Thursday, March 30, 2023

Katie Hobbs Press Secretary Resigns After Sending Threatening Tweet in Support of Transgender Violence

The press secretary for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is was a woman named Josselyn Berry.   In response to the Christian school murders by transgender shooter Audrey Hale, Ms. Josselyn Berry sent a twitter message seemingly showing support for the mass killing.

The message was subsequently removed by Twitter for advocating violence, a violation of their platform rules.

Yesterday, Ms. Berry resigned from her role as press secretary for the Arizona governor: “The Governor does not condone violence in any form. This administration holds mutual respect at the forefront of how we engage with one another. The post by the Press Secretary is not reflective of the values of the administration. The Governor has received and accepted the resignation of the Press Secretary.” (read more)

There are a lot of increasingly unstable people in the world, and for some reason many of them choose to showcase themselves on social media.