Thursday, October 27, 2022

Man Brutally Beating Pregnant Girlfriend Confronted by Good Guy With a Gun Who Ends It Right There

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Despite the lunacy of gun grabbers like embattled New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul, who recently declared, there’s “no such thing as a good guy with a gun,” facts belie the idiocy of the Second-Amendment-threatening claim, from clueless Joe Biden, and on down the Democrat totem pole.

The most recent case in point came in July, when a 22-year-old hero neutralized a would-be mass killer in an Indianapolis-area mall in just 15 seconds, as the shooter emerged from a bathroom and opened fire, killing three people.

Yet, on cue, the gun grabbers came out of the woodwork to condemn the hero, with one tweeting:

Why did he bring a gun shopping, in a specified gun-free zone? Hmm, not so good by definition. What if he was there to shoot people?

Thankfully, the “good guy with a gun” stories continue, despite the insanity of the gun-grabber left.

As reported by the Miami Herald, another good guy with a gun drew his firearm outside a grocery store in Florida over the weekend, in response to a pregnant woman being beaten and stomped on the head by her boyfriend. As you might guess, the good guy brought an end to the brutal attack — pronto.

The woman told Pinellas County Sheriff’s deputies that her boyfriend — 27-year-old Cole Danisment — got angry and repeatedly punched her in the face in the parking lot of a Publix in Largo around 5:15 p.m. on Saturday. Largo is approximately 45 minutes southwest of Tampa.

According to the Herald, the victim was left “covered in large amounts of blood” and suffered a possible broken nose in the attack. She told deputies that Danisment knew she was 14 weeks pregnant with his child. (No doubt a future Father of the Year award winner.)

The man who witnessed the attack told officers he said he feared for the woman’s life, prompting him to intervene. According to the affidavit, Danisment didn’t stop brutalizing the woman until the man pulled a gunIncidentally, deputies said there was a no-contact order against Danisment after his arrest on a domestic battery charge a week prior, but it did not stop his “pattern of violence” toward his girlfriend.

The suspect admitted attacking his girlfriend but told deputies he “saw red” and couldn’t remember what happened after “blacking out,” the Herald reported, citing the affidavit. Danisment was charged with aggravated domestic battery and booked into the Pinellas County Jail, where he remained on Tuesday, pending a $20,000 bond, the paper said, citing online records.

Hang on, a minute. If this loser brutally beat and stomped on the head of his pregnant girlfriend because he was “seeing red” and later “blacked out,” how did the good Samaritan stop him in his tracks by simply showing him his firearm? Why, you don’t suppose the guy lied to the police, do you, and was too stupid to realize the ridiculousness of his excuse?

So there you go, gun grabbers. No weapon was fired. Yet, the mere sight of a good Samaritan witness pulling a gun on a crazed lunatic with a previous arrest warrant for attacking his pregnant girlfriend was all it took to stop this guy from potentially killing the young woman and his own unborn child.

Any questions, Democrats? I’ll wait.

The Bottom Line

Gun control vs. the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners, on-demand abortion, climate change and green energy, along with “transgender” rights, sit at the top of the Democrat agenda. Anything that flies in the face of the left’s narrative on these issues must be ridiculed, lied about, and/or censored.

That should tell any reasonable person that the Democrat Pary is most afraid of the truth.

The Dangers of Peace in Ukraine

Peace is hazardous to Joe Biden’s administration and his party’s poor chances of maintaining their congressional majorities in next month's elections.

Ever since Elon Musk boldly suggested peace between Russia and Ukraine, calls for a cessation of hostilities became louder, primarily among some of the world’s richest people who are usually known for their sense of pragmatism and ability to read reality for what it is.

The general argument—advanced by the likes of Musk and Bill Ackman—is that given the immense power disparity between Russia and Ukraine, Ukrainian victory in the war is farfetched. The best-case scenario for Kyiv is to settle for peace now, at a time when it can leverage the important military gains it scored over the last month, particularly in Kharkiv.

This pragmatic solution to the conflict, while raising many eyebrows, piqued the interest of mainstream and social media, which devoted considerable attention to the debates and spats it produced. Pundits and journalists weighed in on the matter, while bots and Twitter warriors erupted with all sorts of malicious and violent responses, instantly transforming Musk from Ukraine’s hero to its most traitorous enemy.

