Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Endless Summer

For conservatives, the early to mid 1960s may represent the last time America was the way it should be and therefore could be—Again.

Do you remember the 1966 classic film, “The Endless Summer”? 

It was an amazing surfing documentary about the search for the perfect wave. Like the Beach Boys themselves, that free-spirited American way of life was based on an understanding of consciousness, following your own inner spirit, and the pursuit of happiness. 

I have been asked many times what does the term “Again” mean in the MAGA tagline? Of course, it harkens back to our founding and the foundational idea of America and its independence and covenant as a constitutional democratic republic, rooted in Judeo-Christian values. But there’s more to it than that.

Given Trump’s age,  experiences, and his own patriotic love of country, I’d suggest explaining it indirectly by using another, more recent example.

Perhaps, “Again” alludes to a deep affection for the early to mid 1960s as an age of American innocence, grandeur, peace and prosperity, and supreme but humble importance, when all was right. It is something those who lived through it know we need to adore and try to restore where, and if, possible. It is not reactionary or phobic in any way. Nor is it a crass form of nostalgia. It is just a stated desire for the return to what made and kept the nation so great: an endless summer of greatness.

A way to think about the 1960s is to focus on one of its greatest cultural touchstones—a sort of perfect wave, as it were—the Beach Boys. They might even have been the best example of the greatness of that era. 

As it happens, the Beach Boys are doing their 60th  anniversary tour this year, even though two of the original members are deceased and the others, quite antique. I attended one of their concerts recently with a giant philharmonic orchestra accompanying them. It was truly amazing and the sheer quality of the sound was unprecedented. The arrangement of the musical score was thatgood. But on further consideration, the songs themselves present a panoply painting of the American decade in which they were originally written. They tell a story of a lost golden age.

The Beach Boys are one of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful bands of all time, with over 100 million records sold worldwide. Between the 1960s and today, the group had over 80 songs chart worldwide, 36 of them in the U.S. Top 40 (the most by any American rock band), and four topping the Billboard Hot 100. Their influence on other artists spans musical genres and movements. Countless artists have cited their albums as their inspiration for creating their own musical masterpieces. Rolling Stone ranked Pet Sounds number 2 on its list of the “500 Greatest Albums of All Time,” and the Beach Boys number 12 on its list of the “100 Greatest Artists of All Time.”

Inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1988 and recipients of the Recording Academy’s Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award, the Beach Boys are a beloved American institution that remain iconic around the world. There is no comparison.

Now the memories of the Beach Boys for those of us who grew up and came of age in that generation are truly unforgettable. I will forever have fond recollections of wildly driving to the Jersey Shore from suburban Philly in my parents’ 4-speed Volkswagen hatchback with the surf boards strapped to the top. What was playing as loudly as humanly possible, as we all sang along, were the sounds of the Beach Boys. Along with the British invasion, especially the Beatles, they were the top acts in all of popular music for more than a decade. And that was the East Coast. On the West Coast, they represented an entire weltanschauung, an American way of life, of being itself.

The simpler, purer 1960s, until 1968—when the revolt hit and the Left forced the debacle of Vietnam to destroy the country, in a war we surely could have won—were shaped by the lyrics and melodies of the Beach Boys. And what were those larger-than-life, everyday themes? They were not overly political, nihilistic, or pornographic. You could listen to the words and replay the harmonious melodies over and over again—for all of time.

Cars, Girls, and Surfing

In many ways, America should be seen as a love affair with cars. There are a number of reasons for this reality, having to do with the flight to freedom, acts of mobility, and a pioneering spirit of discovery. The Beach Boys were part of the larger Southern California culture. It was reinforced with that romance of all things automotive, from drag racing to mega horsepower. Think of hits like “Little Duce Coup,” “I Get Around,” “409,” “Ole Betsy,” “Fun Fun Fun,” and “Chug-a Lug.”

When it comes to romance and searching for that perfect girl, the Beach Boys held sway. Their greatest hits included the likes of, “California Girls,” “God Only Knows,” “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” “Help Me Rhonda,” “Barbara Ann,” “Don’t Worry Baby,” and many others. 

But surfing effectively made the group aptly named for the beach. The sea represented a longing for that big wave and absolute ecstasy. On that theme, the song list included, “Surfin’ U.S.A.,” “Good Vibrations,” “Surfer Girl,” and so on.

