Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Even Europe Warns 'Outlier' U.S. About Body-Altering Drugs and Irreversible Mutilation of 'Trans' Children

Even Europe Warns 'Outlier' U.S. About Body-Altering Drugs and Irreversible Mutilation of 'Trans' Children

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

I have to admit it, up front: I’m just as disgusted with writing about the insanity of transgender “care” for children as you are reading about it, but we’ve reached a point under the Biden presidency where even Europe calls the U.S. an “outlier” among Western nations in respect to so-called “gender-affirming care.”

Who’d a thunk it? Frggin’ Europe, I mean.

If that doesn’t tell you how deep in the sick cesspool Joe Biden has gleefully tried to sink America, what would? Supporting so-called “trans” adults is one thing; supporting the irreversible mutilation of the bodies of confused children is unconscionable.

The inexcusable insanity, described by the Democrat Party as “gender-affirming care” for “trans kids,” includes puberty-blocking drugs, double mastectomies, and castration — both chemically and surgically.

But Europe is shifting away from that approach, leaving the U.S. an outlier in the field.

The U.S. is becoming an outlier among many Western nations in the way its national medical institutions treat children suffering from distress over gender identity.

For years, the American healthcare industry has staunchly defended medical interventions for transgender minors, including puberty blockers, which suppress the physical changes of adolescence as a treatment for those distressed over their gender.

The European medical community, by contrast, is expressing doubts about that approach. Having allowed these treatments for years, five countries—the U.K., Sweden, Finland, Norway, and France — now urge caution in their use for minors, stressing a lack of evidence that the benefits outweigh the risks.

This month, the U.K.’s publicly funded National Health Service limited the use of puberty blockers to clinical trials, putting the drugs beyond the reach of most children.

Yet, where does Biden stand on the insanity?

Exactly where we’d expect him to. During an early-June press conference in London with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the embarrassing president of the United States said (emphasis, mine):

We [in America] have some hysterical and, I would argue, prejudiced people who are engaged in all of what you see going on around the country. It’s — it’s an appeal to fear, and it’s an appeal that is totally, thoroughly unjustified and ugly.

It’s wrong for — that a person can be married in the morning in the United States and fired in the afternoon by their employer because they are — they’re gay.

It’s wrong that the violence and hate crimes targeting LGBTQ people is rising. It’s wrong that extreme officials are pushing hateful bills targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors.

Just days later, the U.K. restricted transgender “treatment” for children.

And as we recently reported, Biden called opposition to the irreversible mutilation “dangerous,” adding: “These bills and laws attack the most basic values and freedoms — the right to raise your own children.”

Last time I checked, lopping off body parts wasn’t considered the right to raise your own children.

Leor Sapir, a fellow who studies transgender care at the conservative-leaning Manhattan Institute think tank, said U.S. studies are unreliable: “These countries have done systematic reviews of evidence. They’ve found that the studies cited to support these medical interventions are too unreliable, and the risks are too serious.”

Assuming Sapir and the European medical community are right, why on earth would U.S. “studies” come to a different conclusion? (He asked sarcastically.) Here’s a one-word hint: COVID.

The Democrat Party and its COVID Gnome™ Anthony Fauci cited “science” ad nauseam during the “pandemic” as justification for draconian lockdowns, masking, and misnomered coronavirus “vaccines” — until they didn’t. As science caught up to reality, Democrats not only stopped citing scientific findings; they dismissed or ignored the science.

This is exactly what we’re now seeing with respect to the despicable treatment of young confused kids— confused by the insidious indoctrination in public school systems across America.

The Bottom Line

When facts, data, history, logic, morality, and common sense contradict the left’s various narratives, they become more than just irrelevant; they become a direct threat to those who push the lies.