Monday, October 31, 2022

As Midterms Approach, Democrats Scream in Protest of Accountability

Democrats will pay a price for their abusive “new normal”

It’s becoming clear that Democrats will pay a political price for the horribly abusive way they have treated the United States these last couple of years. Perhaps it was unwise of them to stake electoral fortunes on a narcissistic belief in their own virtue. But like “Wyoming Republican” Liz Cheney, they just can’t help themselves. Their closing argument to voters? Set aside your parochial concerns with the cost of living and your family’s safety, peasant, and pledge allegiance to us. This is your duty to Our Democracy™.  

Moral blackmail is Democrats’ bread and butter. But this time, it isn’t working. Their rhetoric has just become too preposterous: How is “democracy” threatened when the people peacefully choose new leaders? Democrats can’t say. Anyway, they’re the last people who should be giving lectures on democracy. As Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake boldly reminded us the other day, Democrats were “election deniers” long before they concocted the term as a childish libel against the Right. 

What Democrats really fear is being held accountable for the miserable “new normal” they foisted on the country. Let’s recap, shall we?

Democrats successfully cut a path of destruction to the White House in 2020 by stoking panic over COVID and outrage over George Floyd’s death. They crashed the economy with totalitarian “lockdowns” that ripped up the social fabric and imprisoned law-abiding people in isolation, even as Democrats emboldened criminals to take control of society with “mostly peaceful” riots that terrorized communities and demoralized police. A trampled electorate cried uncle and responded to Biden’s misleading promises of “normalcy.” 

Rather than keep their word, Democrats exploited the country’s goodwill and moved without delay to establish a radical new political order. The revolution of 2020 became the start of a “new normal” of violence and dysfunction presided over by a draconian and aggressively ideological government.

In the “new normal,” the people are lectured daily by preening, incompetent busybodies about the “extremism” of anyone who opposes “gender-affirming care,” that is, the mutilation of perfectly healthy children by politically compromised doctors. As the people become poorer, less safe, and less free, the busybodies pile on with the crude, patronizing propaganda that comes out of their mouths. They tell us that the economy is strong and that the border is “secure,” despite what everyone can see for themselves. Between empty boasts, they busy themselves with finding their scapegoat of the week. 

As Election Day approaches, Democrats have taken their gaslighting to new extremes of shameless revisionism. 

The same people who pushed vaccine mandates and “defund the police” are audaciously posing as champions of bodily autonomy, the rule of law, and the common man against the ravages of Big Pharma, while encouraging voters to share in their myopic fixation with January 6. Biden is issuing grave warnings of what “MAGA Republicans” will do to an economy that he has already tanked. 

Hypocrisy is normal in politics, but this level of hypocrisy is a warning sign that the people in power have lost all sense of loyalty and respect for the people and will stop at absolutely nothing to stay in control. We need look no further than Biden’s cruel and gratuitous “pandemic of the unvaccinated” hate campaign, which made millions of people with perfectly rational concerns about the COVID shots into second-class citizens overnight. Biden just dropped this Big Lie the moment it ceased to be politically expedient and moved on as if nothing had ever happened. 

It would be too kind to say that Democrats have mismanaged the country: they have beaten the living daylights out of it. They know this, too, which is why their messaging has gotten so hysterical and authoritarian. They have nothing to offer except more sociopathic pity for criminals, more reckless spending, more anti-white racism, and more tyrannical government control over families and their children. There will be no relief, moderation, or “normalcy” as long as they are in charge. As if to prove this, corrupt bureaucrats in the Centers for Disease Control just overruled public opinion to make potentially harmful COVID vaccines mandatory for millions of kids who have no need of them. Meantime, Illinois will become the first state in the country to abolish cash bail in January.

The good news is it looks like there will be a peaceful transfer of power after November 8. The question is, will Democrats accept the will of the people?

X22, On the Fringe, and more- Oct 31 🎃


Happy Halloween!