In the midst of all this media frenzy, one stakeholder in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict remained conspicuously silent. Peace in Ukraine seemed like the one outcome the Biden Administration did not want to hear. Indeed, Biden is content with perpetuating the conflict, even though such an approach does not serve concrete American national interests abroad. Increased American involvement in the war, however, does provide Biden and his embattled Democrats with some leverage during the approaching elections.

Indeed, according to most respected polls, the economy looms large over the upcoming midterm elections. Unmitigated rising inflation has directly impacted voters, with costs of living skyrocketing and forcing many into making cuts to their everyday spending or simply further sliding into poverty. As a result, 44 percent of intended voters believe that the economy is the key problem presently facing the United States, with 42 percent believing that the Republican Party is more able to solve this problem, as opposed to 31 percent who still trust the Democrats. The same Reuters/Ipsos poll reveals that key talking points Democrats are trying to push forward during these elections, like gun violence, abortion laws, and the climate, are immediate issues for only 21 percent of voters.

For a man whose administration has done nothing to remedy the situation and who went on public record stating that inflation is a “great asset” and anyone who thinks otherwise a “stupid son of a bitch,” these coming elections are clearly turning into a reckoning. There is no excuse for such ineptitude—except for the war in Ukraine.

Months after sanctions on Russia rattled global markets, which eventually recalibrated and rectified, the administration, its spokespeople, and sympathetic media still place the blame for rising costs squarely at Russia’s feet. On October 18, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated: “Putin’s war continues. His war on Ukraine—his unprovoked war, brutal war on Ukraine continues. And so it puts pressure on our global energy supplies because of this war.” The rationale is that global energy supplies directly affect logistics and shipping, which, in turn, negatively impact production and distribution, ending in higher costs that consumers are forced to endure.

A return to this line of argument follows two months of touting that the administration has effectively dealt with the energy crisis, with gas prices falling to a national average of almost $4 a gallon, still well above their pre-crisis levels. What is more embarrassing is that the now rising prices are the direct result of Biden’s failed diplomacy.

He was first unable to convince the Saudis to increase their oil production output during his visit to the Kingdom in July. And now, the Saudis, America’s most reliable Arab allies, have even led OPEC to cutting daily production by 2 million barrels, a 7 percent decrease. Still, the administration presents Russia’s war in Ukraine as the main culprit behind its woeful economic record. A peaceful resolution to the conflict would thus deprive the current administration of its much-needed scapegoat.

Aside from the economy, the Biden Administration also has to deal with a dismal foreign policy record. His previously mentioned failure in the Middle East pales in comparison to his catastrophic leadership during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Images of Afghans, who collaborated with American troops, trying to board planes, getting kicked out (sometimes literally), and being left behind to die at the hands of the victorious Taliban tarnished the status of the United States beyond repair.

In response, Democrats decided to up the ante against China, hoping to reconstruct a representation of U.S. strength after the Afghanistan debacle. They sent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to Taiwan, hoping to show the world that America does not leave its allies hanging. It was another major faux pas, which gave China an excuse to increase its aggressive rhetoric, but was an even greater public relations fiasco. The Chinese media had a field day caricaturing the visit and its protagonist Pelosi, who was described as a “plastic woman” and a “moving mummy,” a “proper representation of America’s decaying power.”

As a result, Biden desperately needs a foreign policy victory, which requires a Russian military defeat. For this victory to be achieved, the objective must be Russia’s utter humiliation on the battlefield. Putin cannot be allowed to keep hold of any occupied territory, and his expansionist ambitions must be squashed. Any talk of peace would therefore mean another political defeat for Biden, who has been egging on the Ukrainian side, providing them with a never-ending supply of weapons.

In fact, the president, backed by Congress, is hoping to drown the Ukrainians with enough military support to bog down Russian forces in an attrition war and eventually push them into retreat. So far, he has managed to pledge almost $60 billion in military aid, of which $18 billion have already been delivered, according to the estimates of the Department of Defense. To put this in perspective, this sum is equivalent to Russia’s entire annual defense budget. The cost of peace is, therefore, too high to even consider. The war must go on until victory is assured.

Yet, once again, Biden’s gamble might prove to have disastrous effects. Backed into a corner, Putin might leave an even greater path of destruction in his wake, using both conventional and non-conventional means, like his nuclear arsenal. His own political survival depends on it. Such a scenario will force the United States and the rest of the West to halt their effective military involvement in the conflict for fear of escalating into an all-out war, where mutually assured destruction is guaranteed.

