Thursday, February 16, 2023

DOJ Officially Clears Matt Gaetz, Rage-Induced Coping Begins

DOJ Officially Clears Matt Gaetz, Rage-Induced Coping Begins

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Rep. Matt Gaetz is in the clear after the DOJ officially decided to not pursue charges related to sex trafficking.

Gaetz had been the target of a years-long government leaking operation, painting him as guilty of allegedly trafficking a 17-year-old girl. While no actual evidence of such an act ever emerged, the left ran with the accusation as if it was a proven fact, relentlessly smearing the Florida congressman. Infamous conspiracy theorist Rebekah Jones also made it a centerpiece of her failed campaign against Gaetz.

The DOJ had other ideas, though, and has now formally told those involved in the case that the drawn-out saga has ended.

This was always the most likely outcome after it became clear the DOJ had absolutely nothing to support its case. Still, for years, various leaks were propagated, with the only possibility being that they came from government officials. That has become a favorite tactic of the “deep state,” with partisan federal officials trying to convict their political enemies in the court of public opinion despite the actual legal cases being weak to non-existent.

Naturally, word of Gaetz’s victory isn’t being taken well by the left. Rage-induced coping began immediately.

To people like that, it never mattered whether Gaetz was guilty of a crime or not. They were content to have the government do their dirty work, confident the abuses they were propagating would never be committed against them. That’s usually a bad bet when it comes to electoral politics, where things can change in one election. Perhaps the left should be more careful about setting really bad, damaging precedents in the name of political expediency.

Who am I kidding? This isn’t going to change a thing in how the left operates. The punishment for Gaetz was the pursuit and the illegal leaks that hampered his life (and his checkbook) for years on end. Even without filing charges, the bad actors abusing the DOJ got what they wanted. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is.