Friday, March 31, 2023

WATCH: Left-Wing Protesters Storm TN Capitol, Insurrection Reaches the Legislative Chamber

WATCH: Left-Wing Protesters Storm TN Capitol, Insurrection Reaches the Legislative Chamber

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

As of this writing, there’s currently an insurrection occurring in Tennessee with left-wing transgender and anti-gun protesters storming the state’s capitol building.

Things kicked off earlier on Thursday morning when the large group of delusional hysterics breached the main doors and occupied the lobby. By lunchtime, they had made it into the legislative chamber. In one video, you can see state legislators scrambling to escape as protesters enter the upper balconies above them.

Other videos show protesters shoving police officers as they try to hold back the crowd from getting to the legislators. These are exactly the kinds of scenes we saw on January 6th that had the mainstream press hyperventilating for multiple years.

You have to love that the left-wing reporter deleted her original tweet because she wanted to make sure and say the protest was “peaceful.”

I have been assured by the press and Democrat politicians that this kind of behavior is a danger to our democracy. In this case, these protesters used violent means to illegally enter the Capitol with the goal of shutting down the legislative process. It appears they succeeded, at least in the short term.

Tennessee’s governor, Bill Lee, must take swift action. Not only should he deploy the law enforcement resources necessary to clear out the Capitol, but he must speak forcibly about what happened. Militant left-wing activists stormed the state’s capitol, and that can’t be allowed to stand unchallenged. This isn’t the time to play nice or to show deference.

The motivation for these acts is just terrible. The protesters appear to be a mix of anti-gun activists and transgender activists. Regarding the former, a militant transgender person shot up a Christian school and left a manifesto of her political beliefs. The gun didn’t shoot itself. Instead, the shooter was radicalized by far-left rhetoric, and those deflecting from that point are disgusting. As to the latter, Tennessee lawmakers are doing the will of their constituents by banning “gender-affirming care” for minors, which is just a euphemism for child mutilation.

It’s time for rational people to stand up and say enough is enough. We will not be bullied by these deranged ideologues. GOP politicians have to speak with conviction on these topics. There is no middle ground to be found. That means arrests and jail time in response to this breach, not just a strongly-worded rebuke. The standard was set after January 6th on how to treat these kinds of events. Time for some consistency.

'Reporter' Goes Full Baghdad Bob in Disgraceful
 Display During Tennessee Transurrection

We reported earlier on how a transurrection is underway in the Tennessee Capitol building as a mixture of rabid transgender “rights” activists and gun control zealots stormed their way in to the state legislature and not only disrupted official proceedings but also took over what appears to be a speaker’s podium and started yelling through a bullhorn.

As you might imagine, the scene is chaotic, to say the least, with the images and videos being published to social media (including the feature photo above) not doing the “protesters” and their alleged plight any favors.

Here’s one such example:

The violent insurrection comes just days after the mass shooting that took place at a privately-owned Christian elementary school in Nashville where 28-year-old former student Audrey Hale, who identified as “he/him,” shot her way into the school and murdered six, including three children.

At issue for the far-left activists who forced their way in are two things: 1) gun rights, and how they feel no one should have one, and 2) what they (and their media allies) see as the “victimization” of the trans community despite the fact that it was a transgender person who committed the heinous act Monday, targeting the school with multiple high-powered weapons in part because she knew security was tighter at other targets she’d considered.

But as per the norm, their are members of the press who are trying to portray the militant agitators in the most flattering of lights possible despite what we all saw go down in the video clips.

Case in point, Kelsey Gibbs from Nashville TV station NewsChannel 5, who first posted a tweet that included a video of the “protesters” deliberately trying to stir the pot and noting that “emotions were high” and that some of the radicals were trying to stop some of the state legislators from leaving to go to the bathroom:

As noted above, however, Gibbs deleted the tweet and then posted it with different language that was much more sympathetic to the rowdy crowd that had assembled, calling the pushing and shoving that was going on and the purposeful attempts at barring the legislators from leaving a “peaceful protest”:

Baghdad Bob, CNN and MSNBC sure would be proud, wouldn’t they?

Remember these gems?

The insufferable Democrat apologists in the MSM are nothing if not infuriatingly predictable, aren’t they?