On the domestic front, the blank check Biden grants Ukraine’s Zelenskyy is beginning to test voters’ and observers’ commitment to the issue. This is not entirely Biden’s fault though. Zelenskyy’s own entitlement and attitude, making demands and issuing threats left and right, are wearing down support for Ukraine’s cause. Still, it is Biden who will feel the brunt of the backlash, with voices rising to challenge the unquestionable support Kyiv is receiving.

Tucker Carlson, for example, unleashed an unadulterated tirade against Zelenskyy: “We don’t owe this guy anything, not one thing. . . . And as our economy degrades and our border is gone, that guy is lecturing us with some Christmas list, like ‘I want this, that and I want a bicycle too! Send it, quick!’ Really? Up yours, buddy.”

Entrepreneur and investor David Sacks issued a similar statement the next day: “Ukraine has smeared peace advocates, outlawed peace talks, urged preemptive strikes by the West, and insists on retaking Crimea at risk of nuclear war. It does not deserve unqualified, unconditional, and unlimited US support.”

And while these sentiments are directed against Zelenskyy and his wartime leadership, they clearly hold the Biden Administration accountable for its “unqualified, unconditional, and unlimited [ . . . ] support.”

Given this rising opposition to the war, Biden will be forced to retort by digging in his heels. He cannot afford to have cost U.S. taxpayers tens of billions of dollars, reaping nothing in return. Peace at a time when Russia is not completely beaten is nothing short of another major setback for the administration.

The irony is that Biden was never forced down this belligerent path. And while the myriad of options he had at his disposal remain the subject of another examination, it suffices to point out that, facing disastrous failures in his handling of the economy and foreign policy, the current U.S. president sees opportunity in the perpetuation of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Peace, in this case, is hazardous to his administration and his party’s almost nonexistent chances of maintaining their majority in next month’s elections.

To avert such an outcome, Biden is willing to fight till the last Ukrainian.

X22, And we Know, and more- Oct 27


Here's 1 bit of good news:

This amazing network is catching on with others! And that's something to be very happy about. :)

Here's tonight's news:

The Switcheroos of the Two Parties ~ VDH

The party of old left-wing progressives has become one of rich regressives. And once country-club Republicans are becoming a party of middle-class populists.

Our two parties have both changed, and that explains why one will win, and one lose in the midterm elections.

The old Democrats have faded away after being overwhelmed by radicals and socialists.

Moderates who once embraced Bill Clinton’s opportunistic “third way” are now either irrelevant or nonexistent.

Once considered too wacky and socialist to be taken seriously, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the performance-art “squad,” the radicals of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and her hard progressive wing are today’s Democratic Party kingpins.

The alienating radicals of Antifa and Black Lives Matter often serve as the new party’s shock troops on the streets. They opportunistically appear to push the party to embrace no-bail laws, defunding the police, and the destruction of the fossil fuel industry. 

Since none of those positions poll even close to 50 percent with the public, the Democrats routinely either slur their opponents as racists, nativists, and climate denialists or obsess on another Trump psychodrama distraction from the Russia collusion hoax to the Mar-a-Lago raid.

What “blue dog” centrists are left in the Democratic Party either keep mum or, like Tulsi Gabbard, flee in disgust. 

Donald Trump also recalibrated the Republican Party and helped to turn it into a nationalist-populist movement that would rather win rudely than lose politely. The MAGA agenda pushed Jacksonian deterrence rather than unpopular nation-building abroad. It finally focused on fair rather than just free trade.  Republicans now unite in demanding only legal immigration and promoting domestic investment rather than globalist outsourcing and offshoring. 

In response, many of the old Bush-Romney country-club wing left in disgust. Others licked their wounds as fanatical NeverTrump something or others. 

Both parties have also been radically changed by additional issues of class, race, and wealth. 

Compare the income profiles of voters, whether by ZIP codes or congressional districts. A once lunch-bucket carrying, union member Democratic Party has become the enclave of three key constituencies. 

First, there is the subsidized and often inner-city poor. 

Second, the meat of the party, is the upscale, bicoastal professional and suburban credentialed classes. 

