Thursday, October 27, 2022

Man Brutally Beating Pregnant Girlfriend Confronted by Good Guy With a Gun Who Ends It Right There

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Despite the lunacy of gun grabbers like embattled New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul, who recently declared, there’s “no such thing as a good guy with a gun,” facts belie the idiocy of the Second-Amendment-threatening claim, from clueless Joe Biden, and on down the Democrat totem pole.

The most recent case in point came in July, when a 22-year-old hero neutralized a would-be mass killer in an Indianapolis-area mall in just 15 seconds, as the shooter emerged from a bathroom and opened fire, killing three people.

Yet, on cue, the gun grabbers came out of the woodwork to condemn the hero, with one tweeting:

Why did he bring a gun shopping, in a specified gun-free zone? Hmm, not so good by definition. What if he was there to shoot people?

Thankfully, the “good guy with a gun” stories continue, despite the insanity of the gun-grabber left.

As reported by the Miami Herald, another good guy with a gun drew his firearm outside a grocery store in Florida over the weekend, in response to a pregnant woman being beaten and stomped on the head by her boyfriend. As you might guess, the good guy brought an end to the brutal attack — pronto.

The woman told Pinellas County Sheriff’s deputies that her boyfriend — 27-year-old Cole Danisment — got angry and repeatedly punched her in the face in the parking lot of a Publix in Largo around 5:15 p.m. on Saturday. Largo is approximately 45 minutes southwest of Tampa.

According to the Herald, the victim was left “covered in large amounts of blood” and suffered a possible broken nose in the attack. She told deputies that Danisment knew she was 14 weeks pregnant with his child. (No doubt a future Father of the Year award winner.)

The man who witnessed the attack told officers he said he feared for the woman’s life, prompting him to intervene. According to the affidavit, Danisment didn’t stop brutalizing the woman until the man pulled a gunIncidentally, deputies said there was a no-contact order against Danisment after his arrest on a domestic battery charge a week prior, but it did not stop his “pattern of violence” toward his girlfriend.

The suspect admitted attacking his girlfriend but told deputies he “saw red” and couldn’t remember what happened after “blacking out,” the Herald reported, citing the affidavit. Danisment was charged with aggravated domestic battery and booked into the Pinellas County Jail, where he remained on Tuesday, pending a $20,000 bond, the paper said, citing online records.

Hang on, a minute. If this loser brutally beat and stomped on the head of his pregnant girlfriend because he was “seeing red” and later “blacked out,” how did the good Samaritan stop him in his tracks by simply showing him his firearm? Why, you don’t suppose the guy lied to the police, do you, and was too stupid to realize the ridiculousness of his excuse?

So there you go, gun grabbers. No weapon was fired. Yet, the mere sight of a good Samaritan witness pulling a gun on a crazed lunatic with a previous arrest warrant for attacking his pregnant girlfriend was all it took to stop this guy from potentially killing the young woman and his own unborn child.

Any questions, Democrats? I’ll wait.

The Bottom Line

Gun control vs. the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners, on-demand abortion, climate change and green energy, along with “transgender” rights, sit at the top of the Democrat agenda. Anything that flies in the face of the left’s narrative on these issues must be ridiculed, lied about, and/or censored.

That should tell any reasonable person that the Democrat Pary is most afraid of the truth.