Permissible and Impermissible Incendiary Speech? ~ VDH

For many on the Left, what most see as incendiary and violent rhetoric is simply contextualized as the necessary talk of social justice.

United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) hit the airwaves to connect the recent assault on Paul Pelosi with “fascism” and “white nationalism.” She insists that both are now ubiquitous. And both prompt increasing politically motivated violence. (Ocasio-Cortez remains oblivious to the greatest sustained political violence in our recent history; the 120 days of Black Lives Matter and Antifa-fueled rioting, arson, looting, and mayhem of summer and fall 2020—often cheered on or defended by public officials and social media.)

The deplorable violent attack on Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), has been described as the logical reification of increasing bitter political discourse. Shrill accusations spread even as full details of the attack are still not known. But the general picture of the assailant is one of an unhinged conspiracy freak of all flavors. He seems to have been a lunatic, drug-crazed white supremacist and anti-Semite, a former hemp jeweler, and nudist, who was either homeless or was living in a cluttered hippie-like commune in Berkeley plastered with pride and BLM flags. 

Nonetheless, almost immediately the Left has seized on the attack to blame supposed right-wing political rhetoric as the cause. 

As we enter the final week before the midterms and likely near-historic Democratic losses in Congress, this effort to manipulate violence in the news for last-minute political advantage will increase—but certainly it is not new. 

In late October 2018, after the despicable mass lethal shooting of worshipers in the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue, the Left immediately blamed Donald Trump and his supporters. That useful pre-midterm narrative insisted that Trump had provided the rhetorical fireworks that set off anti-Semite and conspiracy nut, Robert Gregory Bowers. 

The killer came from an atrocious family background. He was a known loner and outsider who came to embrace white nationalism. But in his incoherent rants and postings, he had made it clear that he was also no fan of Donald Trump. He considered the president pro-Jewish (Trump’s son-in law is Jewish and his daughter a Jewish convert) and a “globalist.” That fact, apparently, was of no importance. For the next week before the midterms, the media saturated coverage of supposed Trump culpability for Bowers’ crazy violence. 

In general, the Left has three predictable characteristics when it seizes upon pre-election news of shootings and assaults.

Things Just Happen to Conservatives 

Violence of any sort of against conservative political figures rarely has anything to do with combustible rhetoric emanating from the Left. 

When New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin was recently physically attacked on stage by a troubled alcoholic David G. Jakubonis (released into an alcoholic recovery program from police custody a few weeks after his attempt on Zeldin’s life), the media made no effort to tie the assault to politically driven rhetoric. 

When Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was severely injured by a crazed neighbor, there was no suggestion that left-wing extremist talk, and in particular political attacks on Paul, had pushed the assailant over the edge—although there was plenty of undisguised liberal schadenfreude at Paul’s injuries. For example, in a March 2020 tweet, Christine Pelosi (Nancy and Paul’s daughter) snarked: “Rand Paul’s neighbor was right.” 

James Hodgkinson was a declared left-wing political activist and former Bernie Sanders campaign worker who went hunting for Republican legislators and ended up shooting six people—among them Representative Steven Scalise (R-La.), the House majority whip at the time, who nearly died. 

The media did not attempt to tie the unstable Hodgkinson to often hysterical anti-Trump and anti-MAGA rhetoric of the time. And the matter was mostly forgotten as the work of another unhinged shooter.

Acceptable Violent Rhetoric?

Second, calls for violence from the political Left, often from among its most high-profile officials, are simply dismissed as occasional excitable verbiage. They are not considered to play a role in any subsequent shooting or assault as a catalyst for the unhinged. Consider what then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) screamed in March 2020 to an angry throng of pro-abortion protestors before very doors of the Supreme Court:

I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.