Third, the real rulers of the party are the hyper-rich of Big Tech, Wall Street, Hollywood, the corporate boardroom, the administrative state, the media, and the legal world. Almost all these institutions have lost public confidence and poll miserably. Their cocooned leaders are never subject to the ramifications of their own often unworkable policies.

In contrast, Republicans this election cycle concerned themselves mostly with material issues of the battered middle classes—inflation, the price of fuel and energy, a secure border, crime, parental control of schools, and realist foreign policy. 

Reforming social security, reducing capital gains taxes, and pruning back regulations are still doctrinaire Republican agendas. But they are not iconic of the middle-class dominated party as they once were in the age of Ronald Reagan. 

Democrats, as the champions of the well-off, remain redistributionist and seek to tax the middle class to fund ever more government programs. 

Joe Biden canceled some student loans. He printed lots of money. And he expanded entitlements. But even these calcified Great Society issues are drowned out by the real concerns of the professional leftist elites who run the Democratic Party. 

After all, they do not worry much about the price of diesel fuel, or whether border communities are swarmed by illegal immigration. They are indifferent to whether it is unsafe to take a late-night subway ride. And they are not too worried about being mugged or whether they can splurge for a weekend steak.

Instead, condescending Democratic movers and shakers are obsessed with climate change and sermonize about ending fossil fuels. Diversity, equity, and inclusion—all mandated equality-of-result agendas—are their cultural religion, along with transgender advocacy, and abortion on demand in all 50 states. 

The net result of these radical shifts is that Republicans began bonding with the neglected working classes and those without college degrees. That way they drowned out left-wing racial obsessions with ecumenical class concerns.

In the process, the new Republican Party in 2022 is poised to win 45-50 percent of Hispanic voters and a near record number of African-American men.

In our changed political landscape, poorer Republican candidates are routinely outspent in most of their races. Conservatives are more likely to be canceled by left-wing anti-free-expression institutions like Facebook and Twitter. Their access to online knowledge and communication is often warped by monopolies and cartels like Google and Apple. 

The Democrats claim Republicans are racists. But they cannot explain why record numbers of minorities are now deserting the Democrats, and the blue-state urban areas they run, to join the new Republicans.

As Republicans diminished the role of race, the Democrats grew ever more obsessed about it—and ignored class. The Oprahs, Meghan Markles, and MSNBC anchors of the world fixate over skin color in direct proportion to their own affluence, status, and privilege—as their hypocrisy turns off the middle classes of all races. 

In sum, the party of old left-wing progressives has become one of rich regressives. And once country-club Republicans are becoming a party of middle-class populists. And the election will reflect both those changes.

Department Of Defense Says Military Enlistment Wouldn’t Be So Low If Women Could Just Kill More Babies

Department of Defense leaders are blaming the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling for the military’s poor job at recruiting and readiness.

The Department of Defense seems to be using the Supreme Court’s overruling of Roe v. Wade as an excuse to promote the Biden administration’s abortion agenda.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s Oct. 20, 2022, memorandum, “Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Care,” cites Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health in directing the services to provide time off from duty and travel expenses for service members and dependents seeking abortions that are not available at their military medical treatment facility or the adjacent civilian community.  

Mischaracterizing Dobbs

The first sentence of the memo claims, “the ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization has impacted access to reproductive health care with readiness, recruiting, and retention implications for the Force.” This is an astounding claim, unsupported by facts, details, or supporting data. 

Dobbs, which returned abortion regulation to the states, did change the regulatory landscape of the abortion industry. But the Department of Defense has not changed its policy of providing abortions in military medical treatment facilities where the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest or the life of the mother was in danger. 

After Dobbs, a service member’s access to off-post abortion services will vary based on their duty location. Some states, such as California, have permissive abortion laws. Others, such as Oklahoma, ban virtually all abortions. But Austin’s claim that Dobbs adversely affected “reproductive health care” other than abortion seriously mischaracterizes the holding in Dobbs.

First, Dobbs held that the Constitution does not protect a right to abortion. Dobbs did not address, much less restrict, hinder, or otherwise regulate “reproductive health care” apart from abortion. 

Second, after mischaracterizing the scope of Dobbs, the memo claims the decision has adverse implications for readiness, recruiting, and retention. Again, the memo provides no data, evidence, or details to support this astonishing claim.

The effect of Dobbs returning abortion regulation to the states means service members and their dependents stationed in some states will have to travel to more permissive states to secure an abortion. That could affect some service members seeking to end the lives of their unborn children, but does it really affect readiness, recruiting, and retention, as Austin asserts?