You can listen to any and all of The Beach Boys many songs here

According to all the liberal textbooks and histories, the 1960s in American culture was a time of “empowerment to battle social injustices such as racism and poverty.” But for those who actually experienced it, the 1960s began as an optimistic time of hope with plans to eliminate social inequalities, while ending with a failed Vietnam War and the deaths of prominent political figures. Huge cultural shifts in the 60s involving controversial political and military events brought forth multiple scandals and protests. 

The iconic liberal images of the 60s include JFK’s assassination, the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King’s, ”I Have a Dream” speech, protests and marches for racial justice, and of course, Woodstock  were pivotal, but there is a strong counter argument to leftist narratives. The 60s were also a time of conservative values, the importance of faith and family, and a time when a vibrant youth culture emerged to both uphold and challenge those values in new ways. That part of the story never gets told or is ignored completely. Media bias and academic bigotry never want the conservative side to be known or retold.

The conventional interpretation of the 1960s emphasizes how liberal, even radical, the decade was. It was, after all, the age of mass protests against the war and social movements on behalf of civil rights and women’s rights. It was also an era when the counterculture challenged many of the values and beliefs held by morally traditional Americans. But a newer and more complete interpretation stresses how truly polarized the 1960s were. It portrays how radicals, liberals, and conservatives repeatedly clashed in ideological combat for the hearts and minds of Americans. Millions in the center and on the Right contested the counterculture, defended the Vietnam War, and opposed expanded rights and drug use. Like the Beach Boys, they just wanted to be left alone to enjoy life.

With the emergence of the New Left and the modern conservative movement, ideological lenses were sharpened. The Left did not win, however. In fact the war goes on.

In assessing the enduring importance of the 1960s on contemporary American politics and society one should also consider the role of popular music. We should highlight the polarization of the decade by focusing on the political, social, and cultural debates that divided the nation then and continue to do so now. 

For conservatives, the early to mid 1960s may represent the last time America was the way it should be and therefore could be—Again.

On the Fringe and SGT Report- August 13


Today, a month from now, yours truly is going to be hitting the legal drinking age! 😁

Here's tonight's news:

It’s the Uncertainty, Stupid

Joe Biden is governing as an elite know-it-all who 
cares little for the concerns of the people he governs.

SCRANTON, Pa.—Ask a restaurant owner how difficult the COVID-19 era has been, and the list of struggles is lengthy—loss of customers, supply chain problems, doubling and sometimes tripling of food costs, utility costs, and the inability to find or keep workers. Many business owners will tell you their revenue has returned to pre-COVID-19 numbers, but that the cost to get there has eroded their profits. They are often making do without the manpower they really need, meaning they are personally working unsustainable hours.

Many are opting to close. During a recent visit here, I found that several places I have frequented over the past few years have closed forever. One, Roberto’s Restaurant and Pizzeria, reopened this April under new ownership committed to preserving the magic that Gene and Maria Verdetti had brought every day to this town for 38 years.

But it isn’t just small business owners that are feeling or experiencing this strain. The problem is everywhere, crossing all races, genders, generations, and political ideologies. It gets right to what is happening in this country regarding how we view the Biden Administration. It doesn’t just not feel our pain—it jumps through hoops to tell us we aren’t feeling that pain at all.

When inflation started to rear its ugly head last year, Joe Biden was quick to tell everyone not to believe their lying eyes. It’s temporary, he said.

When gas prices started to rise over a year ago, Biden was quick to cast blame upon anyone and everyone else, including “gas supply companies,” Vladimir Putin, gas station operators, etc. What he was not quick to say was that he felt your pain.

For his evasions, Biden was rewarded with scores of stories in the New York TimesAxiosBloomberg and countless others echoing his blame-shifting claims, all written by people who all live far from the people and small business owners who were struggling from the impact of both. The inflation, they all insisted in unison, was transitory. 

At every turn, Biden has failed to look voters in the eye and tell them he feels their pain. He spends most of the time either blaming someone else or denying that the pain exists at all. It’s all in your head.

On Thursday, hours after a new government report showed that the economy had shrunk for a second straight quarter, Biden rejected the very idea that the country was in a recession. “That doesn’t sound like recession to me,” he said. He then abruptly walked away from the podium and ignored the scores of questions tossed at him by the White House press.

