Thursday, January 5, 2023

Who's Buying Hunter Biden's Art? Baby Mama Aims to Find out in Child Support Case

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Who in the world would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars for fledgling modern artist Hunter Biden’s works? The mother of one of his children is asking a court to force the president’s son to reveal that information in an ongoing child support case in which the recovering crack addict is requesting his payments be reduced.

Biden cites “a substantial material change” in his “financial circumstances,” which can be translated to mean he’s no longer receiving massive questionable payments from Ukrainian natural gas giant Burisma or foreign governments like China.

Former stripper Lunden Roberts, 31, who is the mother of Hunter’s four-year-old daughter, wants “detailed information” on her ex-beau’s art earnings:

“The plaintiff asked for detailed information about the defendant’s works of ‘art’ and the purchasers of the same,” Clinton Lancaster, Roberts’ attorney, wrote in a Dec. 27, 2022, court filing.

“Even though the defendant has been the subject of articles by the New York Times regarding his ‘art,’ President Biden’s administration has taken measures to shield the White House from the buyers of the defendant’s ‘art,’ and the defendant was seen in New York City as recently as a few months ago showing and selling his ‘art,’ the defendant has refused to provide any information about his ‘art’ or the income derived from it,” Lancaster continued.

“Instead, history repeats itself and Mr. Biden seeks a protective order,” the attorney added.

The younger Biden took an interest in art only recently, and although he had never sold a painting, his work was displayed at a Hollywood art show in 2021 with eye-popping prices as high as $500,000. He sold five prints for a total of $375,000 at the event, which was attended by then-mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti, who is no stranger to controversy himself.

The amazing part of all this, however, is that the White House said in October 2021 that all of Hunter’s art sales would be anonymous to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. It would seem to me that hiding such information actually worsens the likelihood of corruption—anyone could be behind those sales, including those who want access to the president. Hunter supposedly wouldn’t be told who the purchasers were, but all we have to ensure that is Manhattan gallery owner Georges Berges’ word. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Modern art is not my favorite form—the impressionists are my personal fave—so I can’t tell you if Hunter’s art is any good. Good or bad, however, it’s highly questionable that a 52-year-old first-time artist recovering from a recent crack addiction would attract buyers with prices like these. Decide for yourself if you think one of these pieces is worth half a million bucks:

House Republicans have vowed to investigate Hunter Biden and his shady business dealings—including his meteoric rise to the top of the art world—but that may not come any time soon since so far the GOP is unable to even choose a Speaker.

In the meantime, my prediction is that there’s no way Biden Inc. lets this information out, and either Hunter or Joe will find a way to simply make it disappear.

–>: See also: