Tuesday, February 28, 2023

New Democrat Battle Cry: Tampons for Boys!

New Democrat Battle Cry: 

Tampons for Boys! 

For a clear glimpse into the modern Democrat Party’s fiscal extravagance and twisted obsession with gender fluidity, consider Bernardo Heights Middle School. That San Diego campus captures so much of the sheer insanity that is a feature, not a bug, of today’s Democrat agenda.

This government school, which serves students in grades six through eight, recently installed a tampon dispenser in the boys room, just beside a urinal.

Thanks to Sacramento Democrats, tampons are free of charge in Golden State government-school boys rooms, such as this one in San Diego. Photo courtesy of Phil Kendro.

Democrats’ Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021 mandates that every California government school supply free feminine hygiene products in each female and all-gender restroom and at least one male bathroom.

“I think it’s crazy and unbelievable that they would put a tampon and pad dispenser in the boys locker room because they should KNOW that boys will be boys and waste them and cause trouble,” said a 13-year-old male Bernardo Heights student.

“My son told us about the tampon dispenser because he was surprised to see it in the boys restroom, and I asked him to take a photo for us,” said Phil Kendro, the 13-year-old’s father. “Originally, he didn’t want to because he was told by a staffer that they shouldn’t take photos. But I told him there’s nothing in school that should be hidden from us parents.”

“My family purposely moved to the Poway Unified School District before I deployed in 2012, as we had heard so many great things about the school system,” the retired U.S. Marine Corps pilot told me. “However, since then, we have been very surprised and disappointed at some choices that the school board and district leadership are making. We do recognize that some of these laws, mandates, and regulations are coming from the legislature and California Department of Education officials, but we don’t feel our local leaders are pushing our concerns to higher authorities.”

“Their decisions lead to many frequent deep discussions in our house with our 11- and 13-year-old children,” Kendro continued. “We feel very passionate about maintaining our family values, and they seem to have been under attack over the past few years.”

“We also think it’s important to push such issues nationally, as there are so many school boards that are no longer listening to parents when we showcase our concerns about things like this, overly sexualized books in libraries, teaching of critical race theory, or trying to turn the absurd into the new normal,” Kendro concluded. “We are grateful that there are so many parent and family groups that are rising up to challenge such craziness.”

Of course, this outrage could go even further, since the Democrat Left bandwagon features two accelerators and no brake pedal.

To be diverse, equitable, and inclusive, why not install jockstrap dispensers in girls’ restrooms, just in case some female student wished to protect her lady parts with an athletic supporter — and bill taxpayers for it?

While Republicans correctly would mock this idea, some Democrat official is reading this very sentence and saying, “Hmmm … interesting!”

In the improbable, but not impossible, event that a student or two actually coped with medically diagnosed gender dysphoria, then they — individually — could get on-campus access to tampons or — what a concept! — purchase them at any drugstore, as hundreds of millions of American females have done since Dr. Earle Haas invented the tampon in 1931, and Gertrude Tendrich began marketing it in 1936.

Installing and filling tampon machines in hundreds or thousands of boys rooms up and down the Golden State (already saddled with a $22.5 billion annual budget deficit) is as colossal a misallocation of scarce resources as placing free albuterol nebulizers in every classroom, just in case an asthmatic student suffers an attack.

“California is the petri dish for the Left,” Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, told Fox News Channel’s Trace Gallagher. “They try out all these crazy policies here, and then very quickly they get exported nationwide. So, you got all these school kids going into a boys bathroom, terribly confused, and this is completely a wasteful exercise.”

The fact that Democrats are plying boys with tampons amid a national shortage of feminine hygiene products transforms craziness into callousness. The so-called Party of Women is so busy satisfying its exotic fantasies that it treats its base with sheer cruelty.

Women across America should remember this at the next election.