Wednesday, May 10, 2023

DHS Wants You to Snitch on Pro-Life Moms and 'Anti-Government' Neighbors


DHS Wants You to Snitch on Pro-Life Moms and 'Anti-Government' Neighbors

Article by Robert Spencer in PJMedia

 The Biden regime has hardly made a secret of its authoritarian aspirations. It tried to set up a Disinformation Governance Board that would have policed speech that dissented from the Leftist establishment’s perspective, and worked with Twitter and the other social media giants to silence and deplatform people with opposing views. Then, in his ominous red-and-black speech last September, Biden declared that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” If there was ever any doubt that this was a signal that the regime intended to treat law-abiding patriots as enemies of the state, there is no longer. The Department of Homeland Security is now developing a video series encouraging Americans to snitch on their patriotic and pro-life friends and neighbors.

Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), America First Legal (AFL) has obtained files that show that DHS’s Office of Terrorism and Violence Prevention, instead of devoting its time and attention to tracking and impeding the activities of actual terrorists, is focusing on getting you to inform for them about pro-life “suburban moms” and your “old friend from high school” who doubts the Leftist establishment line. Yes, it’s just like the Stasi and the Gestapo and the KGB, except this time, your tax dollars are paying for it.

Michael Benz, the executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, reported Tuesday that DHS is developing “an online ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’-style video series to ‘deradicalize’ friends and family.” But the “radicalization suspects” aren’t even close to being actual terrorists: “They are typical everyday Americans with typical everyday American opinions.” Those opinions, however, differ from those of the Leftist elites, and now those Leftists elites have made it clear: disagreeing with them makes you a terrorist.

The videos contain a series of profiles of these allegedly “radicalized” Americans. One of them is “Ann,” a “suburban Mom” who “has become increasingly more concerned about the welfare of other children” and has become a “middle-aged pro-life advocate.” It’s not clear whether or not DHS realized what it was admitting when it said that a pro-life advocate was concerned about children, as its focus is all on helping you stop Ann’s terrorist activities.

Is Ann blowing things up or flying planes into buildings? No, “audiences watch Ann’s activities from the perspective of her preacher, her longtime friend, and her hairdresser. In one scenario, Ann utters the phrase ‘baby killer’ at a public ribbon-cutting event at a local bakery. DHS gives you, the bystander, three choices: calling Ann’s husband, contacting Ann’s preacher, or stopping by Ann’s house. In another scenario, as Ann’s hairdresser, viewers listen to Ann ‘bring up pro-life arguments and… ranting,’ after which Ann shows ‘videos of violent protests on her phone.’ Bystanders are given three choices: calling the sheriff on Ann, talking about Ann to coworkers, or researching the groups Ann talked about.”

What, DHS? There’s no option to join Ann in trying lawfully and peacefully to stop the wanton sacrifice of children to Moloch? But of course that is a rhetorical question. For Leftists, there is only one point of view: their own. The DHS video scenario epitomizes the Left’s hostility to dissenting views.

In another scenario, “Courtney” is an “old high school friend” of the person who is envisioned as watching the video. Courtney is also a “budding conspiracy theorist.” She “has become fixated on conspiracy theories regarding government connections to child abuse and trafficking:” Oh, well, we can’t have that! Courtney’s practice of “spreading conspiracy theories” and her rising “level of anger” is enough to get the DHS’s attention. Game-players can opt to “monitor Courtney’s other posts and conversations, check in with her ex-husband, or message her to snoop on her private life.”

DHS Wants You to Monitor ‘Radicalized’ Pro-Life Moms – PJ Media

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