Saturday, April 15, 2023

Democrats Want You to Know You Live in a Two-Tiered Justice System

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it’s a squirrel.

That seems to be the logic Democrats have when it comes to their own corruption. A man can literally be caught red-handed stealing luggage from a woman at an airport, wear her clothes around in full view of the public, and lose his federal job as a result of it, but if he’s a Democrat then he need not worry.

His felony will be reduced to a mere misdemeanor.

As Bonchie reported earlier, this is exactly what happened to “non-binary” former Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel Waste Disposition for the Biden administration, Sam Brinton. Brinton seemed to make stealing other people’s luggage from airports a fun pastime and even lied to police about it when confronted with undeniable evidence of his felonious crimes.

But the Democrat machine walked in and did what it does, getting Brinton a sweetheart deal that turned his felony into a misdemeanor and who will serve no jail time as a result.

Anyone familiar with how today’s justice system works is likely wholly unsurprised by this development. Brinton isn’t just a Democrat, he’s also the first non-binary person to hold such a high position in the federal government on top of that. Brinton is part of a highly protected group of people. If he saw the inside of a jail cell, the Democrat Party would lose a whole hell of a lot of points with their radical base.

Since he’s “oppressed” as well as connected, the likelihood of Brinton getting a playful slap on the wrist and a “Oh, Sam, you’re such a rascal” was incredibly high.

Meanwhile, the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, is alleged to have committed a Class A misdemeanor by falsifying business records with “intent to defraud.” However, radical Democrat Manhattan A.G. Alvin Bragg is attempting to turn that misdemeanor into a felony by making the case that Trump had “intent to defraud” which “includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” The claim here is that Trump paid Stormy Daniels hush money from his campaign funds through Michael Cohen, something that the Federal Election Commission decided not to pursue charges against Trump or anything he’s involved with.

This part is like trying to snipe a needle in a haystack from 500 yards away with a BB gun for Brag because he now has to attempt to prove Trump, through Cohen, paid Daniels with campaign funds for a campaign that wouldn’t happen for years.

I detail all of this because I want you to see just how many hoops Democrats are trying to jump through to make Trump’s alleged misdemeanor something they can put him in prison for. A prison sentence that would see him taken out of the 2024 election.

Brinton was found absolutely guilty of his felony, and Trump hasn’t even been proven guilty of his misdemeanor. Yet, they are coming after Trump with everything they can.

That’s because Trump is guilty of a crime that’s off the books. He’s a Republican, and a popular Republican to boot. His a threat to the Democrat power structure and that’s a crime that must be punished with all prejudice.

Thing is, you’re guilty of this crime too. Every time you pull the lever for anyone but a Democrat, you become a threat. Anytime you open your mouth to point out a Democrat’s wrongdoing, you’re a threat. You’re guilty of a crime that isn’t a crime, but if Democrats can make it happen, they will try to punish you for it in some capacity.

Fight for the Democrats, however, and you may find yourself facing no charges when you’re on camera committing crimes. Assault someone while roaming with Antifa and police may very well shrug it off. Assault a speaker at your college in the name of “equality” and you might have your administrators applauding you.

The justice system is two-tiered and Democrats seem to want you to know that. They’re doing all this in broad daylight with media reports going out about all of it.

They seem to want you to know that there’s a system for you and a system for them. They can damn near commit crimes with impunity and will never see punishment for it. You don’t have that privilege. You are an “other.” You are a problem, but they hope to lessen their problems by making it clear that if you step out of line, you’re subject to their perverted sense of “justice.”