Saturday, April 15, 2023

Trans Teacher Who Allegedly Said She Was Going to Kill Kids and Commit Suicide Finally Removed From the Classroom

Trans Teacher Who Allegedly Said She Was Going to Kill Kids and Commit Suicide Finally Removed From the Classroom

streiff reporting for RedState 

What happens when a pre-operative transgender teacher says she wants to shoot some of her students and has suicidal ideation? If the school is Fox Chapel Middle School in Hernando County, FL, the answer, until yesterday, was “not much and definitely not immediately.”

In a police report posted on the Moms for Liberty Hernando County Facebook page (Title: Your voice matters. Help fix Hernando county schools.), on March 24, the school resource officer was contacted by the assistant principal and guidance counselor (you just knew that when a guidance counselor got involved the whole story was going pear-shaped, didn’t you?). They told the police officer that Ashlee Belle (formerly Alexander) Renczkowski, a math teacher for grades 6-8, had “just made concerning statements about self-harm and then possibly making statements about shooting students.”

The school resource officer visited the teacher. When asked how “she” was feeling, Renczkowski said, “Not good, I’m having bad thoughts.” The school resource officer prudently brought “Ashlee” to the assistant principal’s office. There the guidance counselor confronted “Ashlee” with “her” statements.

Kimberly advised that Ashlee made a comment that she wanted to shoot some students due to them not performing to their ability. Kimberly advised that Ashlee immediately stated that she would never harm a student.

Ashlee stated that she has a therapy appointment on Monday, 03/27/2023, at 1800 hours with a new therapist that she is eager to meet. Ashlee stated that she was planning on letting a family member take her three firearms and ammunition for safekeeping.

The school district’s mental health coordinator was called. She visited the school and did a threat assessment. Based on that assessment, the mental health counselor determined that “Ashlee” was not a candidate for involuntary commitment for observation under Florida’s Baker Act.

The sheriff’s department visited the home and took possession of “Ashlee’s” weapons. Subsequently, a judge did issue a “permanent risk protection order,” that, in a perfect world on a pleasant June day, will prevent “Ashlee” from possessing a firearm. “Her” spouse is definitely not going to be a lot of help:

Trans Teacher Who Allegedly Said She Was Going to Kill Kids and Commit Suicide Finally Removed From the Classroom

“Mermaid?” Really?

It also shows law enforcement officials and a judge did not have the same laissez-faire attitude toward the threat as did the school district.

There is no evidence that the school district required “Ashlee” to undergo third-party counseling to evaluate, nor was “she” placed on leave to sort herself out. Moreover, Renczkowski is still employed at that school.

Naturally, many parents aren’t feeling all that comfortable with the situation, and rightfully so. The last thing you want is to have staff in your kid’s school making what look to the casual observer to be threats. You especially don’t want the school district to be aware of this incident and hide it from parents. The Hernando School District refused to say anything more than “something” happened.

After this heated meeting, the school district removed “Ashlee” from the classroom…yesterday.

Why did it take nearly a month to do what should’ve been common sense?

“Ashlee” is a pre-op male-to-female transgender.

If you’re wondering what a “no-depth vaginoplasty” might be, this will tell you more than you need to know. You can thank me anytime.

Why is “Ashlee’s” transgenderism important? According to posts made by Renczkowski on Reddit, “she” suffers from gender dysphoria (no sh**) and anxiety:

First time being on a cruise as my real self. It’s wonderful to be me and enjoy the things I was scared of during my teens and 20’s. Dysphoria hits really bad at times but I know I have made huge progress the past year. Still feeling cute and beautiful. And my wife is extremely supportive right next to me every step of the way.

“She” is taking hormonal treatment for “her” transition and drugs for depression.

When the guidance counselor queried “her” about why she talked about murder-suicide at the school, she said she was upset about social media posts about “her.”

Ashlee walked to Kimberley’s office and started to explain that she learned about a social media post where people were talking negatively about Ashlee’s sexual orientation.

None of the problems that brought “Ashlee” to the point of imagining the murder of “her” students and killing”herself” are going away. The gender dysphoria is baked in. The depression is baked in. The side effects of the hormonal “therapy” is baked in. The opinions of others about “her” are probably more widespread today than in March. “Her” ability to buy other firearms is limited only by her imagination. All of these facts fairly scream that any risk the school district perceived in March is still present today and will be in the future.

Given the same set of facts, how do you think the school district would respond to an emotionally unstable straight male teacher who was being treated for depression and taking mood-altering drugs and who had just verbalized a desire to kill his students and then commit suicide because of hurty-pants social media comments, and had their firearms taken by court order?

My guess is:

  1. Escorted off campus.
  2. Possibly involuntarily committed for psychiatric observation.
  3. Banned from campus pending the resolution of the investigation.
  4. Terminated or suspended until a formal medical examination declared the person not to be a threat.

How long do you think it would take? Nanoseconds.

From the standpoint of prudence and potential litigation, I’m not sure how the school district can rationalize treating this case as they did. I’m also not sure how they will rationalize reinstating the teacher once the scandal has blown over because you know that is going to happen.