Ostensibly nothing could have been more combustible than riling up an already furious crowd of pro-abortion protestors, then identifying Supreme Court justices by name, then claiming the two named would pay a justified “price” for their actions, and then issuing an “if you . . .” threat through vivid imagery of violence, e.g. “You won’t know what hit you if you …”

The response? Few in the media believed that Schumer had lowered the bar on what was acceptable speech directed at the Court—not even when two years later a fanatical pro-abortionist, would-be assassin Nicholas Roske showed up near Brett Kavanaugh’s home. Roske was apparently angry over illegal court leaks that Kavanaugh would vote to repeal Roe v. Wade. The would-be assassin certainly wished Kavanaugh “to pay the price.”     

Both before and after that scary aborted hit, protestors had shown up at Kavanaugh’s home and also forced him to leave a restaurant. Note that Pelosi and House Democrats held up House passage of bipartisan legislation to provide increased security for Supreme Court justices. That bill had passed unanimously in the Senate and would have been sent immediately to get Joe Biden’s signature, were it not for Pelosi’s hold-up.

On Inauguration Day in 2017, Madonna infamously screamed to an angry crowd assembled about the ceremonies, “Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”

No one considered that such inflammatory imagery had anything to do with the numerous threats that Trump, like all elected presidents, received. Indeed “fact checkers” immediately went to work, as they do in such examples of left-wing incendiary rhetoric, to offer “context” in order to avoid any “misunderstanding” or “confusion” about what Madonna was “really” trying to convey. 

Ditto in June 2020, when Kamala Harris offered an incendiary boast of approval to Stephen Colbert—just 17 days after a violent BLM and Antifa-led crowd in Lafayette Park attempted to torch the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church, and then sought to storm the White House grounds, sending the Secret Service and the Trump family into a secure presidential bunker:

But they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. They’re not. This is a movement. I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop, and everyone, beware. Because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before election day in November, and they are not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that on both levels. That they’re not going to let up. And they should not, and we should not.

Again, the media and “fact checkers” insisted she was referring only to peaceful protests, although the summer riots of 2020 entailed $2 billion in damage, dozens killed, 1,500 law-enforcement officers injured, the torching of a federal courthouse and police precincts, and 14,000 arrests. 

At the height of the June 2020 violence, New York Times essayist and architect of the “1619 Project” ruse, Nikole Hannah-Jones, dismissed the nationwide massive looting with the apologetics: 

Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence . . . Any reasonable person would say we shouldn’t be destroying other people’s property, but these are not reasonable times.

An unbiased observer might have concluded her televised editorialization empowered looting and violence that nearly always accompanied it. 

Sometimes leftist elected officials were more focused than Harris or Schumer in their calls for physical confrontations. Consider Maxine Waters’ sick June 2018 clarion call to physically confront and harass Trump officials:

Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere . . . The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they’re going to tell the president, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’ 

Since the Obama era, there has been a serial effort to demonize the working class as somehow Neanderthal-like, clueless, and to be written off. Obama’s “clingers” slur transmogrified into Hillary’s “deplorables” and “irredeemables,” and on into Biden’s “chumps” and “dregs.” And we forget sometimes that well before Donald Trump’s chants of “Lock her up!” it was Barack Obama on the campaign trail who suggested to his supporters to confront their adversaries and “Get in their faces.”      

And Obama gave further advice about such confrontations, saying: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.” And lest we forget, Obama reminded his supporters “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry!” 

Joe Biden waited until his campaign and presidency to hone his prior tough talk—for example, of taking Trump behind the gym to beat him up or calling those at his campaign events “fat” and “lying dog-faced pony soldiers”—into a fiery condemnation of his political opponents. In two now infamous speeches in recent months, Biden damned roughly half the country (“It’s not just Trump”) as “semi-fascists”:

What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy . . . It’s not just Trump. It’s the entire philosophy that underpins the—I’m going to say something: It’s like semi-fascism.

Biden a few days later elaborated on that charge in an even more divisive rant couched in near-Old Testament imagery: “MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.” 

