Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Courage Time in the House of Representatives

After the new Congress convenes, the Republicans should announce that they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling until the president and the vice president resign.

What do we do when (it really is no longer a question of “if”) it is proven satisfactorily to most people that the 2020 election was manipulated—perhaps outright stolen—by government forces (and their allies in the media) with the result that the “wrong” person won? 

Elon Musk’s Twitter has released information showing that government personnel, at the FBI and perhaps other agencies, leaned on that social media platform to suppress information about the Hunter Biden laptop, which indicated scandalous behavior—and very possibly criminal—on the part of the Biden family.

And according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the FBI leaned on him as well to suppress information about the laptop. It will now surprise no one if we discover that the FBI leaned on many other media outlets as well.

It is fair to conclude, therefore, that the wrong person was elected president in 2020. What does “wrong” person mean? 

A poll was taken after the election asking people whom they would have voted for if they had known about the Hunter Biden laptop. Enough Democrats and independents said they would have voted for Trump to have changed the outcome of the election. That means public knowledge and sentiment were “manipulated” by government personnel, so one candidate (preferred by them) would win over the other.

But what can be done now? Donald Trump seems to want a new election. That is not going to happen. But neither should nothing be done. Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. Do we have any mechanism for dealing with this problem?

Actually, we have. The Constitution provides some relief. One method, of course, is impeachment. But that wouldn’t work in this case: the House of Representatives, under Republican control, might vote for impeachment. But because a majority of the U.S. Senate belongs to the Democrats, the president wouldn’t be convicted. What to do?

There is another possible solution. It would require bravery—almost always in short supply. But maybe not this time. This is a time for reckoning. This is a time for choosing. Another time for choosing.

Here’s how the problem could be solved.

Because the U.S. government doesn’t live within its means (it spends far more than it collects in taxes), it has to borrow money. Congress has to authorize how much money the government can borrow. The maximum amount the government can borrow, legislated by Congress, is called the “debt ceiling.”

At some point this year, the government will reach that maximum amount. Failure to raise that amount would lead (at least in theory) to the government defaulting on its obligations.

What would happen then? No one knows. It could create chaos in the United States and the global economy. Nevertheless, that situation presents an opportunity to the Republicans to rectify the theft of the presidential election in 2020.

After the new Congress convenes this week, the Republicans should announce that they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling until the president and the vice president resign. If that were to happen, under the Constitution, the speaker of the House of Representatives would become president. He will be a Republican, as would have been the person (Trump) who would have been elected in 2020 absent the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop story by a willing media encouraged by the FBI.

Would it be possible to persuade Republicans to refuse to raise the debt ceiling? Who knows? Wouldn’t it be worth finding out?

There will always be squishy Republicans, of course, like Adam Kinzinger (R–Ill.) and Liz Cheney (R–Wyo.), neither of whom—mercifully!—will be serving in the new Congress.

But there might be enough Republicans in the House of Representatives (the “People’s House”) who care enough about the scam perpetrated on the American people to do something about it.

Alternatively, for the more squeamish, the decision not to raise the debt ceiling unless the president and vice president resign could be justified by their failure to enforce the immigration laws—and not just to refuse to enforce them, but, via the freakish White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, to blame Republicans for creating the problem by talking about it! And if that dereliction of duty isn’t sufficient justification, the quantity of fentanyl that that dereliction has allowed to come across the southern border—enough to kill every American who voted for Joe Biden twice over, and a lot more besides—should be.

But, the skeptics will say, if Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling, won’t the country collapse?

First, the country has already collapsed if the secret police (i.e., the FBI) are allowed to get away with fixing an election.

Second, how do we know the country will “collapse”? And what does “collapse” even mean? If the United States has never defaulted on its debts before, how can we be sure what the consequences will be? Most creditors of the U.S. would probably understand what’s going on, and they are likely to be . . .  patient, especially given the alternative to being patient.

The Republican House should explain to the people how serious it is that the election was “stolen” by the secret police—that the formerly republican United States is now in a state of collapse—and urge them to call their local newspapers and radio stations from morning till night and chastise them for hiding the truth from the American people.

The United States needs to do something to redeem itself. It shouldn’t just putter on as if nothing happened. The perpetrators may not confess, but punishment and restitution are still called for.

A Republican House of Representatives (ah, but who do they represent?) has the opportunity to set things right. But do they have the courage?

We’ll find out.