Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Conservatives Are Winning the Culture War Over Transgender Ideology, and the Numbers Will Surprise You

Conservatives Are Winning the Culture War Over Transgender Ideology, and the Numbers Will Surprise You

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

With all the chaos that has permeated the cultural arena over the last decade or so, it’s easy for conservatives to get discouraged. Things have truly gone off the rails, with a level of depravity that was once thought to be unthinkable becoming mainstream.

At the forefront of that has been the battle over transgender ideology. Children are being pumped full of puberty blockers, and in some cases, being physically mutilated by surgeries, all under the ridiculous guise of “transitioning.” Nothing is sacred for the far-left, not even the health and well-being of children.

Yet, amidst all the darkness, there is hope peaking through. According to a new poll from Gallup, attitudes about transgenderism as a concept and a practical matter are shifting back toward sanity.

It’s hard to overstate how incredibly rare it is to see a retreat like that from what has become left-wing orthodoxy. Usually, once something enters the culture, especially under the idea of “acceptance” and “tolerance,” it becomes so pervasive that you’re more likely to see Big Foot than see things go the other way. Yet, in this case, 69 percent of Americans say that transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete in leagues that match who they actually are (i.e. their biological sex).

Now, you might be saying it’s sad and disturbing that such a sizable minority still doesn’t agree with such a common sense position, but context is everything. 69 percent represents a rise of seven percent since 2021. Further, there’s been a four percent rise among the public since 2021 in the belief that it is morally wrong to “transition” one’s gender (a misnomer in itself).

(Related: New Study Shows Americans Are Following the Science on Number of Genders)

In short, the pro-transgender ideological gambit that has engulfed the nation, specifically in the last two years since Joe Biden’s ascension to the White House, is backfiring. People are looking at what’s being pushed and deciding that it’s not only contrary to reality, but that it’s simply wrong. Children should be protected, not butchered by opportunistic doctors. Women’s spaces, including sports, should not be invaded by mentally ill men. And yes, transgender ideology as a whole, even for adults, should be thoroughly rejected.

When judging whether conservatives are winning or losing a cultural battle, you have to use fair guidelines. In this case, you will never convince a majority of Democrats to abandon anything the far-left deems worthy of defense. If you know that going in, the numbers shown above become all the more impressive. Not only have conservatives stopped the bleeding regarding transgender ideology, but they are actively changing minds. That’s huge, and it’s a victory worth celebrating, in no small part because of just how damaging transgender ideology is for not only children but everyone involved.

To summarize, this is why it’s foolhardy for anyone on the right to dismiss the culture wars as secondary. Yes, the economy is important. Yes, foreign policy matters. But if you lose the culture, you’ve left yourself nothing to preserve and improve. Keep up the good fight.