Again, despite the efforts of fact checkers and press secretaries to contextualize Biden’s eerie speech, the clear meaning of his speech writers was that Republicans who had voted for Trump had irrevocably “made their choice” not to live with the rest of the nation in the “light” of truth, but rather in some dark nether regions among the “shadow of lies.”     

A disturbed leftist might at this point ask, if half the nation is semi-fascist and thrives on anger and dwells in some dark domain of lies, what then are we to do with such hopeless threats to democracy? 

Unleash the FBI to “lose” subpoenaed phone records, to alter court documents, and knowingly to deceive a FISA judge with a false dossier? Have the FBI work with social media to censor unwelcome political speech or to mislead and suppress information deleterious to Biden’s campaign? Summarily excuse the FBI hierarchy after lying to federal investigators?

Have FBI informants work to destroy a political campaign, transition, and presidency? Surveille parents at school board meetings on the prompt of teachers’ unions? 

To deal with Morlock semi-fascists and those in the “shadows,” are any means then necessary?

Projection Again

Third, attributing violence to conservative political rhetoric is characteristic of the larger progressive embrace of projection. And by now we know how that tic works.

Those who deify Stacey Abrams or are amused by Hillary Clinton’s near decade-long lunatic obsessions with election denial are the most prone to scream “election denier!” They slander anyone who expresses doubts about the 2020 balloting, in a fashion that Clinton, Jill Stein, Hollywood stars, or Jimmy Carter routinely did in 2016.

Joe Biden’s long history of racist slurs and outbursts have become prerequisites for his current serial charges of “racism!”—extending now to the absence of sufficient leg space in economy class.

Screaming “Russian collusion” is a guarantee that the progressive accusers—Hillary Clinton and her cohort—were past masters of colluding with the Russians. Their paid henchmen like Igor Danchenko and Charles Dolan vacuumed up Russian-leaked lies to feed Christopher Steele with the known falsehoods central to his collusion charge.

So, too, the more the Left charges conservatives with rhetorical culpability for subsequent violence, all the more the guardians of proper political speech can contextualize and excuse what a Charles Schumer or Maxine Waters or Joe Biden says. 

Their logic is the fallacy that those who police violent political verbiage cannot themselves possibly ever need such policing—or in fact peremptorily police others precisely to excuse their own culpability. 

So, yes, let us by all means tone down the political fireworks lest the nation’s unhinged translate such rhetoric to violence. But let us also remember that for many on the Left, what most see as incendiary and violent rhetoric is simply contextualized as the necessary talk of social justice.

An Open Application To Serve On Twitter’s Content Moderation Council

If Elon Musk is serious about including ‘diverse viewpoints’ on the council, he’ll appoint me, and then he’ll unlock my Twitter account.

Just days after taking over Twitter and firing a slew of top executives, Elon Musk announced Friday afternoon that the company will be forming a “content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints,” and that “no major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes.”

I know, I know. Meet the new boss same as the old boss, right? But maybe not! If Musk really wants Twitter to be “a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,” as he said recently, then he can prove it right now, by appointing me to the content moderation council.

I’m the perfect candidate, whose appointment to the council will show the world that Musk’s Twitter takeover isn’t some cynical ploy by an eccentric billionaire but a genuine push to transform the platform from a propaganda machine for elite media and the political establishment to a freewheeling forum for free speech.

Why me? Because my Twitter account has been locked since March for violating Twitter’s ridiculous rules against “hateful conduct.”

What did I do that was supposedly hateful? I said that Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health in the Biden administration, is a man. Which he is. But Levine is also transgender. That is, he “identifies” as a woman, dresses in women’s clothing, and wears makeup and jewelry. Calling him a man counts as “targeted misgendering” according to Twitter’s hateful conduct rules.