It may not sound like a recession to you. But have you asked anyone outside of experts, advisers, and your staff what it feels like to the American people?

People are feeling pain and a building fear, even if the media and Biden’s administration are clueless about it. This is an important point if you go out there and actually listen to people. Even those well-off enough to avoid the pain so far recognize the frustration and feel the fear. They see that even if it hasn’t hit them yet, it won’t be long until it does.

It doesn’t matter how many explainers you put out there if they’re afraid. That’s enough.

Economists and academics can debate the definition of what inflation is or what a recession is, but the messaging from the White House is the epitome of denial. The question is how you communicate with people and show empathy. Biden’s inability to do this is puzzling.

In American politics, one of the most important things you must do is validate people. You need to meet people where they are and acknowledge their concerns, even if you privately think that they are unfounded. When former President Bill Clinton said, “I feel your pain,” he didn’t say, “You guys don’t understand what’s going on.” That’s why it worked. 

Biden has instead embraced the same dismissive attitude that elites often cast toward voters. Otherwise, he would have known better than to let his cabinet go out there and tell people to buy an electric car because gas prices are too high. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be telling people there is no recession when they are clearly feeling or fearing its effects on them.

There is a reason why every new poll that comes out on Biden’s approval ratings seems to show him at a new low. There is a reason 75 percent of Democratic voters want the party to nominate someone other than him in the 2024 election. Biden is governing as an elite know-it-all who cares little for the concerns of the people he governs. 

CBO Reveals How Bad the Manchin-Schumer Bill Is While Parliamentarian Stomps on Dems' Dreams

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Turns out there was a reason that the Democrats were trying to rush through the Manchin-Schumer deal before the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) fully scored what the impact of the bill was going to be.

The Senate has already approved the bill and the House is expected to vote on it on Friday. About 35 percent of the House will be voting remotely.

The CBO said on Thursday that it needs more time to fully score the current Senate-passed version of the bill but it’s been scheduled for a House vote anyway.

“Given the scope of the amendments to title I, Committee on Finance, CBO expects that it will be a few weeks before we can fully analyze and estimate those budgetary effects, at which point we will provide a complete cost estimate for the legislation,” CBO Director Phillip Swagel wrote on Thursday in a letter to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee.

But the CBO is busting the lie about not raising taxes one penny on people making less than $400,000. The GOP proposed an amendment regarding people making less than $400,000 that said they would be protected from the impact of the bill.

The CBO said that they had “not completed a point estimate of this amendment but the preliminary assessment indicates that amendment 5404 would reduce the ‘non-scorable’ revenues resulting from the provisions of section 10301 by at least $20 billion over the FY2022-FY2031 period.”

In other words, the CBO is saying the Biden/Manchin/Schumer monstrosity bill anticipates grabbing $20 billion from lower and middle-class people. So much for the claim that this is just going after the billionaires. It’s never just “billionaires,” just like it’s never lupus on the television show, “House.” It’s always a lie that it’s going to be limited. So this is the official confirmation the Biden team is lying. The Democrats refused to pass the amendment to protect lower and middle-class Americans.

Now 360 economists are saying it will do what they claim.

Despite Manchin claiming that he cared about preserving the energy industry, he had a horrible provision as part of the bill.

But the stealth killer was its grant of authority that would have unleashed regulators on the fossil-fuel industry, especially coal. The Clean Air Act doesn’t say agencies can regulate greenhouse-gas emissions as pollutants, and the issue has been fought over in court. Mr. Manchin’s deal included a provision that explicitly authorized the Environmental Protection Agency to do so under numerous provisions of the law.

This could have nullified coal producers’ ability to challenge regulation under the recent Supreme Court ruling in West Virginia v. EPA that said Congress must clearly authorize agency actions that have major economic significance. In a rejoinder to the coal producers, Mr. Manchin claimed the bill did “not provide any new authority for EPA to shut down coal plants.”

This provision could have allowed all sorts of regulations that would have harmed the energy industry and flown in the face of the Supreme Court decision.

His fellow Senator, Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV), proposed an amendment to get rid of it, and Democrats including Manchin shot it down. But then Capito appealed to the Parliamentarian that this didn’t comply with budget reconciliation rules which prohibit measures whose budgetary effects are “merely incidental” to the policy impact. The Senate Parliamentarian agreed and struck the provision. But Manchin and all the Democrats would have given the EPA all that unbridled authority over the industry. So either he isn’t a moderate or he just got played big time by Schumer on that one.

