Monday, October 31, 2022

As Midterms Approach, Democrats Scream in Protest of Accountability

Democrats will pay a price for their abusive “new normal”

It’s becoming clear that Democrats will pay a political price for the horribly abusive way they have treated the United States these last couple of years. Perhaps it was unwise of them to stake electoral fortunes on a narcissistic belief in their own virtue. But like “Wyoming Republican” Liz Cheney, they just can’t help themselves. Their closing argument to voters? Set aside your parochial concerns with the cost of living and your family’s safety, peasant, and pledge allegiance to us. This is your duty to Our Democracy™.  

Moral blackmail is Democrats’ bread and butter. But this time, it isn’t working. Their rhetoric has just become too preposterous: How is “democracy” threatened when the people peacefully choose new leaders? Democrats can’t say. Anyway, they’re the last people who should be giving lectures on democracy. As Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake boldly reminded us the other day, Democrats were “election deniers” long before they concocted the term as a childish libel against the Right. 

What Democrats really fear is being held accountable for the miserable “new normal” they foisted on the country. Let’s recap, shall we?

Democrats successfully cut a path of destruction to the White House in 2020 by stoking panic over COVID and outrage over George Floyd’s death. They crashed the economy with totalitarian “lockdowns” that ripped up the social fabric and imprisoned law-abiding people in isolation, even as Democrats emboldened criminals to take control of society with “mostly peaceful” riots that terrorized communities and demoralized police. A trampled electorate cried uncle and responded to Biden’s misleading promises of “normalcy.” 

Rather than keep their word, Democrats exploited the country’s goodwill and moved without delay to establish a radical new political order. The revolution of 2020 became the start of a “new normal” of violence and dysfunction presided over by a draconian and aggressively ideological government.

In the “new normal,” the people are lectured daily by preening, incompetent busybodies about the “extremism” of anyone who opposes “gender-affirming care,” that is, the mutilation of perfectly healthy children by politically compromised doctors. As the people become poorer, less safe, and less free, the busybodies pile on with the crude, patronizing propaganda that comes out of their mouths. They tell us that the economy is strong and that the border is “secure,” despite what everyone can see for themselves. Between empty boasts, they busy themselves with finding their scapegoat of the week. 

As Election Day approaches, Democrats have taken their gaslighting to new extremes of shameless revisionism. 

The same people who pushed vaccine mandates and “defund the police” are audaciously posing as champions of bodily autonomy, the rule of law, and the common man against the ravages of Big Pharma, while encouraging voters to share in their myopic fixation with January 6. Biden is issuing grave warnings of what “MAGA Republicans” will do to an economy that he has already tanked. 

Hypocrisy is normal in politics, but this level of hypocrisy is a warning sign that the people in power have lost all sense of loyalty and respect for the people and will stop at absolutely nothing to stay in control. We need look no further than Biden’s cruel and gratuitous “pandemic of the unvaccinated” hate campaign, which made millions of people with perfectly rational concerns about the COVID shots into second-class citizens overnight. Biden just dropped this Big Lie the moment it ceased to be politically expedient and moved on as if nothing had ever happened. 

It would be too kind to say that Democrats have mismanaged the country: they have beaten the living daylights out of it. They know this, too, which is why their messaging has gotten so hysterical and authoritarian. They have nothing to offer except more sociopathic pity for criminals, more reckless spending, more anti-white racism, and more tyrannical government control over families and their children. There will be no relief, moderation, or “normalcy” as long as they are in charge. As if to prove this, corrupt bureaucrats in the Centers for Disease Control just overruled public opinion to make potentially harmful COVID vaccines mandatory for millions of kids who have no need of them. Meantime, Illinois will become the first state in the country to abolish cash bail in January.

The good news is it looks like there will be a peaceful transfer of power after November 8. The question is, will Democrats accept the will of the people?