But it’s not so simple. I didn’t do anything hateful, nor did I call Levine a man to insult him, but to make a point. The background here is that in March, USA Today named Levine as one of their 2022 “Women of the Year,” and published a totally unironic interview with Levine about being true to yourself. It’s hard to think of a more tone-deaf or insulting way to honor women than to include a man in a “Women of the Year” piece, but there it is. It’s as if the editors at USA Today were trying on purpose to demonstrate how wokeness turns in on itself, like a snake devouring its tail.

Anyway, the Babylon Bee rightly mocked USA Today by naming Levine its “Man of the Year,” which was brilliant and funny but didn’t amuse the censors at Twitter one bit. The Bee’s account was locked for violating those “hateful conduct” rules, prompting Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann to tweet: “Maybe they’ll let us back into our @TheBabylonBee Twitter account if we throw a few thousand Uighurs in a concentration camp.” Mann’s account was promptly locked for that, and later the Bee’s founder Adam Ford has his account locked for retweeting Mann.

I wrote about all this in a column, noting that eventually firms like Twitter will silence everyone whose views do not align with their own woke orthodoxy. It doesn’t matter that Levine, a 65-year-old who fathered two children with a woman he was married to from 1988 to 2013, is in fact a man. Truth is no defense against the censors of Big Tech.

Then I tweeted my column out, with a summary of that main point:

Not long after that, my account was locked for — you guessed it — hateful conduct. Twitter informed me that I could unlock my account if I deleted the tweet, and that by deleting the tweet I was acknowledging that I engaged in hateful conduct and promising not to do it again. Sort of a sacrament of reconciliation for the woke gods. 

refused — and continue to refuse — to delete the tweet because I reject the idea that what I wrote amounted to hateful conduct. Quite the opposite, what I wrote was the truth. Arguably, it’s far more hateful and cruel to people like Levine to affirm them in the delusion that they aren’t really a man but a woman, or that they can become a woman by dressing like one.

Just look at the testimonies of the growing number of detransitioned young people, who are now stepping forward to tell their stories about how they were lied to and manipulated by health-care professionals who purported to be giving them “gender-affirming” care instead of treating them for gender dysphoria and helping them to accept themselves for who they really are. 

But anyway, I relate all that to demonstrate that I’m the ideal candidate to serve on Twitter’s new content moderation council — if, that is, Musk really wants Twitter to be a place for free and open discourse. In that case, if I’m appointed to the council the first thing I’ll do is unlock my account.

If that’s not what Musk wants, though, maybe it’s just as well. It’s kind of nice not being on Twitter. 

It's a New Era: Twitter Fact-Checks Biden Over Corporate Earnings Claim

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

President Joe Biden is probably scared this Halloween weekend—of Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter Thursday. Musk, who calls himself a “free speech absolutist,” wasted no time in firing top executives and bringing in Tesla engineers to look at Twitter’s algorithms. Now the bluebird is fact-checking the president over his claim that 55 corporations made earnings over $1 billion in 2020, when in fact only 14 did:

Twitter fact-checks Joe Biden. (Source: Twitter)

“Let me give you the facts,” Biden’s tweet says, right before issuing factually incorrect information. “In 2020, 55 corporations made $40 billion. And they paid zero in federal taxes. My Inflation Reduction Act puts an end to this.”

Twitter responded, “Out of the 55 corporations the tweet references, only 14 had earnings greater than $1 billion and would be eligible under Biden’s tax law.” They then supplied a link to a Washington Post article by Glen Kessler debunking Biden’s claim. When even the WaPo is calling out the president, you know the falsehood must be pretty blatant.

Who fact-checked Biden? Twitter is vague, saying:

Context is written by people who use Twitter, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.

I decided I would, in fact, “find out more,” so I clicked the link and got this explanation:

Twitter’s Birdwatch feature. (Source: Twitter)

It doesn’t tell you much and unfortunately does not give a time of publication, but Fox Business reported that the fact-check was put up Friday.

Fox also explained why the number of corporations making over a billion dollars is important:

President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law in August 2022. The law, a trimmed-down version of the president’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better plan, was signed amid historically high levels of inflation.