Dobbs Did Not Affect Recruiting

Not according to an exhaustive Army Times study analyzing the Army’s dismal recruiting efforts in 2022. The Army failed to meet its 2022 recruitment goals primarily because of economic factors, the general lack of fitness of American youth (only 23 percent meet the medical fitness standards), the effects of the pandemic, and Covid vaccination policies.

The timeline of events also discredits Austin’s claims. The Army Times analysis quoted the senior enlisted leader at Training & Doctrine Command, CSM Daniel Hendrex, who said it was known by January 2022 that the recruiting mission was “facing difficult headwinds.” That’s when the service started increasing recruitment bonuses across the board.

A draft of the Dobbs decision leaked on May 2, and the final opinion was released on June 24, 2022, six months after the Army was well aware of the recruiting crisis. Furthermore, neither the secretary of the Army nor the senior uniformed leadership responsible for recruitment mentioned lack of access to abortion services as a detriment to recruitment when they presented their FY 2023 budget proposals to Congress in April 2022. Nor did they mention that a plethora of woke social policies probably is far more responsible for discouraging potential enlistees than abortion being returned to the states.

Dobbs Did Not Affect Retention

Dobbs has not affected retention, either. According to the Army Times analysis, as of July, the Army exceeded its retention goal for FY 2022, securing 57,738 active-duty reenlistments against a goal of 55,900. 

Dobbs Did Not Affect Readiness

Similarly, Dobbs has not adversely affected readiness. Whether intended or unintended, pregnancy has implications for readiness, and these implications are to be expected when a non-inconsequential number of people in the military are women. Pentagon officials have always known that women of childbearing age get pregnant, and they accepted this as part of the reality of recruiting women. Increased pressures to meet percentage-based “diversity metrics” have increased the effects, but Dobbs has nothing to do with this. 

There is no publicly available data indicating how many service members abort their babies each year, so the number of extra duty days that might be lost due to out-of-state travel is unknown. A survey by the Service Women’s Action Network in 2018 estimated that 13 percent of active-duty women experienced an unintended pregnancy at some point during their service. Of that 13 percent, less than one-quarter reported they ended the life of the unborn child through abortion. The remainder carried the pregnancy to term, and a few suffered miscarriages. Obviously, the biggest effect on readiness is the vast majority of women who carried their pregnancies to term and not the relatively few who opted for elective abortion.

We don’t know the number of women who might have had to miss duty days due to out-of-state travel for abortion, but readiness does not seem to be a problem with the services discharging thousands of trained, qualified, and experienced service members who have refused a Covid shot. It strains credulity to think that missing a few extra days of duty to travel to and from an out-of-state abortion facility would have a measurable effect on the overall readiness of the force.

DOD joined the Abortion Policy Battle

So what is really going on here? The Biden administration has made no secret that it supports abortion rights and will seek to codify Roe v. Wade — and far beyond it — in federal law. The Austin memo is a federal push for abortion without congressional participation.

Given the abysmal failure of the services to reach their recruiting goals, it is not surprising that Austin would mischaracterize Dobbs, use it as a scapegoat, and propose his new policy to remedy problems not caused by Dobbs. But this is not about the three Rs: readiness, recruitment, and retention. It is about the three Ps: preferred policy position.

Blaming the Supreme Court for the military’s personnel readiness problems undermines the credibility of the secretary of Defense, enlists the military in the ongoing political policy debate, and raises gaslighting to an art form. Austin should admit he is following the commander in chief’s policy choices rather than camouflaging his intent under the cloak of military readiness.

It’s Time to Stop Fearmongering About Social Security’s Demise

by The Heartland Institue at RedState 

(The opinions expressed in op-eds are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState)

According to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Republicans are “plotting to threaten a catastrophic economic meltdown in order to force wildly unpopular cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”

Plotting? Oh my!

As of this morning, there are no less than four articles claiming that the GOP will “gut,” “eliminate,” or destroy Social Security, all tied to random statements made by leaders of the Republican Party. These articles exist to generate fear, and serve only to waste precious time needed for the serious discussion about the gap between what Social Security has promised and what it expects to pay.

What eludes Pelosi and the rest of those selling fear is: Social Security is threatening to cut itself. In just 12 years, Social Security will deliver life-changing benefit reductions to seniors across the nation. That isn’t a worst-case scenario. Those results are what we should expect in a relatively robust economy.

