Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hunter Biden Associate Told to Start Singing or Face Jail Time

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Rumors of a coming indictment of Hunter Biden are heating up, but one of his business associates is already facing jail time.

Devon Archer founded Rosemont Seneca Partners with Hunter Biden and helped get the president’s son a position on the board of Burisma. The two also worked together to secure payments from Chinese-controlled entities. Archer was convicted of fraud in 2018 for a scheme involving bonds and the Oglala Sioux tribe.

Since then, Archer has had his conviction vacated and reinstated, and now he’s staring at one final appeal on Tuesday. That means he’s running out of time, and friends are urging him to start singing before it’s too late (The New York Post).

As Hunter Biden faces a potential criminal indictment this week, his former best friend Devon Archer will make his last bid to avoid jail Tuesday when his appeal is heard in a courtroom in Lower Manhattan.

As he grows increasingly despondent, friends with knowledge of Hunter’s thinking are telling Archer to accept that the Bidens have thrown him under the bus and that a last-minute presidential pardon has been ruled out.

They have urged him to save himself by using the only currency he has left — his knowledge of the Biden family influence-peddling scheme, for which he had a front-row seat for four years during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

If anyone knows about the corruption perpetrated by the Biden Family, it’s Archer. He was present for all the complicated business machinations that occurred over the last decade or so, and no one was closer to the president’s son. When Hunter Biden had multiple meetings with a Russian oligarch who was directly connected to Vladimir Putin, it was Archer who set up the meetings. The examples of their foreign dealings go on and on, and all of it was only made possible by trading on Joe Biden’s name.

Unless Archer can offer something of value to prosecutors, he’s all out of leverage, and there’s little reason to think his final appeal will succeed. Joe Biden isn’t going to pardon him for obvious reasons, and Hunter Biden hasn’t spoken out to support one a single time despite their relationship. Archer has to be feeling some pressure as judgment day approaches. Does he take one for the team or start talking?

Of course, all this doesn’t just hinge on Archer having the goods on the Bidens. Just as importantly, the DOJ has to want the goods on the Bidens. The latter part of that equation is far from certain given the politicization of the department under the leadership of AG Merrick Garland, who himself is facing charges of perjury from a whistleblower.

So even if Archer is willing to spill his guts, it might be the preference of partisans at the DOJ to not even engage and instead ensure he ends up behind bars where he’ll be nice and quiet.