainstream media reported on the incident but there was very little information posted about them.

The USA Today article about it features a citizen’s outrage about the Nazis, including getting her name and the fact that she’s even a 6th generation Floridian. However, the reporter who got her statement apparently didn’t go deeply into the Nazis. It’s not like they aren’t willing to talk to people. The ones at the TPUSA event weren’t shy. So why didn’t the reporter try to interview one of them?

Interestingly, what the USA Today article did talk about more than the Nazis was DeSantis and his feud with Disney:

The incident comes as DeSantis, who is running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has been embroiled in a feud with Disney for more than a year.

Early last year, Disney’s former CEO criticized a Florida law that bars classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity — Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, dubbed by critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” law.

DeSantis responded to the criticism by signing legislation that stripped Disney of the right to govern the land that includes Disney World and overhauled the property’s governing board. Disney then passed measures to deprive the new board of its power for decades.

The probability that these Nazis in Florida are real is very low. If they were real, corporate media would be rushing to them to interview them. They’d be asking gotcha questions and attempting to get their audience to identify who they actually are. Cancel campaigns would begin that would attempt to find where these people work and discover who else they might be connected to.

But none of that is happening. The media is content to just point out that Nazis bearing DeSantis flags are popping up at various places and then walking away, letting that little bit of news simmer for the public. If they report it enough, soon the connection will automatically be made in the minds of many that Nazis and DeSantis have a relationship.

My bet is that when they aren’t cosplaying as Nazis, they wear black bloc and fly Antifa flags. I can’t help but recall the smell of the Nazis I met in Florida having the same filthy odor as many people who participated in the Occupy Wallstreet protests. It’s not a stench you forget and denotes a lifestyle that rarely involves hygiene. Radical leftist footsoldiers tend not to consider cleanliness as important as history has shown.

One can safely deduce that the reason these Nazis are still shrouded in mystery is that the corporate media and leftist activist groups don’t want to unmask them. If and when they are, they likely know that what they’ll find is some of their own, and then the whole game is up.

And that’s how you can spot whether or not a protest is fake. If it wasn’t, the media would be gorging itself on information and investigation. This is the same media that went above and beyond to dig into the life and history of a smirking high school student. This is the same media that threatened an anonymous meme maker with doxxing for making fun of CNN.

Do you think they wouldn’t foam at the mouth to unmask real Nazis?