While that may sound worrisome, it gets worse. The only fact on which all experts agree is that the longer we wait, the harder it gets. The obvious corollary is the more time we waste on a frivolous political sideshow, the more pain we will experience in our old age.

Unfortunately, voters chose more pain at every turn.

While fear dominates the news about Social Security, there is nothing to suggest that the GOP plans to “eliminate” Social Security, or even change Social Security in the near future.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) does not have a plan to sunset Social Security or Medicare in five years. He has a plan that Congress will do its job. The fact is that his plan might not work out. Congress might forget about these programs, or voters might turn against them and elect representatives that would end these programs. These are unlikely possibilities, not a plan.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has said that he would like Congress to have more oversight over these programs. The fact is that Congress has the power now to control the costs of “non-discretionary budget items.” Congress chooses every year not to exercise that power, and there is no reason to believe that changing budget rules will make Congress more concerned about deficits within the budget or the prospects of a program on which millions rely.

Johnson’s idea is terrible, but for very different and unexamined reasons. The average retirement coverage of Social Security lasts around 19 years. No sensible retiree wants to depend upon the annual application of duct tape and bailing wire by politicians with a two-year time horizon to their lifeline.

Instead of a reasoned discussion about the merits of his idea, voters are inundated with fear about nonexistent GOP plans to put Social Security on the “chopping block.”

At the same time, I have grave reservations about the GOP’s commitment to the program and understanding of the problem. For all of the rhetoric about strengthening Social Security, the GOP seems to be very good at one thing: doing nothing.

Party leaders loosely talk about protecting Social Security for those currently collecting without explaining how. At this point, people who are 75 and younger expect to outlive the system’s ability to pay scheduled benefits. Protecting benefits for existing retirees implies that they plan on raising taxes — so what taxes are going up?

The last time that the GOP produced a plan to reform Social Security was December of 2016, mere weeks before the final recess of the 114th Congress. It was introduced by a retiring congressman who didn’t have to worry about re-election.

His plan was to get younger voters to accept draconian reductions of benefits so that existing retirees weren’t inconvenienced by smaller paychecks. Specifically, the average retiree 20 years from now would experience a 30 percent reduction of benefits, which would accelerate as the senior ages.

As unpleasant as that prospect might sound to someone who is 45, the fact is that this plan is no longer relevant because the size of the problem has grown by more than 50 percent. Thus, the Republican plan appears to be to convince younger voters to accept benefit cuts that are vastly larger than what they will experience by doing nothing. Good luck with that strategy.

In total, the Democrats may benefit politically from this calculus of fear, but the people who have to live with the consequences will not.

The disengaged dialogue about the program’s future is little more than an invitation to a programmatic drift to crisis, where no one wins.

Joe Biden Will Keep Exploiting Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve Until Congress Stops Him

Biden has abused the nation’s strategic petroleum reserve 
as his own personal bank of political capital.

President Joe Biden tapped the nation’s emergency petroleum reserve once again last week after the Saudis refused to ramp up oil production as the economy copes with energy shortages.

“I have been doing everything in my power to reduce gas prices since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine caused these prices to spike and rattled international oil markets,” Biden said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the war in eastern Europe.

The president unleashed an additional 15 million barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve after 180 million barrels were sold off at a pace of 1 million per day from April through mid-October. According to the Energy Information Administration, the U.S. uses about 20 million barrels of oil per day.

Biden’s claim to be doing “everything” in his power to reduce gas prices runs contrary to the White House’s energy policy since day one of his administration. The president immediately closed off public lands from new oil and gas leases for 18 months upon his inauguration, freezing investment in the capital- and labor-intensive industry while a cascade of taxes and regulations from the Department of the Interior suppressed production even further. Biden also blocked plans for a major oil refinery in the Virgin Islands, keeping U.S. refining capacity on a downward trajectory after decades of decline.

Biden has repeatedly turned to the oil reserve throughout his first two years in office whenever gas prices approach new records, antagonizing voters who are already stressed by four-decade-high inflation. Last November, the president tapped the reserve for 50 million barrels of oil ahead of Thanksgiving. Months later, Biden looked to the reserve again for 30 million barrels at the onset of Russia’s war with Ukraine. The White House followed up that release with the unprecedented 180 million barrels drawn out to coincide with the midterms season. The president’s decision now to tap another 15 million barrels just before Election Day signals he’s doing everything in his power to avoid unleashing domestic power production, contrary to his claims at the White House last week.

