Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Adam Schiff Gets Ratioed to High Heaven for Accusation of LGBT 'Hate' in California

Adam Schiff Gets Ratioed to High Heaven for Accusation of LGBT 'Hate' in California

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Has any political issue in history moved as quickly as the push to force all things to become LGBT and all its various other additions? We went from “just leave us alone” to “you will affirm and celebrate us at every opportunity” in record time. It’s hard to believe, but the Obergefell decision, which many warned was a slippery slope, was only a decade ago.

Now, everything must be LGBT. All sporting events must include its symbology while corporations trip over themselves to adorn their logos with rainbow colors. It doesn’t stop with “pride month” either. Year-round, there are constant shows of obedience to the LGBT lobby, and that includes at the government level. In fact, things have gotten so insane that Rep. Adam Schiff is now claiming that not flying an LGBT flag on government property is an act of “hate.”

Ask yourself a simple question: Why does a pride flag need to be flown on government property?

Some might say that it’s a show of support for the protection of equal rights by the government of specific demographics. Okay, but it’s equally the government’s job to provide equal rights to religious people. Should Huntington Beach be flying Christian flags on its public properties? For some reason, I seriously doubt Schiff would support that.

To answer my previous inquiry, there is no actual justification for flying an LGBT flag on government property. To do so is simply an observation of the left’s secular religion. All things will be made in the image of LGBT, and you will be made to not only like it, but fully and outwardly support it. That’s the left’s plan anyway.

Conversely, we can all just say no to this nonsense. Schiff’s post got ratioed to high heaven, which is heartening at some level. America guarantees certain freedoms, but it does not guarantee the affirmation of others, especially in violation of one’s religious and moral beliefs, no matter how connected or disconnected those two things may be. The LGBT cult is not special, and we are not required to treat it as such. To call it an act of “hate” to not fly a pride flag on the taxpayer’s dime is moronic. It’s also incredibly illiberal, which is something the Democratic Party used to pretend to care about.