Among its many provisions was incorporating a 15% minimum corporate tax for companies earning more than $1 billion per year.

In other words, Biden is claiming that a whole lot more corporations will pay this tax than actually will, if Birdwatch is correct.

This isn’t the first time Biden has tweeted “misinformation.” In May, he laughably posted that there were no COVID vaccines available when he took office, despite the fact that he’d already publicly received two shots. He received a Birdwatch fact-check on that whopper too, and after heavy criticism, he tweeted an acknowledgment that the statement was in error.

Biden spits out falsehoods routinely, and it’s refreshing to see a social media company actually call him out. I would love it if we eventually find out that it was Elon himself who posted the fact-check, but I’m probably asking for too much.

Woke Social Media Platform Launches to Fight 'Elon Musk's MAGA Twitter,' and the Name Is Perfect

Alex Parker reporting for RedState 

Move over, Twitter. There’s a new social media platform in town. And it’s not dumb.

In case you’re unfamiliar with Tribel, here’s a description from the platform’s page:

Tribel is the SMARTER social network where your posts immediately reach the right audience, you finally get the recognition you deserve for making great posts — and you can customize your news feed to easily find the breaking and trending posts YOU want WHEN you want them — in any topic.

And you won’t have to worry about fake news or immorality:

A new grassroots social network is finally here, one that has safeguards in place that will put morality, truth, and We the People first — and has innovative new features that will lead social media towards a brighter, better future.

The Post Millennial relays that the company’s creator, Omar Rivero, also runs Occupy Democrats. And on October 26th, Omar tweeted big news. Evidently, Elon Musk and Donald Trump are in with the Nazis:

“BREAKING: Elon…tweets a video of him moving in to Twitter headquarters, signaling that his purchase is complete. In retaliation to his plans to invite Trump & his neo-Nazis back, millions of angry Twitter users join @TribelSocial, a new pro-democracy Twitter alternative. RT!”

Thankfully, Tribel is guaranteed to be a safe space. Per PM, on Thursday, the site announced it had preemptively banned Elon Musk. The Post Millennial displays a tweet by Tribal Social Network possibly to that effect simply stating “Yes,” but the post(s) to which it responds can’t be publicly viewed. Assuming the report is correct, he’s not the only one — the following day, the platform banned Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and Kanye West. It has further stated, “We ban racists for life.”

In case you missed it, Tribel is very much into banning, AKA “pro-Democracy.” It’s also all for “equality”:


One user praised the bans: “Yes — people that preach misinformation should not be allowed a place to preach it.”

Another lamented that Republicans own all media institutions:

“I was hoping Elon would find another hobby. The Republicans own TV stations, newspapers, now Twitter. The propaganda machines are going all-in. The only thing the Democrats have left, our vote and our willingness to boycott. Vote Blue ’22.”

One reply to that post:

Back to Nazis, would fans of Hitler relish free speech? Elon does. And some on the Left appear to find it frightful. To hear them tell it, free speech is a threat to free speech:

MSNBC Warns That Free Speech On Twitter Would Be a ‘Danger’ to Free Speech — and It Perfectly Captures Where We Are

Academics Fear the ‘Hate’ of Free Speech as a Liberated Twitter Looms

Washington Post Launches Disgusting Attack on Twitter After Elon Musk Takes the Helm

Progressives Resort to Familiar Tactics After Elon Musk Takes Over Twitter

America has changed quickly — the best I can tell, Elon Musk has been vilified because he believes in arguably the oldest national value: freedom to speak one’s mind. These days, the Left side of the aisle seems to have flipped-flopped; whereas it long trumpeted such a virtue, what once was virtuous has now been deemed vile.

As for the nation’s new woke social media platform, at least it’s honest about its very contemporary model: It’s nothing if not “tribal.”

