Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Year of Pushing Back

Use your constitutional free-speech rights while you still have them. When the next holiday season rolls around, check to see if things got any better.

“I think it’s gonna get better by the holidays.” 

That was Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in September, addressing the raft of airline flight cancellations. When the holidays came, it didn’t get better. In fact, as the executioner Boris said in Blazing Saddles, “It’s been utter chaos down here.” 

Flights canceled, people left stranded, the whole nine yards, but not for Pete Buttigieg. As it emerged, the transportation secretary had taken at least 18 trips on private jets, funded by taxpayers, including a trip to Montreal, Canada, to receive an award. 

Those still camping out in airports might recall that during a crippling supply-chain crisis, Buttigieg was off on a two-month “maternity leave,” which he claimed was “not a vacation.” The secretary also proclaimed that “supply, demand, and the pandemic” were the main forces behind the supply chain bottlenecks. They weren’t. 

According to the secretary, “Americans have more money in their pockets compared to a year ago. Where they used to maybe spend it on going to shows or travel, they’ve been more likely to spend it on things, which is why actually we have a record number of goods coming through our ports.” We didn’t. 

As embattled Americans might recall, Transportation Secretary Buttigieg has a sanctimonious side. On the other hand, in a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing last year, Buttigieg proclaimed, “the more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, ​the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles.” 

By this standard, all those people stranded in airports is a good thing—for people who can access private jets, funded by those same taxpayers. So the secretary has a sadistic side, and that Anthony Perkins look should have given it away. Pete Buttigieg failed to become president, so the Biden Junta deploys him to jack up the misery index and taunt the people. In that task, the secretary faces strong competition. 

Consider Sam Brinton, the former deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy at the Department of Energy. Like Michael Palin’s lumberjack in the famous Monty Python sketch, Brinton likes to put on women’s clothing and pose for the cameras. 

It’s a good bet that a sizable fraction of Brinton’s wardrobe is from the suitcases he ripped off at airports. That caused him to lose his job, but the big question is how this poseur ever got the job in the first place. 

According to the Department of Energy, access to “special nuclear material” requires evaluation of “information about an individual’s background to determine their judgment, reliability, and honesty.” The Office of Personnel Management and the FBI conduct background investigations such as “a fingerprint check, credit search, records check, and interviews with individuals to verify the applicant’s character, loyalty, current and past residences, employment, and education.” 

This clown most likely got the post because he’s one of those Dave Chappelle calls the “alphabet people,” now a privileged, protected class. That is doubtless the case with four-star “Admiral” Rachel Levine, assistant secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. It has emerged that Levine has been urging Big Tech companies to censor “misinformation” about “gender-affirming care,” which Levine believes is of “positive value” and “not in medical or scientific dispute.” 

Actually, irreversible mutilation of the human body is not a good thing, especially for children and adolescents. They seem to be the admiral’s target-rich environment. Like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Admiral Levine is a physician who first does harm and has no use for informed consent. If you don’t address Admiral Levine as a woman, the Assistant HHS boss wants you to lose your job. 

Admiral Levine recalls Dr. Robert Elliot (Michael Caine) in “Dressed to Kill,” the shrink who dresses in women’s clothes and carves up Kate Miller (Angie Dickinson) with a straight razor. Put dark glasses on Levine and the resemblance would be more startling—except for the uniform. 

Levine recalls Jay Leno’s rant against the circuswith all those “diseased animals and hermaphrodite clowns throwing anthrax spores at the children.” For Rod Dreher, Levine smacks of fascism, and the American Conservative editor is on to something. The Biden Junta does represent fascism of a special brand. 

The underlying ethos is the Dictatorship of the Subjunctive Mood (DSM), a permanent crusade against reality. Chromosomes, hormones, bone structure, and so forth confirm that, in terms of science, the admiral and the luggage thief are both men. Levine claims to be a woman because he thinks he is, and everybody must fall in line—or else. If a parent challenges the admiral, say, at a school board meeting, she becomes a domestic terrorist on the FBI’s Most Wanted List. 

Pete Buttigieg thinks airline travel and the supply chain are great, because he says they are. That’s the DSM in action, a totalitarian tutorial. The suffering of the people advances the agenda of the Junta, now in full triumphalist mode. Should that be doubted, review Joe Biden’s September 1 hate speech, like something staged by Leni Riefenstahl

Let 2023 be the “Year to Push Back” with all the riches of the English language at every opportunity. Use your constitutional free-speech rights while you still have them. When the holidays roll around, check to see if things got any better.