Friday, March 3, 2023

Christopher Wray's Failing PR Campaign to Save the FBI's Reputation

Christopher Wray's Failing PR Campaign to Save the FBI's Reputation

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

In the last couple of days, I’ve written about how FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted that his agency concluded “quite some time ago” that the COVID virus escaped from a Wuhan, China virology lab, and how “sources” recently told the Washington Post that FBI agents were against the August 2022 raid on former President’s Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

What’s the commonality between the two stories? They both make the FBI look better, and they both indicate that Wray might be playing a game of CYA and distancing himself from the dictatorial, partisan Attorney General, Merrick Garland.

RedState commenters were quick to point out that they don’t trust a thing that comes out of Wray’s mouth:

  • I’m betting that this “admission” from Wray is merely a bid for conservative support, now that Wray faces a Republican House. The crooked FBI under Wray is still as left-leaning as it has been since Obama.
  • This smells bad. Wray didn’t suddenly see the light of truth. He’s setting up something.
  • I want to know why Wray didn’t speak up alot sooner than this. I smell CYA all over this.
  • I don’t believe this story for a second. Somebody’s posturing to avoid the inevitable House Select Committee appearance on CSPAN.
  • The only reason they would even pretend to not be almost as honorable as the Mexican Federales is because a new bit of bad news is going to drop about their complete corruption. Pretending they didn’t want to go after conservatives is beyond gaslighting.
  • Maybe some street agents didn’t want to go. Maybe. 7th floor HQ types? They were all for it. Someone is trying to cover their backsides. Maybe Garland is on his way out and he is trying to keep his loyal minions in place, after he is gone. That’s the way you keep your “agents” in place when your own house of cards is falling.
  • The coincidence with Wray’s testimony only shows an FBI that is trying to do major damage control. I don’t buy it. Had this been true at the time, we would have heard at least a whisper of it before now.

RedState commenters are on it, that’s for sure. Thank you, readers!

Meanwhile, doesn’t this FBI Twitter post look like a fawning magazine cover?

My first question about Wray’s COVID origin admission: if you some time ago concluded that the virus came out of the lab in Wuhan, why weren’t you more vocal about it? I don’t remember you defending all those who were being censored and canceled for even suggesting an idea. You just stood to the side, silent, while knowing the most likely explanation was the one they were being vilified for?

The second thing I notice is the timing of the Washington Post’s “exclusive” where these agents claim—on background—that they wanted no part of the Mar-a-Lago incursion. Was Wray behind these leaks? Is it coincidental that Merrick Garland spent his Wednesday getting shredded by Senators Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and others over his weaponization of the DOJ? And that the House Oversight Committee is ramping up its investigations into Justice now that Republicans are in power?

As my colleague Nick Arama, reported, Wray appeared on Fox News Tuesday on this latest public relations tour. Although some claimed that anchor Brett Baier wasn’t tough enough, he nevertheless made Wray squirm as the director was forced to explain why it was appropriate to send a heavily-armed squad to arrest pro-life activist Mark Houck in front of his children, when they typically would have just arranged for him to surrender himself. Baier even mentioned the Twitter files, which totally contradict Wray’s claim that the FBI isn’t “the truth police.” Arama featured this exchange, which is worth watching again:

He was also put on the hot seat over the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, never holding anyone accountable for the false FISA warrants, and more.

Watch this panel slice and dice his comments:

Christopher Wray certainly seems to know that he and the FBI are the next targets as House and Senate investigations continue to heat up. It sure appears he’s doing his best to get ahead of things.

But he’s failing. And everyone can see it.