Thursday, April 13, 2023

Sea Island Senator Tim Scott Announces 2024 Exploratory Committee

If you find yourself asking, ‘what the heck is Senator Tim Scott even exploring’, you are likely not alone.  But running for the GOPe nomination in 2024 isn’t really about winning the GOPe nomination in 2024; it’s more about fulfilling the requests of the Sea Island big club billionaires who guide and shape GOPe politics, nothing more.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this effort, because CTH already predicted the purpose, intent and timing of this moment {GO DEEP}.  Anyone with a generally solid understanding of GOPe nominations and the timing of South Carolina in the primary can see the big club play. [Tim Scott link]

Nikki Haley and Tim Scott intended to help the Sea Island billionaire confab to stop Donald Trump and create the path for Ron DeSantis.  It’s a tag-team splitter ploy, nothing more.  That’s why President Trump proactively moved to mitigate the big club move and embraced SC Senator Lindsey Graham and the organization Graham has in the Palmetto state.

Simultaneously, as the billionaire donor class construct their own blank line ballot spacing for the 2024 election [SEE HERE], both Scott and Haley can be considered options for the dark money group behind ‘No Labels’.  Essentially No Labels is a billionaire created financial vehicle to pay off a non-Trump candidate and influence 2024.

CURRRENT POLLING – (Winthrop University) – 2024 Republican Nomination for President (Table 10)

Support for Trump’s run for president is high among South Carolina Republicans who are registered to vote. Among nine Republicans who have either announced a 2024 presidential run or who are viewed as potential contenders, Trump is on top with 41%. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Haley are neck-and-neck with 20% and 18% respectively.

Huffmon notes, “Trump is riding high and doubling support over the next candidate in the field. Haley shows more than quadruple her support compared to national polls, but that should be expected on her home turf. While DeSantis is viewed as the singular alternative to Trump in national polls, the real story here is that Haley and DeSantis are in a statistical dead heat in what could be a firewall for Haley when voting rolls around.”

Seven percent of South Carolinians support a presidential nomination for US Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott when presented the list of 9 possibilities. Five percent support former Vice President Mike Pence, 2% support former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and 1% support New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu. Others listed were former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and Virginian Governor Glenn Youngkin. (link)

Donald Trump is seeing the same GOPe map we are, and he is personally assembling neighborhood allies so that he is not caught without a network in a state that will have two hometown players competing against him.  President Trump is leveraging his prior endorsement and support for both Governor McMaster and Lindsey Graham.

Factually, McMaster would not be in place if President Trump did not pull Nikki Haley out of the state and appoint her as U.N. Ambassador, then turn around and support McMaster to fill her spot.   Additionally, President Trump has also always kept Graham close, despite the ideological economic policy differences, for exactly this type of leveraged moment.  This is political chess, and President Trump can see the GOPe moves.

Now, let’s talk about roles.

Nikki Haley was always going to run in 2024 for the GOP nomination – SEE OUR ARCHIVES – this was never in question.  All of her moves were predictable since she left the administration in January 2019.   However, Nikki Haley is also not necessarily running for the office of the President.  She’s running to be in a power position for the office of the President.  In the current construct, she’s positioning to be Ron DeSantis’ vice-presidential candidate pick.

2021: …”“I don’t think [Trump’s] going to be in the picture,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far.” […] “We need to acknowledge he let us down,” she said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”  (link)

A few weeks later…”Out of respect I would never do anything to go against [Trump], he knows that. I would have a conversation with him and talk to him about it should we decide we want to pursue it; but, um, no, I have a great respect for him and I would never consider running against him.” (linkVideo Prompted:

Thus, you see the conniving lying of Nikki Haley.  (Anticipate video disappearing)

In the role she has carved out and also accepted, Nikki Haley is going to be the biggest attacker of President Trump on behalf of the management team protecting Ron DeSantis.  Nikki has a very specific set of skills, including her willingness to be nasty – that makes her perfect for this role.   Haley will be the tip of the spear, providing Ron DeSantis the opportunity to pretend he is just above it all.

Trump also knows DeSantis is pretending, and I have no doubt he can see the role Nikki Haley is positioned to play.  Watch Trump continue hitting DeSantis as Haley moves in for cover.

You might remember Trump hitting Xi Jinping of China every time Kim Jong-un of North Korea did a directed by Beijing stupid thing.  He’ll do the same thing here.  DeSantis in the role of Chairman Xi and Haley in the role of Chairman Kim.  Each time Haley does the passive aggressive slaps, Trump will hit DeSantis with something.

Haley has no chance at the nomination.  Coastal establishment Republicans love her, but that only means she will have money, not votes.  The Republican voting base has seen through her schemes and wind-testing for years.   Haley is not stupid, she knows this.  Heck, even Liz Cheney polls higher than Nikki Haley.

Haley’s positioning right now is for 2023 power and influence despite her lack of base voter support.  The best she can hope to achieve in 2024 is a VP pick to get her in the target zone.

Senator Tim Scott is on a pure GOPe mission.  He’s the utility insider, the team player taking the South Carolina field to support the team goal of blocking Trump.  Scott is visible diversity, yet ideological alignment with the GOPe Club mission.

Tim Scott’s role is what Tim Scott is good at, being a team player on behalf of the GOPe and giving the South Carolina Republican voters, those who detest Haley, an alternative.

What Marco Rubio was in Florida 2016 for non-Jeb voters, Tim Scott is in 2024 South Carolina for non-Nikki voters.

President Trump has this mapped out in exactly this format.  CTH saw this SC Desantis/Haley/Scott alignment forming last year and we said to prepare for a great deal of announcing as soon as the RNC winter meeting concluded…. Which happened, not coincidentally, to conclude at the same time as Trump’s January 28th kick-off in South Carolina.  Again, strategery.

On the positive side for Tim Scott, his bestie Trey Gowdy will give him free airtime on the Murdoch network to help stimulate the Sea Island agenda…. So there’s that.