Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Video, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Second Inauguration Speech

The management and branding team behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continue to track a transparent path toward a 2024 nomination run.  Florida Governor DeSantis was sworn into office today at Noon eastern, complete with Jeb Bush as a special on-stage guest of honor.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is one of the primary organizers and influencers for DeSantis ’24 presidential bid.  Former governors Rick Scott (R) and Charlie Crist (R/D) did not participate in the ceremony.   Additionally, despite the early hour and not appearing to be coincidental, it appeared the political branding team decided to have Casey DeSantis take a page from First Lady Melania Trump’s wardrobe style. WATCH:

They are going to recreate Camelot whether you want it or not.  However, once you see the strings on the marionettes, it’s impossible not to watch the performance and not see them.

Ron DeSantis is the counterfeit $100 bill on a fishing string being dragged through the MAGAhood by the professional political class and Bush family revenge operations.