Sunday, January 8, 2023

We Have a New House Speaker. Joy.

It took FIFTEEN BALLOTS to get Kevin McCarthy elected as Speaker of the House, the most for almost 170 years. Chip Roy (he has my vote for President any time he wants to run), Matt Gaetz, et al, fought tooth and nail to get some concessions, and apparently, they got a few good ones. Bravo to the Freedom Caucus. America is still breathing. Barely. On life support.

But…it took FIFTEEN BALLOTS to get Kevin McCarthy elected as Speaker of the House. What does that tell you? Here’s what it tells me.

1. It tells me that Mr. McCarthy’s conservative instincts are terrible. The things Gaetz, etc. were demanding are matters that any truly conservative person wouldn’t need to be pressured 15 times into doing. And the Freedom Caucus probably didn’t get enough. McCarthy should have done these things on his own, not be brow-beaten, threatened, and leveraged into giving in. He doesn’t “think” like a conservative. How is that going to play out over the next two years?

2. Well, it probably won’t play out very well. Especially since Newt Gingrich, Fox News, and 200 Republicans in the House were willing to hand McCarthy the gavel, no conditions, no questions asked, no vetting—“here, Mr. McCarthy, we’ll follow you like Democrats followed Pelosi. We are sheep. Sheer us.” Oh, MTG and a few others might have fought him eventually on some things—things that now she won’t have to fight him about, thanks to the good work of Gaetz, Roy, etc. Is the Republican movement in the House this weak? And if so, what does that say about any “committee investigations” that they are (maybe) planning to have? Do we think they will push back hard against the January 6 Committee traitorous fiasco? Is Nancy Pelosi going to be subpoenaed for her role in the January 6 “insurrection,” which she is probably a whole lot more to blame for than Donald Trump? And if she is, what will happen WHEN she doesn’t appear? Are Biden, Garland, and Mayorkas going to face impeachment charges like they should for their criminal abuses of power? How many years (not to say minutes) do you think Hunter Biden is going to spend in jail (or even sweat) because of Kevin McCarthy and this bunch of House Republicans? Do any of you see any of that happening with our illustrious new Speaker?

3. Jim Jordan might be able to get something done. He appears to be a top-of-the-line fellow. But how much support is he going to get from McCarthy? I’m not confident in this.  

I think McCarthy WILL do some good things, or at least he will grunt a few noises that sound good. But he is going to be under intense pressure—from the Democrats, from the media, from every radical, left-wing cause in America, and RINOs all over Washington. Does McCarthy have the cojones to resist all this pressure? That remains to be seen, but he didn’t start well. Not if it took 15 ballots to get him to agree to things that he should have decided before even one vote was taken.

4. “This wouldn’t have happened if Pelosi were Speaker.” I can’t find the reference anymore, but some honest Democrat (an oxymoron, I know) made this brilliant comment. And it IS brilliant because it’s true. Every single Democrat would have rolled over, showed their belly, and done exactly what they were told to do. Just like in Xi Jinping’s CCP. That’s the totalitarian end that the Democratic Party has come to.

Thankfully, only 200 Republicans were willing to do that…yeah, I’m being facetious.

Well, maybe there are 20 people in the House of Representatives we can trust. At the moment, Kevin McCarthy isn’t one of them, but I sincerely hope that changes. I don’t know how many in the Senate will stand up for America; obviously, the Senate Minority Leader won’t. The Swamp is still the Swamp and I don’t smell it getting any rosier at all. That does not bode well for the future of the United States of America.