By the end of the year, Biden will have purged 275 million barrels of oil from the reserve, which has an authorized capacity of 714 millionAccording to the Department of Energy, the reserve now holds less than 400 million barrels of petroleum, marking its lowest level since 1984. The emergency petroleum reserve, established in the 1970s to prepare the U.S. for a sudden and severe disruption in supply such as a hurricane hampering gulf coast refineries, has been transformed into the president’s personal oil bank to cash in on for political capital.

As to how effective the president’s releases have been at suppressing gas prices, consumers faced record pain at the pump this summer when the nationwide average gallon of regular unleaded gasoline eclipsed $5. In other words, gas prices continued to reach new peaks despite millions of barrels of oil flowing onto the market.

“All it’s really doing is distorting the market and covering up the president seeking to limit and curtail the domestic production of oil in the United States,” Tom Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, told The Federalist. “He is responding to the fact that he looks weak because he failed numerous times to work cooperatively with OPEC, Saudi Arabia in particular.”

At the beginning of the month, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announced deep production cuts of 2 million barrels per day beginning in November.

Pyle prescribed a legislative fix to the issue as the administration empties the petroleum reserve to save face as the midterms draw near.

“Congress needs to step in and put binders on the administration and make it very specific about what types of uses the releases are for,” Pyle said.

House Republicans have repeatedly sought to intervene. In June, Democrats blocked for the seventh time Republicans’ “American Energy Independence from Russia Act,” which would have placed restrictions on White House use of the emergency petroleum reserve. The legislation would require the president to submit an energy security plan within a month of tapping the emergency stockpile and require the energy secretary to develop plans for replenishment.

“While House Democrats have repeatedly blocked Republicans’ attempts to address our nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Biden has continued to deplete it,” a senior GOP aide on Capitol Hill told The Federalist. “If Republicans win the majority, addressing the SPR will be a part of our comprehensive focus on increasing American energy production and security.”

Congressional Republicans tried to restock the oil reserve in the early months of 2020 when the industry was on the brink of collapse from Covid-19 lockdowns. At the time, oil prices had plummeted, and it could be purchased in bulk at a bargain. Democrats, however, obstructed the effort, and now the Biden administration is forced to deal with replenishing millions more barrels at a far higher price. When the Trump administration looked to refill the reserve, oil was trading at less than $24 per barrel. Today, Biden is facing prices between $67 and $72 per barrel, about three times as much as oil cost just two years ago.

A prospective juror in the Trump Org trial was excused after telling a judge Trump makes him so sick to his guts that serving in the trial would be unhealthy


  • A prospective juror in the tax fraud trial against Trump's business was excused after saying the former president makes him sick.

  • "I don't feel like it's a very healthy thing for me to be here," the man told the Manhattan judge presiding over the trial.

  • So far, seven jurors have been selected to sit on the panel in the high-profile state Supreme Court case.

A man summoned for jury duty in the New York criminal tax-fraud trial of Donald Trump's international real-estate company was excused by a judge on Thursday after saying that the former president makes him sick to his guts.

The then-prospective juror, a middle-aged man, told New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan on day three of jury selection in the Manhattan trial that he had "strong feelings" about Trump that "turned into a very visceral feeling in my gut" overnight.

The man said he had not had feelings like that about the Republican businessman-turned-politician in the two years since Trump was president.

"I don't feel like it's a very healthy thing for me to be here," the man told Merchan before he was ultimately excused.

The judge asked defense attorneys and prosecutors whether they had any objections to the man being dismissed, and they said no.

The man declined to speak to reporters after he left the courtroom.

So far, seven jurors have been selected to sit on the panel in the high-profile state Supreme Court case. That group includes two women who said in court that they didn't like how Trump ran the country, but noted that they could still be fair and impartial jurors.

The jury chosen in the case will determine if Trump's namesake business — Trump Organization — defrauded tax authorities. The company is accused of paying executives some of their compensation off the books in the form of untaxed perks, like free apartments and cars.

The Trump Organization is facing multiple counts of conspiracy, scheme to defraud, falsifying business records, and criminal tax fraud.

Read the original article on Business Insider