Monday, June 19, 2023

Dem in Congress said the quiet part out loud on MSNBC, that Trump ‘needs to be shot’


Dem in Congress said the quiet part out loud on MSNBC, that Trump ‘needs to be shot’

Article by Thomas Lifson

Call it a “Freudian slip,” where a person accidentally says what she really is thinking. Stacey Plaskett is a nonvoting member of Congress, a delegate representing the US. Virgin Islands in the House of Representatives. She was born and grew up in New York City, and graduated from the elite and expensive Choate Rosemary Hall prep school in Connecticut before going on the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown and law school at American University. She says that she and her family frequently visited St. Croix, where her parents are from, in her childhood, and that apparently was good enough for the voters to choose her to represent them in Congress.

She’s no loudmouth dummy, and instantaneously recognized what she said and corrected herself to say “stopped” in place of "shot," but that bell can't be unrung. The word was there in her mind and slipped out before her superego could intervene and stop it, to use Freudian terminology.

You can be sure that if a Republican had said this about Biden or Obama, for instance, it would be all over the news. But owing to the propaganda organ nature of our media today, you’ll have to see it here instead:


 Dem in Congress said the quiet part out loud on MSNBC, that Trump ‘needs to be shot’ - American Thinker

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