Monday, May 8, 2023

Gary Prado Salmon: Bolivian general who captured Che Guevara dies

 Mr Salmon led his forces to capture the Argentinian, who had been a central figure in Cuba's communist revolution and tried to spread communism to Bolivia. The general handed Guevara over to his superiors who, a day later, had him executed at gunpoint. 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara's captor, a former Bolivian general, has died at the age of 84.

Gary Prado Salmon was named a national hero in Bolivia after he led the military operation to capture and execute the revolutionary in the country in 1967. 

Alongside Fidel Castro, Guevara was a major leader in the Cuban communist movement and was shot dead a day after his capture by order of the then right-wing military Bolivian government.

Mr Salmon's team, known as the Bolivian Rangers, were trained by the US Green Berets, who were told to prepare locals for a fight against guerrilla tactics in the region.

Since 1981, Mr Salmon had been in a wheelchair, after being accidentally shot in the spine by another officer 

Writing on social media, Mr Salmon's son Gary Prado Arauz, wrote: "He was accompanied by his wife and children.

"He left us a legacy of love, honesty and mettle. He was an amazing person."

He added: "For him capturing Che was not the most important thing he did in his life - rather, it was to contribute to making the armed forces a democratic institution that would respect the constitution and laws."

The former general had been in hospital since April suffering from health complications and was receiving treatment.