Thursday, February 16, 2023

Klaus Schwab Outlines How the Transformation Will Deliver the New “Master of the World”…

A lot of people are going to cite and replay a part of the remarks by World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab, where he outlines what attributes are needed in order to become the new “Master of the World.”

However, the more interesting, buried lead in his remarks was his talking about the new power structures within global government.  He literally says multinational corporations are the power centers for global government in the same way as nations like India.  First, the soundbite everyone will discuss. WATCH:

But don’t get too hung up on that one aspect of his remarks.  The full speech is below, I suggest listening to it all, and pay particular attention at 04:50 where he talks about “the political transformation” -

Prompted, just hit play:

We are moving from a world more or less dominated by one super-power, into the patchwork of a multi-power world. With one superpower, a competing superpower, aspiring superpower like India, middle powers, but also rogue states, companies who have become global powers, technology companies – social media.”…