Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Not a Joke, Joe: Former 'Primary Gatekeeper' to Comply With House Probe Into Biden Family Business

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

I don’t want to get out over my skis, here, but the walls do seem to be slowly closing in on “The Big Guy” and the Biden Family Business. Yeah, yeah, I’m fully aware of the “nothing’s ever going to happen” naysayers, but… maybe, just maybe, some in Biden’s inner circle are willing to spill the tea.

Look, here’s the deal, as Joe likes to say:

Kathy Chung, Biden’s former “primary gatekeeper,” has agreed to comply with the House Oversight Committee’s probe into the classified document scandal and the Biden family’s international business schemes, as reported by Breitbart.

Chung’s lawyer, Bill Taylor, told CNN she will hand over “some” requested documents and sit for an interview with the committee, which is investigating the Biden family for nine violations, including money laundering and wire fraud.

It is also probing Biden’s classified document scandal that would likely not have been revealed to the public if it was not leaked to CBS News in January.

If true, that’s a potentially big deal.

Chung has been a longtime confidant of the Biden family, and in May 2012, Joe’s crackhead son Hunter suggested her as a candidate for a job in his then-vice president dad’s office. Hunter wanted Chung to replace Joe’s then “primary gatekeeper for the VP” and become the “conduit everyone goes through to get to [Vice President Biden].” He also described the job as the person who “handles all personal stuff” for Joe.

Let’s think about that, for a minute.

Given Hunter Biden’s “shady at best” business dealings, including the ten percent cut for “The Big Guy,”  it sure would make sense for Hunter to do his best to install a gatekeeper for Joe’s office who had previously demonstrated loyalty to the family. You know, like in “The Godfather.”

Meanwhile, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chair of the House Oversight Committee, in early February asked Chung for documents and communications dating back to 2009, which encompasses the Biden family business era, to “then-Vice President Biden’s departure from office in 2017, including communications regarding Penn Biden Center,” the letter said.

You served on the Vice President’s staff from July 2012 until he left office. The Committee believes your proximity to Vice President Biden and role as handler of his personal matters gave you access not only to classified material he maintained after leaving the White House, but also to the Biden family’s business schemes.

Ms. Chung, you’re officially between a rock and a hard place.

Fail to comply, that’s on you. Agree to comply, and share what you have on the Bidens’ illicit business ventures. However, Chung’s lawyer told CNN she won’t provide the committee with all of Comer’s requests, following in the footsteps of Hunter’s refusal fully comply with the committee. The lawyer explained:

She is not agreeing to produce everything in the letter but would provide documents related to the movement of documents from the White House to the Penn Biden Center. She is happy to sit for an interview with the committee.

Time will tell, counselor. As I suggested, there comes a time when people become willing to save their own skin vs. that of the people they are trying to protect.

As my colleague Susie Moore reported, Comer, on Friday, fired off a letter to Isabella More, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oversight at the Treasury Department, in reference to prior correspondence sent to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and requests stretching back to the last Congress that have gone unanswered.

And as we also reported on Monday, Gal Luft, a former business associate of Hunter, has been arrested in Cyprus and charged with illegally selling weapons to Libya and China. Again, another example of the “quality” of Hunter’s “business associates,” about whom “The Big Guy” is no doubt unaware. [sarc]

The American lawyer for Luft suggested he will provide information to Congress about Luft’s case.

Clearly, there’s an overall administration strategy in place to either slow-walk requests from Comer’s committee or ignore them completely — at least until push comes to shove. In either case, the screw continues to turn on the Biden Family business while “The Big Guy” continues to smirk every time he’s asked about his involvement.

Yet, as The New York Post reported in October 2020, emails revealed that “The Big Guy” appeared to have a 10 percent stake in the former Shanghai-based conglomerate CEFC China Energy Co., formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

If I were Kathy Chung, if push comes to shove, I’d throw Joe, Hunter, and Joe’s brother James Biden as far under the bus as I could, rather than risk my own skin for the Bidens.