Thursday, February 16, 2023

Apropos of DC – Senator Dianne Feinstein Says She Was Unaware of Retirement

Yes, Dianne Feinstein has been around the corrupt Democrat system of politics for a long time, and yes, she has exhausted her usefulness. Also yes, this story is entirely apropos of how the DC professional political class works.

Yesterday, it was announced that Senator Dianne Feinstein is retiring. Essentially, the powers in control of the UniParty club system are clearing the way for Senator Adam Schiff, who will – not coincidentally – be maneuvered into position on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. However, the people around Feinstein forgot to tell her they were making a formal announcement.

WASHINGTON DC – Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said she did not know her office released a statement saying she will not seek reelection in 2024.

“I am announcing today I will not run for reelection in 2024 but intend to accomplish as much for California as I can through the end of next year when my term ends,” Feinstein, 89, said in the statement.

Later on Tuesday, reporters at the Capitol asked her about the announcement.

“I haven’t made that decision,” she said, according to Savannah Behrman of the National Journal. “I haven’t released anything.”

A Feinstein staffer then told her, “We put out the statement.”

“You put out the statement?” the senator replied, seemingly surprised. (read more)

Now, accept this scenario as it is presented…. and consider something else.

Remember when Dianne Feinstein was Vice-Chair of the SSCI during the 2016 election?

You might remember when Hillary Clinton failed to win the race, and after the SSCI efforts to defeat candidate Donald Trump failed, in January of 2017 with the incoming Trump administration now presenting the new threat to the corrupt DC system, Dianne Feinstein was removed from the SSCI and replaced with Senator Mark Warner.

The responsibility to protect the corrupt systems was too big a task for Feinstein, hence the decision to replace with Warner.  That’s the inside baseball way the corrupt levers of the U.S. government work.   The overarching system is in place to protect itself.

Dianne Feinstein has exhausted her usefulness.  As the Democrats work the system, don’t be surprised if they don’t wait for the election.  We could see Feinstein with an early exit and California Governor Gavin Newsom with the job of appointing Adam Schiff to the Senate in the pre-positioning and control.

Unfortunately, the illusion of choice will continue so long as the RNC and DNC clubs continue to operate the structures.

You might also remember it was someone from inside Dianne Feinstein’s office who released the SSCI transcript of Fusion-GPS founder, Glenn Simpson, so that everyone could get their stories in alignment with the same narrative.  At least Feinstein took the blame for it, as the story was told.

It was also not accidental that Dan Jones was Senator Feinstein’s lead staffer, who then left the SSCI job to work on the anti-Trump insurance policy from outside government, coordinating with DNC operatives, Fusion-GPS and ultimately Feinstein’s replacement, Mark Warner.

Senator Feinstein has simply outlived her usefulness.