Thursday, March 2, 2023

Belarus President Lukashenko Visits Chairman Xi, Affirms Support for China’s Ukraine Peace Plan

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko was in Beijing for a state visit with Chairman Xi.  Belarus is not a member of NATO and borders both Ukraine and Russia. Together both leaders, Xi and Lukashenko, affirmed their support for a peace proposal to end the war in Ukraine.

You would think that Lukashenko violated a war commandment from NATO, the World Economic Forum and the Western alliance when you read the apoplexy from the media describing how he stood next to Chairman Xi during his Chinese leader’s first comments in public about China’s peace proposal.

When you look at the big picture, you realize how strongly the western alliance needs to maintain a NATO expanded war with Russia as the only possible path forward.  Anyone like Viktor Orban (Hungary) or Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus) who propose anything, except expanded war with Russia, are immediately attacked by the entire apparatus of western media.

It’s a remarkable dynamic to watch.

WASHINGTON DC – […] “The China-Belarus friendship is unbreakably strong,” Xi Jinping told Lukashenko, the first European head of state to be given a state visit since the Chinese leader secured a norm-breaking third term last year. “China and Belarus are the joint guarantors of international justice.” His remarks were reported by Chinese state media Xinhua.

[…] During Lukashenko’s visit, the two countries signed bilateral agreements on trade, industry, agriculture, customs, technology, public health, tourism, sports and regional government cooperation.

Lukashenko said he “fully supports” China’s position paper on resolving the Ukraine crisis, unveiled last week.

Xi also offered his first remarks on Ukraine since the announcement of the paper, which has been called into question by the EU and the U.S., though Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he was open to considering some parts of Beijing’s proposals.

“The core of China’s position is to promote peace and facilitate negotiations,” Xi said. “It is crucial to stick to the direction of political settlement, abandon all Cold War mentality, respect the legitimate security concerns of all countries, and build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture.”

He also blamed “certain countries” — a veiled reference to the West — for “politicizing and instrumentalizing the world economy” during the “Ukraine crisis,” calling on them to “genuinely commit to [steps] conducive to a cease-fire and peaceful resolution.”

Xi made no reference to Zelenskyy’s call for a meeting. Russian media has reported that Xi was due to visit Moscow later this year. (more)