Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Despite Previously Being Banned as Too Dangerous, John Kirby Confirms Biden White House Support for “Gain of Function” Virus Manipulation

“Gain of function” is the innocuous sounding term for the manipulation of a toxic virus to make it more toxic.  Gain of function is essentially the weaponization of a virus to make it more lethal and explore the consequences of the biological outcome.  Because there are risks this type of research could produce a dangerous pandemic virus that would escape the biolab environment, “gain of function” research was previously banned.

As the COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) now appears to have originated as an outcome of “gain of function” research, White House spokesperson for strategic policy, John Kirby, is asked if Joe Biden supports that type of biological experimentation.  Kirby delivers a lot of words, but eventually admits, yes, the White House supports experiments with viruses to make them more dangerous.  WATCH: