Thursday, February 16, 2023

Karine Jean-Pierre finally said something true

Karine calls Grandpa Joe the “best communicator we have in the White House.” 
Given the dopes in this White House, that’s probably true.

During her daily press briefing yesterday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said this:

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “What a load of utter bollocks.”

You wouldn’t be alone. A lot of people mocked the hell out of that. In fact, the RNC responded to Karine Jean-Pierre’s remark by presenting a montage of Joe Biden attempting to communicate:

But you have to consider how Jean-Pierre phrased her response. She said old Grandpa Joe is “the best communicator that we have in the White House.”

Given the parameters she provided, it may shock you, but I happen to think Karine Jean-Pierre is speaking the truth here.

In this White House, coming out on top as the “best communicator” isn’t especially hard. The bar is so low that even with his stilted, unsteady gait, the 80-year-old Joe Biden could vault it easily.

Karine Jean-Pierre is the White House press secretary. Communicator is quite literally part of her job description, and half the time her answers are gibbering nonsense.

Just the other day, she referred to our neighbor to the north as “Canadia,” and that wasn’t even the most uncommunicative thing about her remarks:

You should read the transcripts from Karine’s daily press briefings. She has got to be the least qualified press secretary in the history of the job.

Then there’s Kamala Harris.

It goes without question that Joe would win the “Who’s the better communicator in the White House” contest against Kamala … unless the topic was electric buses or Venn diagrams.

But being lauded as the best communicator in this White House is like being named the skinniest woman at a fat farm.

Part of the problem, of course, is that this White House’s entire messaging is built on a foundation of lies. 

It is impossible to be an effective communicator when nearly everything you say is demonstrably false.

The other problem is that every single person in the Biden White House is so completely detached from the real world that not one of them is capable of speaking about issues that are important to real people.

Take the disastrous train derailment in Ohio earlier this month that resulted in a toxic chemical spill that forced people from their homes and disrupted their lives.

The guy in charge of the federal rail system, Transportation Secretary Pete “I Love Trains” Buttigieg, isn’t communicating much of anything about it. Instead, he’s spending his time talking about non-transportation matters like the lack of racial diversity among construction workers working in minority communities.

The people in this administration are so far removed from real, everyday life that they aren’t capable of conveying anything that matters to real people.

Last week, the White House had to hire a new communications director after the last one left. And if you think that the number one factor in choosing a replacement was improving the administration’s communications problems, think again.

On Friday, Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters precisely why the new guy was chosen for the job:

“Very, very important, indeed.”

Um, no, honey. It’s very, very unimportant.

Given the railway problems, airline problems, and supply chain problems we’ve endured over the last two years, I think all of us can see just how unimportant it was that Pete Buttigieg made history by becoming the first openly gay Senate-confirmed Cabinet Secretary.

And if Karine Jean-Pierre was any good at communicating with the American people, she would have known not to pull the “first openly gay” card. But she isn’t, and neither is anyone else in this White House.

That’s the problem.

Are you at all surprised that in this Clown Show Administration, Joe Biden is considered the master communicator?

Trust me, guys. This is one title old Joe won fair and square.