Not only did Manchin get played in all this but, as we reported, he has also had a net decline in favorability of 29 percent since he came up with this deal. Not only is that fully justified, but it also shows how unpopular this bill truly is when he drops that precipitously.

New Poll Shows Voters Think Republicans Would Handle Major Issues More Effectively than Democrats

Levon Satamian reporting for RedState 

There is a new poll out, showing that registered voters believe Republicans will handle the major issues facing America better than the Democrats are handling them. This is an encouraging poll for the GOP, but they can’t take their foot off the gas until they win back the majority in the House and Senate.

As I reported earlier this week, some GOP Senators are trying to temper the expectations for the Senate races. But that might also be their way of encouraging more people to vote. If the GOP base gets out in droves and votes in November, they will win the majority in the House and Senate. The Senate will be tougher because there are 21 Republican seats up for reelection and just 14 Democratic seats, but the House seems to be going GOP’s way.

The poll by Fox News showed that registered voters believe Republicans will handle border security, inflation and high prices, crime, and gun policy better than Democrats.

Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, who conducts the Fox surveys with Republican Daron Shaw, says:

“Between passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, killing al Qaeda’s leader, less pain at the pump, and the Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices taking away abortion rights, the political landscape is less horrible for Democrats … There are successes Democrats can point to that didn’t exist in the spring, but the biggest single change I see in this poll is the increased disapproval of the Supreme Court and suspect that is a significant factor.”

Daron Shaw says:

“In recent congressional elections, an even ballot test has meant the Republicans are extremely likely to win a majority of seats … This is because of two things. One, Democrats are more geographically concentrated in a smaller set of districts and two, Republicans have drawn more districts to their advantage. This effect should remain in 2022, although it may be diminished after the latest round of redistricting.”

51 percent of Republicans prioritize inflation, compared to 25 percent of Democrats. Democrats prioritize abortion, climate change, and voting rights at the top. Republicans also prioritize border security and abortion.

The majority of people surveyed say it is important to investigate Hunter Biden and January 6.

Fox News Poll - Jan 6 Poll


This is an encouraging poll for the GOP, but there is still a lot of work to do to win the Senate majority. If the GOP voters come out in droves, they will win the majority. If some sit out, then it ensures a win for the Democrats.

Key Democrat's Threat Makes Perfect Case for Why Republicans Must Retake the House in November

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

If there were ever a clearer red-flag warning why the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives must be unceremoniously kicked to the curb in the November midterm elections, I cannot recall it. But I am surprised that a key Democrat just purposely issued a beauty — for multiple reasons.

Democratic Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, suggested that the House would increase tax rates if his party remains in power following the upcoming midterm elections this fall, according to a congressional reporter.

“I do think there’s a chance here to address some fundamental tax reform issues,” Neal said.

Incidentally, ever notice how Democrats use buzzwords and phrases like ” tax reform,” “invest,” “fair share,” and other nicey-nicey sounding ideas, solely for the purpose of exploiting and pandering to the left, when in reality, they mean “tax increases,” “spending more taxpayer money and/or increasing the national debt,” and “sticking to the rich”? And rank-and-file Democrat voters eat it up, every time.

The late great comedian George Carlin said it best: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” The Democrat Party has known — and exploited — that reality for more than six decades.

According to Eric Wasson, a congressional reporter for Bloomberg News, Neal said the Democrats will attempt to raise both corporate and individual tax rates in 2023.

Can you spell “in-kind contribution to the Republican Party,” less than three months before the midterms?

Let the questions begin:

Given the negative reaction to the Democrats’ ridiculously-named Inflation Reduction Act, which more than 230 economists have warned will actually increase inflation, particularly in the short run, when Americans hurt by Biden’s disastrous policies are hardest hit, why would a powerful Democrat lawmaker pledge — threaten — to increase taxes even more if his party maintains control of the House?

Who, exactly, does Rep. Neal think is going to be thrilled by his revelation — aside from low-information voters and socialist fools who believe the evil rich can never be taxed enough?

Who on the left believes that the “fair share” that Democrats incessantly whine about the wealthy not paying can ever be “fair” enough?

