Friday, April 14, 2023

The DNC and Marc Elias Disconnect

Several people have asked about a motive for the DNC to sever ties with long-time lead lawfare litigant Marc Elias.   [Story Here]

Remember, Elias proactively departed from Perkins Coie to carry out independent contractor operations and draw distance during his defense from indictment by John Durham.  Elias left Perkins Coie because the Elias’s relationship with the FBI was enmeshed within the Durham probe.  Perkins Coie needed to retain the FBI relationship, while it was in their best interest for the FBI silo to distance from the Elias litigation.

Marc Elias then went on to continue being lead lawfare for the Clinton elements of the DNC, while former AG Eric Holder is lead lawfare for the Obama elements of the DNC.  This internecine relationship inside the DNC club is important to remember.  There are two factions in the DNC, the Clinton aligned subset, less power, and the Obama aligned subset, more power.

Outside the club the downstream community organizations are similarly aligned.  We have the African Methodist Episcopal church (AME) and the similarly motivated Black Lives Matter network.  Then there’s the organized labor network consisting of the SEIU, AFSCME, AFL-CIO and UFCW.   Both networks provide foot soldiers and opportunity leadership for the DNC objectives.  There is always crossover, but Team Clinton and Team Obama are separate groups.

Barack Obama organized the merger between AME/BLM (James Clyburn) with Big Labor communists for 2020. That was the baseline for Obama/Clyburn picking Joe Biden to maintain Obama’s 3rd term interests and instruct all the other candidates to fall in line until they could get rid of Bernie Sanders.

From the construct of 2024… If the AME/BLM network was going to be the tip of the spear, the DNC convention would have been in Atlanta, Georgia (social justice theme).  If the organized labor network was going to be the tip of the spear, the DNC convention would be in Chicago, Illinois (communist theme).  The DNC picked Chicago ’24; that tells you who takes point on community organizing for 2024.  The communists are in charge.

This is the background to review the exit of Marc Elias.  With Big Labor taking point, and with team Obama in charge, go find where Obama has positioned Tom Perez and we will likely discover the opportunity for the DNC to depart with Marc Elias.  Marc Elias is the lead social justice lawyer, and Tom Perez is the lead communist lawyer/activist.

Washington Free Beacon – The Democratic National Committee has cut ties with Marc Elias, the party’s scandal-plagued election lawyer who was behind the infamous Steele dossier that falsely accused Donald Trump’s campaign of colluding with Russia.

The DNC and Elias are parting ways over “strategic disagreements,” according to Punchbowl News. It is a surprising divorce for the DNC and Elias, considered one of the Democratic Party’s top elections lawyers. Elias has worked for the DNC since 2009 and made over $1.9 million from the DNC this cycle alone. (read more)

For 2024, the professional communists (Obama’s community activist and labor pals) will be in charge of the DNC operations.  The social justice warriors are less valuable now. The communists are in charge.

From a strategic position, the DNC deemphasis on the social justice issues makes sense, as the RNC wing is ramping up operations against the current social justice positions via ‘wokeism’.  The social justice crowd will still exist, but the communists will be taking point to set the narrative and tone for the “equity in economics” policy platform into 2024.

If you remember the Obama activated battles with SEIU purple orcs in ’07/’08, well, prepare for that type of conflict in ’24 on an exponentially larger scale.

See how that works?

Enjoy the show.