Monday, May 8, 2023

NCIS LA 14x19 review: A Mother's Love💗


After 2 ridiculous Seasons, the Subject 17 junk has finally come to an end! And in the most unexpected surprise ever, the writer of this episode, didn't screw this up!

It starts off with all kinds of spy tomfoolery (rogue spies, even a big fight in OPS!), and a villain that was thought to be the worst, but in the end when the dust settled, it revealed the answer to 1 of my biggest wishes for this Season:

A peaceful resolution for this whole fiasco.

When Hetty knew what Pembrooke was doing to Callen, she immediately pulled him out and got him into a better home. And while she may not have been the perfect 'parent', she still cared very much for Callen, as Pembrooke revealed at the end with giving Callen some files.

Which means, oh yeah...

Hetty's name has officially been cleared of all the dirtiness surrounding the whole fiasco! 🥳🥳

As ugly as it looked from time to time, I never once believed that Hetty was ever guilty of such abuse. Because there's way too much evidence in the show's history that doesn't support any of it. I knew this had to end well, it just needed 1 writer who remembered that she loves him.

And for once, I'm thankful that a long time writer of this show actually remembered that important detail!

Guess you can say, this pretty much all clears the way for her to come home, right?

It does! Now I have to hope that 2 more writers who have hurt me in the past, (including 1 that is 100% responsible for ruining this show!) can grant my biggest wish:

Which is Hetty coming home for good, along with a happy reunion with everyone (would be a nice addition!)

The road to happy endings begins next Sunday with Part 1 of the series finale!