Why are Democrat lawmakers incapable of understanding that for-profit corporations ultimately pass 100 percent of their costs — including corporate taxes — down the line, ultimately to end users of their products or services? The dirty little non-secret secret? They know full well what I just said is correct; they simply rely on their uninformed base and left-wing looney tunes remaining clueless about the reality.

Finally, and even worse, in some respects, was Neal playing the tax-increase card an arrogant threat to Republicans, or an arrogant promise to the Democrat base?

It has to be the latter, unless Rep. Richard Neal, along with the rest of his party, is even more tone-deaf than facts have long suggested. How shocking would that be? Zero.

Now they’re claiming Trump had nuclear secrets 🙄

Sure, Jan.

The Washington Post, that vaunted paper that unquestioningly peddled the Russian Collusion hoax, reported last night that “sources familiar with the investigation” claim the classified documents the FBI was looking for when they raided former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home were related to nuclear secrets.

Pardon me while I roll my eyes so hard that I end up looking at my brain.

If Trump walked out of the White House carrying classified nuclear secrets, why is it they didn’t get around to retrieving them for over 18 months?

You know what? Who cares?

Even entertaining the claim is stupid.

This is the Washington Post we’re talking about. Has there ever been an instance when the WaPo’s “sources” haven’t been either flat-out lying or wildly exaggerating?

Given the Post’s track record, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the so-called classified nuclear secrets amounted to something like this:

Now they’re claiming Trump had nuclear secrets 🙄

Here’s what I think happened.

The FBI and the Justice Department, being idiots, hadn’t expected there to be such massive blowback for them serving a search warrant on the former president over something as innocuous as not abiding by the Presidential Records Act.

Caught flat-footed by something that wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone with two working brain cells, Attorney General Merrick Garland rushed to the microphones yesterday and pretended to be indignant that anyone would dare to question the integrity of the DOJ.

That’s like Don Draper feigning righteous indignation after being accused of cheating on his wife.

The DOJ must have concluded that Garland’s defensive press statement did more harm than good, so someone there decided the solution was to call the Washington Post and “leak” that the search was related to classified nuclear secrets, knowing full well that the media would pick up the story and run with it unquestioningly.

And that is precisely what happened because that is always what happens when the DOJ or FBI selectively “leak” to the Washington Post or the New York Times.

Come to think of it, that’s precisely why the DOJ and FBI leak to the press in the first place.

As Jesse Kelly put it last night on Twitter:

“Took them more than two days to come up with a scary enough sounding justification for why they did what they did. These people are very nervous now. They really went too far this time and they know it.”

I couldn’t agree more.

And isn’t it convenient that the documents they claim justified this unprecedented search are so classified they’ll never be able to reveal them to the public to prove the search was justified?

As I said the other day, the FBI and DOJ already have a credibility problem.

Yesterday’s desperate spinning has done nothing to change that.

Instead, it only made matter worse.

It’s hard to improve the credibility of the DOJ when you go from “How dare you impugn the reputation of my department” to having someone in your department leak to the press only hours later.

Especially when the leaked claim beggars belief.

Motive Clear, DOJ Search Warrant Was to Seize Every Single Document During Entirety of President Trump Term in Office, Regardless of Classification

A lot of people are discussing the recently released search warrant authorized by a sketchy judge in Florida.  For the best legal analysis, I would direct people to our friend Techno Fog via substack: SEE HERE – Techno is, and has been, totally dialed in on a granular level throughout the Trump term in office.

I would emphasize one major point and draw attention to something in the background that almost no-one noticed years ago.

First, the search warrant was not specific, was not detailed, was not drawn out to avoid targeting ancillary items unrelated to the DOJ mission at heart.  The warrant itself was structured to seize every scintilla of documentary evidence, seen, created, or produced during President Trump’s term in office.  Literally every shred of paper. [WARRANT LINK]

This issue stands out for a host of reasons.  One of them speaks to the mindset of a judge who would authorize the raid itself.  What judge would authorize a raid on the home of the president with the parameters to seize “Any government and/or presidential record created between January 20, 2017 and January 20, 2021?”

That’s literally everything, including Christmas cards, notes, letters of appreciation from Americans, internal correspondence, the works.  Every shred of documentary evidence associated with the office of the President from the day he stepped into office until the day he left.  That’s the parameters for the seizure.

