Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Stop Calling The Left 'Progressive'


Stop Calling The Left 'Progressive'

Article by Scott Hogenson in Townhall

The Left is exceptional at redefining words. Perhaps the best example is the word that serves as an umbrella for American totalitarians: Progressive.

The word suggests moving incrementally toward something better, but homegrown Leftists are doing the opposite of moving toward something better. The only thing progressive about these people is that they are progressively undermining normal western institutions.

Leftists want to take us backward and they’re doing a pretty good job of it. The better word to describe the modern Left is Regressive. The commonly accepted definition describes behavior or policies that seek to return to a less advanced time, as illustrated by one of my favorite political gags: 

Q:  What did Leftists use for light before candles? 

A:  Electricity.

Joking aside, there are several arenas in which the American Left is horrifyingly regressive, particularly in its tactics for getting what it wants. It is so regressive, it’s downright medieval. 

Back in the 14th century, the European theocracy was greatly alarmed over the work of University of Oxford professor and philosopher John Wycliffe who, in 1380, began work on translating the Bible into English from Latin. His motivation was simple; Wycliffe thought a Bible written in English could be more easily read and understood by his fellow Englishmen. 

But translating the Bible into any other language was forbidden. Wycliffe was also a critic of other church policies but luckily for him, he was politically connected in England and avoided lethal persecution. In 1384, he suffered a stroke, died and was buried at his local church in Lutterworth. 

Not content with Wycliffe being merely dead, the theocracy wanted him punished so he was posthumously declared a heretic in 1415. Still not satisfied, the ruling class had his remains disinterred and burned in 1428. Finally, after 44 years, John Wycliffe had been sufficiently cancelled. 

The exhumation of human bodies is among the grisliest of enterprises. Doing so in the manner of Dr. Frankenstein is creepy enough. But the vindictive disinterment of human remains is a blood curdling example of medieval barbarism. 

Fast forward to today. The American Left has been busy in recent months emulating one of the most savage practices of medieval Europe by disinterring the remains of those deemed unworthy of simply lying in their graves. 

To the delight of Leftists, the remains of Ambrose Powell Hill were exhumed in December. Better known as A.P. Hill, he was a general in the Confederate army and was buried within a statue of him in Richmond, Virginia. 

In June, 2021, totalitarians grinned as the bones of Nathan Bedford Forrest were dug up from a park in Memphis. Forrest was a Democrat city alderman in Memphis who founded the Ku Klux Klan, and was a Confederate general who engaged in slave trading.

The graves of 15 Confederate soldiers in Kansas City were likewise disturbed. Apparently, they didn’t deserve to be left alone either.

Like medieval theocrats seven centuries ago, American Leftists are spending a lot of time opening the graves of long-dead people. The best we can say of these modern practitioners of this macabre ritual is that there is no evidence of burning whatever remains they found. 

This is regressive. Instead of recognizing the historical aspects of these dead men, and placing them into contemporary context as a means of teaching and learning from history, the Left demands we dig up their bodies. 

This is not a defense of the Democrats who invented the Klan, traded slaves or fought for the Confederacy. But must we regress to such grisly medieval practices in order to understand that slavery was bad? Perhaps there is a less ghoulish means of making that point. 

Digging up dead people isn’t the only regressive policy of today’s Left. It’s regressive to demand separation of the races. A fixture of Democrat-instituted Jim Crow policies dating back to the 19th century, modern authoritarians want a return to segregation. 

Leftist energy policy is also regressive. It takes 70 acres of windmills, theorized by Babylonian King Hammurabi 3,700 years ago, to produce a single megawatt of electricity. Coal, gas or nuclear power plants require less than 13 acres. 

Persecuting people based on their faith is also pretty regressive and our government is busy reviving that medieval practice too. No less regressive is the practice of political repression, a time-tested favorite of the most notorious tyrants in world history. 

Today’s Leftists are regressing all the way back to antiquity. The craze of surgically mutilating children in America goes all the way back to ancient Egypt, where archeologists have unearthed the mummies of mutilated women pre-dating the birth of Christ. 

It’s time we start calling these people Regressives. It’s certainly more accurate than calling them progressive, which they clearly are not. To call them progressive is to perpetuate the lie they tell to deceive people into accepting their evil ideology. 

Stop Calling The Left 'Progressive' (

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