Whistleblower: FBI Election-Meddles Again By Targeting Info Democrats Don’t Like Under ‘Election Crimes’

After the FBI interfered in the 2016 presidential election through Russia hoaxing and the 2020 presidential election by suppressing the legitimate Hunter Biden laptop story, it looks like the notoriously corrupt federal agency is election meddling again ahead of the 2022 midterms. An FBI whistleblower alleged in a leaked document that the FBI lists “misinformation” as a potential “election crime,” Project Veritas reported on Thursday. 

The document, titled “2022 Midterm Elections Social Media Analysis Cheat Sheet,” also lists “disinformation” as a potential election crime, describing it as “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others,” including “Disinformation campaigns on social media,” which it describes as something “used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public.”

The news indicates the FBI is yet again meddling in our elections because, as Americans learned through the 2020 presidential race, the bureau’s definition of “disinformation” and “misinformation” is simply information that could harm Democrats’ electoral prospects.

For instance, Mark Zuckerberg revealed in August that the FBI interfered in the 2020 election by directing Facebook (and likely other platforms) to censor so-called “disinformation,” which included the Hunter Biden laptop story. The New York Post’s bombshell story on President Joe Biden’s son was subsequently smeared by Democrats, Big Tech, the corporate media, and the feds as Russian “disinformation.”

The story was entirely real, however, and it appears Hunter made potentially criminal business deals in Chinese and Ukraine by leveraging his father’s position and connections, implicating the Democrats’ then-presidential candidate Joe Biden as compromised by American adversaries. To protect Joe Biden, the FBI and its partners in Big Tech and the corporate media waged one of the biggest coordinated censorship campaigns in modern American political history to squash the Hunter laptop story — much of which was already “verified or verifiable.” As The Federalist’s Senior Legal Correspondent Margot Cleveland reported about a different FBI whistleblower report made to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, earlier this year:

[T]he whistleblowers alleged that Washington Field Office Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy ‘Thibault and other FBI officials sought to falsely portray as disinformation evidence acquired from multiple sources that provided the FBI derogatory information related to Hunter Biden’s financial and foreign business activities, even though some of that information had already been or could be verified.’

The Iowa senator claimed that ‘Thibault also reportedly ordered the closure of a stream of information related to Hunter Biden and sought to improperly mark the matter within FBI systems in a way that would prevent it from being re-opened in the future.’ ‘The FBI headquarters team allegedly claimed that reporting from the stream was at risk of disinformation,’ but the whistleblowers told Grassley, ‘that all of the information obtained through that stream was already verified or verifiable.’

Surveys show that 1 in 6 Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known about the censored news stories that were unfavorable to Biden, including the laptop story. In throttling the bombshell, the FBI and others meddled in the election and potentially tipped the scale in Biden’s favor.

Not only did the FBI interfere in the 2020 election, but when it became clear the Hunter Biden laptop story was legitimate, the agency also refused to do its job and seriously probe Hunter’s corrupt dealings over the last two years. Grassley demanded last week that the FBI and Department of Justice provide Congress with an unredacted brief with the steps the agencies have taken to investigate the Biden son, but the agency has not responded to the senator. 

Under a section titled “Things to Consider,” in the latest leaked document, the FBI reminds agents that the First and Fourth Amendments still exist. What agents are supposed to do with that fact is unclear, though, since the FBI has shown little to no regard for the Constitution as of late. The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop is just one of many examples.

Perhaps most egregious of all the instances of FBI corruption is its nearly decade-long political persecution of Donald Trump. During the 2016 election, the bureau conspired with Democrats to annihilate the campaign of then-candidate Trump. Once Trump was elected by the American people, the FBI tried to overthrow his presidency using falsified evidence and illegal tactics. The agency continues to target Trump today in an attempt to thwart his potential 2024 political aspirations. 

The FBI has never expressed remorse for its election crimes or violations of Americans’ constitutional rights. Instead, the feds have been emboldened to continue their election-meddling practices by censoring information they deem inconvenient for Democrats, further solidifying the American people’s distrust in the Department of Justice.