If that doesn’t showcase the targeting effort, nothing will.  That is an absurd demand that no president in the history of this nation has ever faced.  No DOJ official in any capacity past or present would ever consider that an appropriate parameter for a document seizure, until now.  THAT showcases the intensity of the DOJ and FBI effort to target Donald J Trump.

Against that backdrop I would also draw attention to something almost everyone forgot or didn’t know.

The same DOJ voices that are behind this current effort are the same voices that literally, and unlawfully, took every single document from the President Trump transition team in 2017.

Most people have forgotten, but in a massive breach of established protocol and legal structure, the Robert Mueller special counsel illegally took custody of the Trump transition documents from every official who was then entering office.   The issue was only discovered mid-December of 2017 [pdf link]:

From the letter:

Not only did the General Services Administration give the Mueller special counsel all of the Trump transition team information, but the special counsel lied about asking for it and receiving it.

What we see today in the search warrant from the Mar-a-Lago raid is an extension of this exact same DOJ effort.  It is one long continuum.

There is no greater example of political targeting than what we are witnessing right now.

(Techno) […] Garland also proclaimed yesterday that “the Department of Justice would speak through its court filings and its work.” Nobody believes that. Certainly Garland doesn’t. But he lies to the public anyway. It’s the height of cynicism.

No doubt the DOJ is speaking to its friends in the media on background or off the record. We couldn’t notice that yesterday, after Garland’s statement, it was leaked to the Washington Post that “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence.” (more)

Left Wishes American Citizens Would Just Disappear

 reverse discrimination in los angeles

The multi-language welcome sign at the famous Grand Park of Los Angeles, California. 


Article by Michael Reagan with Michael R. Shannon in NewsMax

Left Wishes American Citizens Would Just Disappear


A contemporary  version of "The Great Replacement Theory" holds that since the left has not been able to implement its policies with a demographic distribution dominated by white voters, the solution is not to change its policies.

The solution is to change the demographics by importing millions of foreigners. Many of whom are from socialist countries or are so poorly educated that they will be dependent on the government in perpetuity.

Hence, "The Great Replacement."

This is why leftists always celebrate when the census reports on the diminishing number of white citizens. "The Great Replacement" is one of those inconvenient facts of leftist life that it's forbidden to mention in public.

When an intrepid conservative does, he’s instantly hit with what American speechwriter and conservative essayist Michael Anton calls, "The Law of Salutary Contradiction."

As Anton writes, "[the] formulation is: 'That’s not happening and it’s good that it is.' It’s what the ruling class immediately switches to after what they insisted would 'never' happen is happening before everyone’s eyes.

"Is the Biden administration inviting in illegal immigrants, then putting them on military planes and shipping them to the heartland? Absolutely not  . . .  and these future Nobel Prize winners deserve their shot at the American Dream."

The big Replacement celebration is scheduled to begin sometime in 2045 when the Census Bureau predicts the nation will become minority white.

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has decided that’s not soon enough and they’ve decided to move up the timeline.

Breitbart News reports, "Last week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to allow non-citizens to work in government positions provided the position does not conflict with state or federal law."

Board Chair Hilda Solis announced, "Los Angeles County is a community of immigrants from each corner of the world," said Solis in a statement. "And while our County-government workforce reflects the community it represents, there is room for improvement.

"This motion seeks to make clear that the County, as one of the largest employers in the region, strives to be an inclusive and diverse workforce, and is committed to not excluding nor allowing citizenship to be a barrier to employment."

Or as Breitbart commented, "Democrats will use any excuse to put illegal aliens ahead of American Citizens."

Even if you reached the United States by first breaking the law and probably stole an identity to stay here, that won’t be held against you in Los Angeles County.

One department of county government that isn’t welcoming illegals is the Sheriff’s Department, which may indicate that either the cartels haven’t been making enough political contributions or cartel members don’t as yet have enough relatives in county government.

It goes without saying that in no other country on earth can an illegal non-citizen apply for a job with the government and expect to still be in the country the next day.

And in no other country on earth are voters so passive as to allow it.

Solis pointed out that approximately 880,000 non-citizens live in the county. That’s a useful number if our nation ever elects another president concerned about the border and the rule of law.

When the deportations start, 880,000 should be about the quota for Los Angeles. 


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