Thursday, March 2, 2023

Give It a Rest Already

It’s about 10 months before anyone casts a single vote in the 2024 primary season and I’m already sick of all of it. All I really care about at this point is someone emerge and beat holy hell out of Joe Biden or whatever unimpressive, doesn’t know what a woman is Democrat the left props up, anything else is gravy. My concern is whoever ends up being the Republican nominee will have so many gaping holes in them they’ll bleed out before the general, metaphorically, of course. It’s so far away that a little more than 1 percent of the population will have died before it, so it’s time to give it a rest for a bit.

Not that you’ll die, I don’t want that. What I do want is the candidates, real and imagined, to grow the hell up, and their supporters to stop acting like jackasses too. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask, but every cycle it becomes a bigger and bigger lift. 

The candidates are announcing earlier than ever and we’re far from done hearing from new ones, but who gives a damn.

I’m all for the Republican nominee, and I don’t care who it is. There are some who it obviously won’t be – looking at you Larry Hogan – and there are some I’d prefer it not be, but even if it is them they will have my vote. I want the Democrats to lose, period.

That having been said, give it a rest already. No one is a frontrunner or entitled to a damn thing in a general election that is almost 2 years from now, and polls on that election mean nothing. I know a lot of people have their choices made already, just ask 2016 nominee Scott Walker how important it is to get an early lead in the polls. 

Whatever you think is going to happen is unlikely to happen, and everyone will end up getting wildly angry before it really even gets started, that’s just how these things work. 

Also, your life will be significantly better if you avoid blind loyalty to any politician because, and I promise you this, it will never, ever be returned. 

So, where are we? Ron DeSantis is playing coy, Donald Trump is playing for keeps, and everyone else is playing catch up. But catch up is absurd, as I’ve already stated, the race hasn’t begun yet. It doesn’t matter that a couple of runners are in the infield stretching out, the doors to the stadium haven’t been opened yet.

I don’t need to see PAC ads pushing DeSantis before he’s announced anything. I don’t need to see Trump sycophants demanding to know what other candidates did to help East Palestine because Trump flew in pallets of water. He’s a billionaire with a 747, flying in bottled water was a good thing…completely cheapened by fans screaming that everyone should praise him for it and other were somehow less because they didn’t. Ohio has water, Ohio has a Governor. If they need help they can ask, but Trump being a private citizen doing something was good, till it ruined by treating it like it was done to rub in the faces of others.

No one can do more damage to a candidate than the people most dedicated to them.

Say what you will about Nikki Haley, and I think most of what has been said so far is unfair and said because those saying it either live for shock value or have other preferred candidates (which is fine, just not transparent), she’s mostly been a non-entity. Voting is too far away for minor candidates to get any attention yet. By the time people do pay attention she may well be doing well, but now is not 5 months from now.

The other announced candidate is Vivek Ramaswamy, but I can’t take him seriously because he hasn’t done anything except ingratiate himself to the Republican establishment. He’s rich, his PR team got him on Fox to sell books, Fox adopted him, he talked about taking on “woke” corporations through a hedge fund, got a ton of money to do just that, and as far as I know hasn’t done that. He’s now running for a job he won’t get because running gets attention. This is all my opinion, of course, but I do like to see results, not rich guys sitting on boards that distribute a ton of money to the conservative movement being showered with awards because so much of the Republican establishment is spent sucking up to itself for fun and profit. 

Maybe I’m too cynical? Maybe I’m part of the problem I’m talking about? Maybe I’m on to something? I am avoiding CPAC this week for a reason…

Anyway, I could do without all of this right now. There is a time for it all, just not yet. We have a common enemy, or at least we should. Only one of these people will win the nomination, and anyone who says it’s their way or the highway is on the team of that enemy. Maybe check yourselves a bit, there will be plenty of time for fighting over the direction of conservatism after liberalism is vanquished.